Angel Health Deck

Unknown* ot2o


Kirtanian says... #1

It is generally good to stick with 60 cards since it will make your deck more consistent and help you make your land drops as well. One important thing to remember is that lifegain is nice but it doesn't win games. Thinking this way I would probably drop Sacred Nectar and/or Angel's Mercy to help get down to 60 cards.

If you really want to stick with the angel/lifegain theme I can tell you a couple cards that might be of interest.

Herald of War could be good for something like this. Ajani's Pridemate can grow quickly. Brave the Elements is good and can be used offensively or defensively.

March 12, 2013 6:23 a.m.

ot2o says... #2

I really appreciate the tips. I have thought about removing or reducing the number of Sacred Nectar & Angel's Mercy I have but it is just hard to make the decision. I will try it out and see if it helps.

March 12, 2013 6:39 a.m.

ot2o says... #3

What do you think about adding more Intrepid Hero? Large creatures tend to be the bane of my existence. Then I feel like my life will steadily rise as long as I am not taking big hits. Then I won't mind taking out Sacred Nectar & Angel's Mercy.

Do I have to many large angels? Is there a good ratio of each size creature to have?

March 12, 2013 6:43 a.m.

Kirtanian says... #4

What type of games do you usually play? Do you usually play just casual magic against a single player or do you have a group that plays in a multiplayer free-for-all type game? Just wondering what is your primary game type because it will make a difference in how you want to build.

If you look at the bar graph to the right of the decklist it will show you what your "mana curve" look like. As you can see you have mostly 1 cost and the graph slowly slopes down. This is generally what you are looking for although many decks tend to start peak in the 3 - 4 cost range depending on what their goals are.

Cards like Scroll of Avacyn that have a purpose and lifegain as a bonus are better than the cards that just provide lifegain.

Angelic Skirmisher could find a home here. Also, I would probably run Elixir of Immortality over Archangel's Light.

March 12, 2013 6:54 a.m.

i think what you want to cosider is not nessecerily sticking with just 1 colour as there is a lot green can help you with. that a quick example. also have you thought of maybe looking for a serra avatar. and yes adding more intrepid hero's would b a good idea.

March 12, 2013 7:02 a.m.

ot2o says... #6

I normally just play casual games in the dining room with my college friends. I am going to start playing tournament games at the local comic shop just for fun but I am a pretty competitive person.

Yeah I have never actually gotten to use my Archangel's Light I can see how that would be a good trade. perhaps it should be in my side board?

Some cards I ordered that I am planning to work in are:Chalice of Life  FlipEverflowing ChalicePristine TalismanStorm HerdSerra AvatarSoul's AttendantSuture Priest

What do you think of these additions?

March 12, 2013 7:07 a.m.

Kirtanian says... #7

It is true that many decks gain power from adding a second color. Each color has it's own strengths that can be used to bolster your decks weaknesses. One huge advantage in green is the ability to "mana ramp," using cards like Cultivate to help get lands into play faster and get your big creatures out faster than your opponent does.

Adding a second color does come with some challenges too. You have to make sure you have the right amount of each color available to you when you need it. This takes a little bit of finesse and lots of playtesting to accomplish but is rewarding.

March 12, 2013 7:10 a.m.

Kirtanian says... #8

I'm not sure how new you are so if I am being too basic let me know.

March 12, 2013 7:11 a.m.

i feel retarded as i have forgotten how to embed cards :Palso i like this chalice of life, it is very powerful IF you can gain the life to transform it. so long as the deck works you should have no problem though and it should win you the game. Souls attendant could be a little slow for the deck, however I could be (and probably am) wrong. Pristine Talisman would be a very good addition as it is both mana ramp and lifegain. Storm herd... expensive, yet game-breakingly powerful. if you can pull it off, do it. Serra Avatar is a good choice. Suture Priest is just a slower souls attendant so i wouldn't recommend it.

March 12, 2013 7:16 a.m.

Oh and I just noticed, you should play a couple more plains.

March 12, 2013 7:26 a.m.

Kirtanian says... #11

you can tag cards by putting double brackets on either side like this[ [ suture priest [ ] but without spaces between the brackets.

This deck could probably go one of two ways. You could try to use the lifegain to accomplish something in particular or you can use it to stall while you find a way to get big creatures out. One uses Chalice of Life  Flip, Ajani's Pridemate and Serra Avatar which are all specifically dependent on you gaining life to be powerful.

The other side uses the angels that you already have out to win the game and just uses lifegain as a way to keep alive while you gain the necessary resources (i.e. lands) to cast the angels.

March 12, 2013 7:36 a.m.

ot2o says... #12

How many lands would you suggest I have?

March 12, 2013 3:07 p.m.

ot2o says... #13

I made some changes, what do you think? I need to cut a couple cards to get down to 60, what would you do?

March 12, 2013 6:20 p.m.

