Hey all!
I'm relatively new to magic (1 year or so). I've always wanted to make an angel deck and decided it was about time to give it a shot! Here is my first version, meant to be played casually and at FNM. Note: while I've made some decks before, this is my first time using cards I don't own in an admittedly small collection (but could soon!).
This deck is meant to provide an overwhelming presence late-game via cards like Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Akroma, Angel of Wrath, and Brisela, Voice of Nightmares, with resiliency to removal via Emeria, The Sky Ruin. Through the early- and mid-game, Wall of Omens and Knight of the White Orchid fend off opponents.
Mana ramp early game is accomplished via Knight of the White Orchid + Path to Exile
, while mid-game mana ramp is implemented with Endless Horizons + Extraplanar Lens
FEEDBACK WANTED: What changes would you make to improve this deck? Should cards be removed to improve consistency? How should I deal with bad match-ups (i.e. help with a definitive sideboard)? Is there anything I'm overlooking? What are your thoughts, what would you do, and why would you do it?
I'm really proud of my first venture into research and drafting, and look forward to reading how I can make it even better. Thanks in advance for your help. :)
If you're interested in mono-white knights, check out my other work-in-progress, White Knights Unite (Without White Knight)!