The Doctor says... #2
I've noticed a lot of new burn RtR is creature based burn, so I think you'll be okay. I've actually never been burned out in a game.
October 13, 2012 2:36 a.m.
Playtested it against deck:gw-rtr-smitage 3 times. Lack of Oblivion Ring and more Farseek Caused you to be a few lands behind, and by turn 6 I had a Trostani, 4 Lingering Souls tokens, and a miracled Entreat the Angels for 4 was too much.
Second game, I was ahead by two lands by turn 5, and dropped an Armada Wurm . Didn't have much in the way of removal, So I pulled that one off as well.
Third game was a lot closer, getting until turn 8, but between Lingering Souls and Gavony Township I kept up too much pressure, and without any sort of board wipe, I soared over your head for lethal.
So, for suggestions;
Too many 1 of's.
3-4 Farseek
Cloudshift is a decent card, but I find it's a dead card for most of the match.
I'd remove the Cloudshift s and the card:Conjurer's Closet For Oblivion Ring .
Mana Bloom is Kind of... Meh. You could replace them with Farseek . You would be better off in my opinion. Def up your Angel of Serenity to at least 2, But I think 3 would be a better number with more ramp. Maybe some Selesnya Charm s. Quick blocker at instant speed, or situational removal.
All in all, there's just too much in the deck, and It should be a bit more streamlined.
October 13, 2012 3:12 a.m.
Codeboy3423 says... #4
I agree with Skythe on which you should take out.. Thare are just too much cards that end up not being helpful and getting mana screwed most of the time.
Honestly if your able to pull off the Fiend Hunter combo for infinite life the winner will already be decided. So no need for Cloudshift
October 13, 2012 7:10 p.m.
Bigburlybill says... #5
The thing is... You are telling me to remove Cloudshift and card:Conjurer's Closet. If I do that then I would remove the aspect of having a flicker deck. With only 1 card, Restoration Angel , I would eliminate the entire theme of the deck. Is there any other suggestions that allows me to keep this theme? I understand that the mana ramp needs work, and I will alter that, but I'm not trying to make a basic midrange-agro deck. I'm trying to achieve a deck that focuses on flicker to protect my creatures and allows their ETB abilities to be abused. With that in mind, do you still suggest removing the Cloudshift s and card:Conjurer's Closet from the deck?
October 14, 2012 1:08 a.m.
The Doctor says... #6
Take a look at my deck, Don't Blink. Blink, and you're dead.
I think I balanced the flicker/power ratio pretty well.
October 14, 2012 1:23 p.m.
If you want a sub-par deck, Go ahead and ignore my suggestions. I'm just looking at it from a Competitive PoV.
October 16, 2012 11 a.m.
jgattignolo says... #8
I like it man I wouldn't run the faithmender in this but thats just me. I just feel like you arent needing to gain double lifelink to win with this deck. I have been thinking about trying to make a lifelink deck surrounding the rhox faithmenders and ajani caller of pride's ultimate where you drop cat tokens to the amount of your life. On top of that having parellel lives out with the endgame being having around twenty life to drop 20 2/2's and parellel lives doubles it and just swing out next turn
October 18, 2012 1:57 a.m.
The Doctor says... #9
I would try working Loxodon Smiter somewhere into this. It's a glorious card.
October 18, 2012 10:37 a.m.
Bigburlybill says... #10
lol the maybeboard is another sideboard that I would use for casual play. I wanted a lifegain/token deck, so with this I can play it in casual, and still have a standard deck for FNM to try and win some prizes.
I like the Loxodon Smiter s, but I currently don't know where to put them. I've already taken out some really good creatures, and what is left is the "cream of the crop" at least. I also own 2x Sigarda, Host of Herons , but am not sure about where to put those in either, if I even do.
I like the ajani, lifegain, parrallel lives combo you're talking about. I'm thinking of making a modern selesnya lifegain, with Doubling Season , Ajani Goldmane , and card:Trostani, Selesnya's Voice. Quadruple your life as soon as Ajani comes out, and then just keep doing it every other turn. By turn three you'll have over 400 life. This couldn't be pulled off until late game though, but by then it's ridiculous.
