Angelic Immortality

Modern* TDoubleE


TDoubleE says... #1

After reevaluating the deck: At first I was having Mana draw problems, so I added 5 more plains to make it 25. Mana is no longer a problem, but I am having problems getting on the board. My lowest creatures can't come out till at least 4 mana. Anyone know of any low mana Angel creatures? Keep in mind I would eventually like to craft this deck for Standard play, so I will be able to make room by removing cards that won't be valid for Standard. My thought process, aside from theme, was to use +health abilities and controls like Pacifism to keep my health up and the opponent at bay until I had enough Mana to get my Angelic Army onto the battlefield and then (excuse the pun) unleash hell. But after a few test draws and such, I think I will end up discarding cards to early cause I can't unload my hand due to expensive cards. Looking for suggestions. Thanks.

June 6, 2012 3:22 a.m.

emask says... #2


Looks quite fun!

I'd go down to 60 cards that best fit your main strategy for more consistency though. Maybe 24-26 land too.

Ghostly Prison in the sideboard maybe to immortalize those angels even more? ;)

I like cheap critters and removal. Maybe Soldier of the Pantheon ? Path to Exile ?

Anyways, still looks fun as is!

January 23, 2014 2:07 p.m.

TDoubleE says... #3

Good suggestions! Thanks!

I know Path to Exile was definately in there when originally created but in an effort to get the card number down to a more managable size, they got got. Not sure why. Probably a theme over function choice. But not that I must cut some to make modern legal, they may work their way back in.

Didn't know about Ghostly Prison , and rather aggrivated that I didn't. I have trouble staying away from white when creating new decks. I love it. My other strongest deck is a White Human deck. But Ghostly Prison is genious and I think the Ghost idea can work its way into an Angel theme. Definately gonna add. Many thanks.

I like Soldier of the Pantheon and was reading about it in some articles. It is a great card that could work well in this deck, but it is VERY specific to your opponent playing a multicolored deck. Which in competitive play is a great possibility, but recreationally (for me), rarely is an issue. But definately something I will probably keep in my sideboard. Cause when it IS helpful, it is REALLY helpful. ;)

Thanks again for checking it out and for the suggestions, emask!

January 23, 2014 2:20 p.m.

emask says... #4

No worries!

January 23, 2014 2:24 p.m.

smccl says... #5

Unfortunately it's not quite modern legal, Righteous Cause , Alabaster Potion , and Orim's Prayer all not being from modern sets. Those three aside I love the concept! Have you looked into Pristine Talisman for more life gain and mana ramp? You also have a ton of high drops and only 2 early game creatures. Against hyper aggro you'll run into some issues if you failed to get your Angelic Wall early, and even that won't stall long. My area is swarming with speed beatdown.

January 23, 2014 7:54 p.m.

smccl says... #6

I just did a playtest to see if I was missing anything and I gotta say your life gain is impressive, 23 on t-1 and 27 soon after, but it wasn't enough to win. Stalled my Minotaur Massacre deck to turn 8 though. In the end it didn't have enough early game board presence to stop aggro. I'd drop a few angels and add some early game defence so your necessary angels can see play.

I'll test against a slower deck to see how it handles mid-late game too.

January 23, 2014 8:06 p.m.

TDoubleE says... #7

Thanks a ton smccl! Great feedback.

Yeah, I was aware of the illegal cards. That is why I got on here recently before I changed them out, so that I could get suggestions from more seasoned players on possible replacements. Although I will be buying a booster box for Born of the Gods on release, so also waiting to see what that throws my way. REALLY disappointed that Righteous Cause and Orim's Prayer are not legal. That was one of the best parts of the deck. When I was being attacked by a slew of 1/1s I was actually GAINING life, so my opponent never wanted to attack me. At least not until later play, by which I had already gotten some Angels out. But it is what it is. And with the suggestion of Ghostly Prison it kinda makes up for it.

I have some Pristine Talisman s, but I think they originally got cut cause they didn't fit the theme of the deck (White or Angel) at the time I was trying to minimize deck size. Could be worth reevaluating.

And I know about the issue with my lowest (main) creatures starting at 4 cost. While I haven't really been loosing because of this, this has always been an issue, and the original reason I posted the deck on here in the first place; so I could get suggestions for low cost Angel themed creatures. If anyone can think of any I am all ears (technically eyes since I would be reading it). I was looking through some of the Born of the Gods cards and there seem to be some decent low cost life gain creatures, but they all appear to be cat themed (or Leonin). In the end I am willing to break theme to win, of course, but if low cost Angels exist they would be preferred.

