


One cold Innistrad night. The Guardian Angel of this dark plane of existence; Avacyn, was in an archive reading a book. It was a book from a far away place. Was this place even on Innistrad? who knows. as she was skimming through the pages engrossed in this story of a powerful tyrant who sought to create a pure superior group of elves. (I'm sure someone can guess which plane has the Nazi elves). Avacyn, changed by the realisation of what this book contained, decided to consult the only planeswalker she knew of on the plane. who rambled on about how she could gather an army of angels and the like from the Multiverse and create her angelic crusade against her enemies.

And so with the advice of Elspeth's rambling, Avacyn with her assistance, traveled the multiverse going from the nexus of the Multiverse; Dominaria, where Akroma, Angel of Wrath was willing to come to her aid. Lyra Dawnbringer wanted to start a religious crusade so I guess she came along too, deus vult for all. This crew of angels fired up the SS Avacyn and travelled to the plane of Zendikar; to find the Angel Iona, Shield of Emeria , recruiting her power to prevent the impure people who were probably bullied in school; the dreaded BLUE players, from doing anything that would throw this crusade off course. I guess Linvala, Keeper of Silence just didn't want to be forgotten so she just tagged along, I guess... that and she is just too annoying not to pass up.

With this army at her disposal, Avacyn intends to create a Multiverse where the Angels are the superior entities and the other races are nothing more than followers in an empire that will last 1000 yea- OK, Maybe Avacyn took this a bit too far. If anything, blame Serra for not giving clear instructions on what defines as an enemy. Can anything stop the Avacyn Battlecruiser? (expect for a little bit of Bribery on Iona's part. She's probably the most susceptible to bribery. maybe call the CCC on her?)


There is no absurd combos, this isn't blue. So I guess the main thing to do is have some tribal fun beating down opponents with a million angels while they can do nothing to stop them. Think that scene from "The Birds" where the woman is in the phone booth and the birds are smashing away at it. That's pretty much a visual representation of how it should turn out if done correctly.


So your budget isn't as large as others? Well fret not as there are plenty of alternatives to plenty of this stuff, for example- Urza's Incubator can be replaced by Oketra's Monument or if you are going for a moderately priced approach then Herald's Horn should do the trick.

Path to exile can be replaced by the more budget option of Condemn or Banishing Stroke although path would be better if the opponent is running Grenzo, Dungeon Warden but who even runs that? Am I Right?

Akroma's Memorial not really anything actually comes close to this one, i guess if you want tribal synergy that gets out of hand quickly, then try something like Belbe's Portal or an Obelisk of Urd

Linvala, Keeper of Silence Well she pretty much just went along with whatever was going on, so she can be replaced by literally anything. **_

Lyra Dawnbringer : Lyra is surprisingly expensive because of the rise of U/W historic in standard, since it is the first proper angel lord I really can't think of a replacement or substitute. Really sorry but this one is going to be a pain in the ass for at least the first couple of months of Dominaria at the best or a repeat of Baneslayer Angel standard at worst.

Kozilek, Butcher of Truth - I guess if you want a big scary draw engine then nothing comes close to this particular eldrazi. plus as long as it is in your library you cannot be milled out, next best solution would be dependant on what you want him for. I view Kozilek as a value engine for just being a massive bomb that gets around a weakness this deck has, indestructible creatures opponents control. it will make them sacrifice permanents to be rid of a threat, more often then not they want to sacrifice their non land permanents first. Plus the Zendikar merfolk think it is an angel named Kosi as seen on Shrine of the Forsaken Gods .


Now that you have viewed how Angels can become the Architects of Genocide. Hopefully you can enjoy this particular deck. also secondary commander is Lyra Dawnbringer , lyra is the one in the new dominaria set coming out this year which is an angel lord that gives other angels you control +1/+1 and lifelink



92% Casual


Date added 7 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

20 - 0 Mythic Rares

32 - 4 Rares

15 - 2 Uncommons

3 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.81
Tokens Angel 3/3 W, Angel 4/4 W, Angel 4/4 W w/ Vigilance, Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Emblem Serra the Benevolent, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Angel, Testes, cards, Commander, Ideas
Ignored suggestions
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