October 18, 2012 1:06 p.m.
Freetime000 says... #11
Thanks for looking at my deck Selesnya's Tokens Of Life I do have a very similar deck and found Parallel Lives to be a scary card to my opponents. Once i got one out the tokens were unstoppable. If Trostani is in play, well live like a Highlander!
October 24, 2012 3:09 p.m.
4x Entreat the Angels is pretty steep, but I think this deck can pull it off. Hard-casting Entreat is always an option, too. For 7 mana, you still get two 4/4 Flyers. And that's certainly not a terrible use of mana.
October 26, 2012 11:44 a.m.
Bigburlybill says... #13
Yea I was debating on runing 3 or 4. Im leaning more toward 3 at present.
October 26, 2012 1:06 p.m.
You could run 3 and run a Staff of Nin , or something to generate you more card advantage.
October 26, 2012 1:15 p.m.
Bigburlybill says... #15
My idea is to maybe make it 3 Entreat the Angels and add a third Restoration Angel . For sideboard I might run 2 card:Trostani, Selesnya's Voice, so I could swap out the big creatures and card:Ranger's Path to make it more control. Do you think that could work?
October 26, 2012 1:19 p.m.
Bigburlybill says... #16
Staff of Nin is a good card. Do you think that Im running too many creatures at the moment? I just cant decide what to take out and if taking out cdrtain cards would strengthen the deck at this point.
October 26, 2012 1:22 p.m.
I think the big creatures are stronger for you than just swapping them out to try and give yourself more mid-range, but I would definitely find room to add in a third Restoration Angel . It's good with Thragtusk , Centaur Healer , Angel of Serenity , and Armada Wurm . And that's a good chunk of your deck. Not to mention, Restoration Angel is a pretty good creature on its own, without anything to target.
I'm mulling over the idea of adding Revenge of the Hunted to my deck for FNM tonight. I've always got more than enough mana to make it happen, and it can be a blow-out if you cast it at the right time.
October 26, 2012 1:33 p.m.
looks good 4xEntreat the Angels is too heavy for any deck in standard the restoration angel would be better as a 3 of than a singleton Staff of Nin staff is good side for control.
October 26, 2012 1:35 p.m.
I wouldn't go so far to say 4x Entreat is too much for any deck. In fact, if I were going to run 4 in one deck, it would be in ramp.
Staff of Nin is good all the time.
October 26, 2012 1:48 p.m.
Bigburlybill says... #20
I like that idea zandl. I do agree with both of you guys though. 4x Entreat the Angels is good in ramp, but I also think that it's too much for this deck. I'll probably go:
-1x Entreat the Angels and +1 Restoration Angel .
I might have to try out the Revenge of the Hunted idea. The biggest weakness that I can think of for this deck is definitely Terminus . That card, or Supreme Verdict . Supreme Verdict can be easily countered with card:Faith's Reward or Rootborn Defenses . The Terminus is something that I can't think of beating. I suppose that a Garruk, the Veil-Cursed Flip Flip could simply pull them out though.
Also, I'm unsure of how sideboards should work. Should I sideboard cards specifically for the meta at FNM or try and issue general control and change the deck style a bit? Also, what do you two think are the weakest creatures in the deck?
October 26, 2012 2:38 p.m.
I always include some of the same basic types of cards in my Green-based sideboards. In Green, you're blessed with easy and ample Enchantment/Artifact removal. Sundering Growth is pretty much the best version of that you're going to get. Beyond that, I look for hate against what seems to be the most popular deck currently. And that would be Jund. Rest in Peace stops Deathrite Shaman , Strangleroot Geist , any Zombies (realistically), Grisly Salvage , all Frites decks, and many other smaller threats.
Then I try to include some crap for anti-control decks. card:Faith's Reward is pretty solid, though I would opt for Rootborn Defenses , I think. No permanents are going to be sent to the graveyard with your creatures (unless someone kills Garruk after Supreme Verdict ), so I'd just opt for Indestructibility + Populate. And it's 1 mana less. Probably 2 of those.