Really glad you like the deck. That is exciting for me. And even more excited to see you were able to experience the insane Life Gain ability this deck magically posses for yourself. Confirms that it is not "just me". ;) I have won so many games with 100 life or close to it. But it's exposure to a wide variety of decks and play styles is very limited. So the play test feedback is exceptionally helpful.

Hopefully the possible addition of some Soulmender s will bring in some low cost play, with the benefit of easy Life Gain, although it would fit more in my Human deck and doesn't really fit the Angel theme, it IS White and like I said: In the end, I play to win.

But a million thanks again for the input, and please let me know how the other play tests work out for you. If you can think of any low cost themed creatures, by all means do share.

January 23, 2014 9:04 p.m.

TDoubleE says... #8

(Just copying a comment from smccl from my profile to the deck board:)

smccl says...

No problem :) Btw, I recently finished the test run against one of my slower decks. Your deck stalled 'till turn 18, then it couldn't heal enough to offset the damage and the angels couldn't hold their own against cards like Predator Ooze or Gelatinous Genesis . You did eliminate one Predator Ooze through Faith's Fetters and my 2 main win-cons Gutter Grime and Parallel Lives , but it was the lack of speed that did you in. I highly recommend dropping Voice of the Provinces altogether. A 6 drop 3/3 that generates a single 1/1 is terrible. I'd love to help ya make this competition worthy and really put it to the test if you'd like.

January 23, 2014 9:52 p.m.

TDoubleE says... #9

Thanks smccl! Very helpful.

I would love for any help you are willing to provide. I am indeed trying to make this deck competition worthy as it is one of my strongest decks and I really think it has the potential to be a winner. And it is what I plan on taking to Grand Prix Richmond (still deciding if I will be able to go). That is the main reason I was trying to get it Modern legal.

The input on Voice of the Provinces is very interesting as I always thought it was a strong player in the deck by providing an additional creature for fodder or blocking. But after thinking about it, your right. The cost doesn't justify the benefit. Not in this deck at least.

Looking forward to making some adjustments when I get moment to focus. But definitely keep the suggestions coming. Always appreciated.

January 23, 2014 10:13 p.m.

Auriel says... #10

You could check out my Angel deck Angels, Glorious Angels and see what you think. I started along the same lines as you. Looks good but there is always room for improvement :)

January 24, 2014 2:26 a.m.

TDoubleE says... #11

Just referencing some other decks in the comments for ease of switching while on my phone:

Thanks for the comment Auriel! That is an amazing deck you have there that has a lot of great, constructive comments. Been checking it out this morning and it has given me some great ideas for adjustments to my own. I will comment on more specifics on the deck itself, but definately worth checking out for those that love Angel, or even just mono-white decks.

January 24, 2014 10:15 a.m.

Auriel says... #12

Thank you! I'm glad I could help :)

January 24, 2014 1:04 p.m.

TDoubleE says... #13

So, while I was out tonight I decided to pick up a Fat Pack for Core 2014 at my local Target. This was amazing for a couple reasons:

1: Not only did it give me 2xAngelic Accord along with a few others I could possibly use for this deck, but...

2: I about lost my mind when I opened the 2nd booster pack to find Garruk, Caller of Beasts AND A FOIL Chandra, Pyromaster !!! In 1 booster pack! Has nothing to do with this deck but mind blowing none the less.

'Twas a good night. ;) I will update more tomorrow. Just had to share.

January 25, 2014 12:59 a.m.

Auriel says... #14

Two planeswalkers in one pack!? Nice pulls my friend! It is one of the greatest feelings when you open a pack that good. I would love to trade you some angels for that Garruk haha :)

January 25, 2014 1:39 a.m.

TDoubleE says... #15

Auriel .... Would you really, now?


Well it just so happens....I have 2 of them. ;) This was my second, got one a while ago when C2014 first came out.

So I may just be willing to take you up on that offer, assuming you have something worth while in the Angel, or even W Human, category. Not saying that your trade has to be something epic, I am often willing to take a hit on the value of something if I really like, or need, the card(s). So if you are actually serious....

You (or anyone for that matter) are welcome to hit me up any time for trade, or just chat, on my profile here, or your welcome to email me at [email protected].

And thanks for the validation that it was a good pull. Sometimes I wonder if I am really pulling something good. But 2 Planewalkers! Tough to mis-read that one.

January 25, 2014 9:32 a.m.

TDoubleE says... #16

Cards I obtained yesterday that I am considering adding to this deck:

Angelic Accord x2



Ordeal of Heliod

Celestial Flare

(and another Angelic Wall )

Feedback welcome. I just pulled this out as I was opening packs because they kinda fit the deck. Haven't really thought too much about how to make them work yet (what to swap, what they work with, etc), or if they are even worth while. Just thought I would bring it up in case anyone had any thoughts.

January 25, 2014 10:51 a.m.

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