
Please Comment, Critique, and give me Suggestions on what i can replace, take out and/or improve! (No Side Board Just yet.)

Says there are illegal cards, but they are in fact legal since most 90% of this would be in m14

Infinite Life, Infinite cards....

The Star's in this deck would be Bubbling Cauldron and Angelic Accord. Mix that with Elixir of Immortality rocks. There is a mixture of things and it does seem a little odd. But to begin with, the first couple of turns would most likely be a bit hard till you can setup, which is why there is a bit of counters/control in it. Banisher priest, Doom Blade and Lifebane Zombie. Not alot but enough to cover me in game. Thats where Diabolic Tutor comes in, i can search my library for the cards to help me setup my playing field!

How its played-

Angelic Accord is on Field and Bubbling Cauldrons on the field.

Use bubbling cauldron to sac a creature whatever it may be as long as its not already in the air or more than 4/4. You get 4 life, a 4/4 flying angel. Rinse and repeat, you can even sac your 4/4 flying tokens, get another token and 4 more life.By Late game you should def, have Archangel of Thune for +1/+1 counter to all creatures when life gained!


Updates Add

Did some playthroughs with a store owner, It works well, but its watered down with to much stuff going on, took out bogbrew, festerings, planeswalker, seraph and 1 elixer of immortality, replaced with tithe drinkers, azorious charms, tragic slips, vizkopa guildmages and 1 sanguine bond (need 2 more, tragic slip replaced the 2 for the moment)


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

7 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.61
Tokens Angel 4/4 W
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