Oblivion Ring is really good against Control. It gets rid of their Planeswalkers and bomb creatures, in addition to their Detention Sphere s and Oblivion Ring s. And a control deck's only answer to Oblivion Ring is Oblivion Ring /Detention Sphere . There's Cyclonic Rift , I suppose, but that's just a short-term solution.
I think over Nevermore , I'd run Pithing Needle . Against Zombies, just name Lotleth Troll and that creature can't do anything but flail around wildly on the ground. It can't Regenerate or get stronger through discarding. It's also really good against Planeswalkers. But I guess Nevermore stops other Angel of Serenity from ruining your fun. ... Though, if an opposing deck is running that Angel, they'll likely have Artifact/Enchantment hate in the sideboard (maybe main) and Oblivion Ring likely in the mainboard. shrug
Selesnya Charm is the shit and I'd try to main-board it. Over what, though, I'm not sure.
The weakest creatures?
scratches head, sips chocolate milk, rests hands on keyboard
October 26, 2012 3 p.m.
"Weakest" is a subjective word and also depends on the situation. In a vacuum, I'd consider Centaur Healer and Elderscale Wurm to be the weakest cards, but it's a tough call. Centaur Healer , as I'm sure you've seen me describe, gives you a 3/3 body on turn-2 or 3, 3 life, and allows you stall out a bit to let your ramp take over. And it's another solid target for Resto Angel and Angel of Serenity , if there's nothing else worth targeting. As for Elderscale Wurm , I've thought about using him plenty of times, but I never have. I just don't see how he could really save you too often. If your opponent is wailing away on your life total and gets you below 7, chances are they'll have a way to deal with the Wurm, whether it be Oblivion Ring , Selesnya Charm , a counterspell, Angel of Serenity , Fiend Hunter , Dreadbore , Ultimate Price , Olivia Voldaren , Tragic Slip shenanigans, Vraska the Unseen , etc.
I wouldn't worry about having "too many" creatures. Most Aggro decks run up to 30 creatures (30 creatures, 8 spells, 22 lands).
October 26, 2012 3 p.m.
Bigburlybill says... #24
Thanks for the thorough input. I agree. Elderscale Wurm seemed the weakest of the creatures. After that, it's either Sigarda, Host of Herons or Centaur Healer . The Centaur is, as you've said, a great early game card to stall for later. Sigarda is a great beatstick with flying, hexproof, and preventing sacrifice. I suppose that Sigarda isn't that bad actually, especially against black decks.
The Wurm, I'm seeing as a stall tactic if my life total starts getting low. I do have ample life-gain, as well as board presence. I might just take him out for another deck, but I think I'm going to test him out a few times to see what I think.
The worst part is that I'm happy with nearly all of these cards. I'm undecided on the garruks, but I have 2x Garruk Relentless Flip and 0x Garruk, Primal Hunter , so I'll have to see if he's as consistant as he is in vacuum an playtests. However, getting back to what I was saying, I would love to add in either a Selesnya Charm or two, or maybe 1-2 Staff of Nin s. I'm just unsure of what can really be taken out. That's why I've mainly sideboarded them for now.
I'm relieved that most aggro decks have this many creatures. It's possibly my most-used tactic in any of my mtg decks. I might go with Pithing Needle over Nevermore . The idea behind it was that I would play against them, and if they had a card that they mainly abused, then I could play Nevermore and prevent all copies from being cast. I think that Pithing Needle and Nevermore could both be destroyed though, so it's a matter of trial and error. I do like the Rootborn Defenses , but my main argument is that if your creatures all die, you can cast card:Faith's Reward to have them re-enter and abuse their ETB effects. The one mana difference is a hassle in some instances. The only problem is that I can't see card:Faith's Reward meshing too well with Rest in Peace .
October 26, 2012 3:20 p.m.
Bigburlybill says... #25
Thinking about it, I suppose that Primordial Hydra could be good in the deck as it can be played early game, and late game. Also, it can be pumped up pretty quickly with the ramp in this deck.
Bigburlybill says... #1
Thanks. I would find times where I would have 1 on the field and 1 on the field. Do you think that more of card:Trostani, Selesnya's Voice would need to be run against a burn deck? Also what does everyone think about my mana production? Should I do it a little differently to increase my ramp speed?
October 13, 2012 1:56 a.m.