Kirtanian says... #14

I definitely think this is going to run better than it did the way it was built yesterday. I think you will probably be fine with 62 cards as well.

At this point it would probably be best to get a few games in and see how well it performs. Then you can come back here and post how things are going and we can help you edit further.

March 12, 2013 6:30 p.m.

ot2o says... #15

So, I just played a 2 hour long game against my roommate's elf deck.. It was a nightmare.. I had him pinned against a wall doing 60 damage a turn, and he was healing for 36 a turn.. He cleared the board and I saved one Ajani's Pridemate with my Restoration Angel. Ended up winning because he ran out of cards and couldn't kill me. He had 600 health when he ran out of cards and I had 120.

Overall it beat him for the first time and it drew well, but the game was longer than I wanted and if he hadn't ran out of cards I would have lost.

March 12, 2013 9:23 p.m.

mowservision says... #16

Life gain with just angels is a bit much. Either focus on life gain or an angel tribal deck. I've built and deconstructed lots of both so I'll be happy to answer any questions.But I love angels :D

March 13, 2013 4:20 a.m.

ot2o says... #17

Why would you say it is a bit much? Could you elaborate on why the separate decks would be better?

I love angels too! :D haha

March 13, 2013 2:12 p.m.

he means he thinks you are trying to do too much with one deck, a powerful lifegain deck may be one that revolves around flipping chalice of life/death whereas a good angels deck is commonly a mid-range tempo deck. by trying to do both he is afraid you will be doing it too weakly to be an effective life gain deck or a Angel tempo deck.

March 14, 2013 4:20 a.m.

mowservision says... #19

Yeah cheesusalnighty is absolutely right. The theme for each deck has to be feasible with just 60 cards. (There is no max limit to a deck size but going for 60 is a good practice) I've built and deconstructed a few fun decks of both types so I'll gladly answer any questions.

March 14, 2013 7:32 a.m.

Now I feel you are just throwing rares at the deck trying to make it work. Don't forget that some decks can easily just prey on you for this. Just because a card is awesome doesn't always mean it should be played. For example Door to Nothingness makes target opponent lose the game, but very few decks can run it due to its (W)(W)(U)(U)(B)(B)(R)(R)(G)(G) mana cost. Your mana Curve is really stressed too, not being able to do anything until about turns 3-4 at best, and even then you are still only bringing out your first creature against someone who could have 10 creatures on the feild and turned sideways. If I were running this deck (and although im not this is just advice) i would recommend looking into adding some cheaper spells and removing those who's mana cost is so ridiculously large they are unplayable in a normal match up. Some good examples are of course the Cathedral Sanctifier, Lone Missionary, Angelic Wall would be a really powerful option for you, maybe even just a couple lifelink creatures such as Ajani's Sunstriker or Seraph of Dawn.

March 14, 2013 8:10 a.m.

ot2o says... #21

Thank you for the suggestions. I made a few more changes.

March 14, 2013 8:22 a.m.

Negrodamus56 says... #22

Maybe you should run Land Tax and/or Weathered Wayfarer.

March 14, 2013 11:21 a.m.

Kogarashi says... #23

I've found that for mana-accel, a playset of Cloudpost can be useful. They're a great way to get all the colorless mana needed for the bigger creatures, and in a mono-white deck it should be easier to get the 2-3 plains necessary for the white part of mana costs. Perhaps cut back a bit on your Emeria, The Sky Ruin set to include those? Combined with the Herald of War, this could help speed up getting out your large creatures, especially those that are neither Human nor Angel.

Your creatures look decent so far, though you could probably do with some better early defenses. I would replace the White Knights with something same-cost with lifelink, like Ajani's Sunstriker to stick with the lifegain theme (and to make Ajani's Pridemate bigger). Intrepid Hero seems a bit pricey for a 1/1 creature that can't take out most creatures in a weenie deck, so I'd probably replace two of those with something equivalent or only slightly cheaper. I'm a big fan of Seraph of Dawn myself, and again, it ties in with the lifegain theme.

Lastly, the Chalice of Life  Flip would be easy to flip in a lifegain deck, but the life-loss seems counter to the theme. Keep it if you want, but I'd almost go for something more like a Loxodon Warhammer or, if you're looking for more mana, Gilded Lotus (since it can produce white mana for you). That will even cover the three white needed for Avacyn. If you luck out, you could drop her on turn four (two Cloudpost, one plains, Gilded Lotus).

Looks like a good start overall, though!

March 14, 2013 12:38 p.m.

ot2o says... #24

I think this is the one! The synergy I have been looking for. I just need something to buff my 1/1 humans and this deck is complete.

Suggestions please!

March 15, 2013 11:34 a.m.

Kirtanian says... #25

Cradle of Vitality, Honor of the Pure, Angel of Jubilation, Crovax, Ascendant Hero are all ways you could buff them. There are others. If you don't see what you are looking for here I'll give you some more suggestions.

March 15, 2013 12:55 p.m.

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