Fair enough. It's mostly a holdover from the early version of the deck, which had a Seashell Cameo in it mostly for flavor and because of Glimmering Angel s (due to being built with what I had on hand). Thanks for the alternate suggestions!
February 19, 2013 8:55 p.m.
starbind69 says... #3
Glimmering Angel is very cool indeed. I would definitely splash the U for that haha
February 20, 2013 5:56 p.m.
shakemilkyway says... #5
i dont see why Angel of Light over a third Serra Angel
i suggest Serra Avenger and Emancipation Angel for low mana cost angels
may be Angelic Curator for de sideboard
and you culdnt run a angel deck without Radiant, Archangel
March 22, 2013 11:04 p.m.
Angel's are Superior this is my angel deck. it usually steamrolls people who arnet aware of the deck. You need to run other colors. Angels are not just a white color tribe. the debatably most poweful Angels are actually running Red, Although yes Iona, Shield of Emeria easily in the top 3 most powerful cards for Angels is mono white. You have a lot of Angels that to be honest. . . are outdated and just dont cut it anymore. IMO. I strongly reccomend adding GREEN, for ramp. otherwise. Best of luck man. I love Angels and always want decks to do well with them. I understand if your wanting to keep it budget based. Im jsut used to a very competitive Casual Meta here in Portland. . . Ironic I know
April 29, 2013 2:43 a.m.
Love it.
Sometimes I think we're so focused on making formula one racecar decks that something like this gets missed. When I think of all the multiplayer games I play, decks like this kick serious butt since they're often allowed some more time and you're not your opponents' only target.
That and it's angels and angels are awesome. +1
starbind69 says... #1
I personally do not see the need for Obelisk of Bant because none of your cards need to splash G or U. If you need the mana, you should use a few Sol Ring instead. If that's too expensive, you could always use a couple of Everflowing Chalice , Gilded Lotus , or Quicksilver Amulet .
February 18, 2013 5:05 a.m.