This Deck is a Control deck that features card advantage and OODLES of disruption. Yes i said oodles. This deck's superstar card is Rakdos Return and Thoughtseize. The 4 ramp cards can leave the opponents hand emptied on turn 4. There are 15 removal spells, anger of the gods will clear the board 90 percent of the time on turn 5.
Now beat Face with mutavault,Pack rat and rakdos keyrune. There is 1 bomb card in Master of Cruelties, its got that nice feature of 1 hit opponent and down to 1 life. oh and i forgot the sneaky little card shrieking affliction 3 life a turn drains he life really quick or they must slow down their play.
Special thanks to all the other disrution decks which i got my inspiration from
The Disruption
Thoughtseize Answers? what answers??
rakdos return on turn 4 discard 3???? yes please
The Removal
Anger of the Gods one of the best removals in standard
Dreadbore Multifaceted removal
Hero's Downfall Instant mutifaceted removal
Devour Flesh hexproof and protection is not a problem
The End Game
Shrieking Affliction 3 life every turn, 2 please!
Pack Rat Ends games
Mutavault evryones most favorite/hated land
Rakdos Keyrune 3/1 first strike for RB.Rinse then repeat
Master of Cruelties Fiststrike/deathstrike. My Board