Angels and Humans

Standard* carvsdriver


ElementTitan says... #1

Just a few thoughts for sideboard or mainboard depending on what you think:

Honor of the PureMTG Card: Honor of the Pure since you are running mono-white.

Elite InquisitorMTG Card: Elite Inquisitor might be a good choice if Midnight DuelistMTG Card: Midnight Duelist is replaceable...its an extra plains yes, but it has pro-Werewolves/Vamps/Zombies.

Angel of JubilationMTG Card: Angel of Jubilation might be a nice angel to add as well.

May 2, 2012 8:47 p.m.

carvsdriver says... #2

Honor the Pure is a great idea, as is Elite InquisitorMTG Card: Elite Inquisitor. I might sideboard inquisitor, I put Duelist in specifically because he's a single mana drop.

Also, going to probably pull out Scroll of AvacynMTG Card: Scroll of Avacyn since I have a good bit of lifelink without it.

Added a maybeboard with other cards I have in the Avacyn set that I could drop in.

May 2, 2012 8:53 p.m.

ElementTitan says... #3

Depending on what you drop scroll for...have you thought about Riders of GavonyMTG Card: Riders of Gavony? granted its a 4 drop and only affects humans, but still...

Increasing DevotionMTG Card: Increasing Devotion is good too if you can drop Timely ReinforcementsMTG Card: Timely Reinforcements mainly because those are humans, while timely is soldiers. It is a little high on mana, so if you wanna keep it low use Gather the TownsfolkMTG Card: Gather the Townsfolk. Also, if you want one drop human, why not Champion of the ParishMTG Card: Champion of the Parish? (those two in combo are fun!)

May 2, 2012 9:26 p.m.

carvsdriver says... #4

Oh! Solid point on Timely ReinforcementsMTG Card: Timely Reinforcements. Thanks again for the recommendations!

May 2, 2012 9:32 p.m.

ElementTitan says... #5

I forgot about Thraben DoomsayerMTG Card: Thraben Doomsayer as well. He just pops out human tokens or chump blockers each turn... or Mikaeus, the LunarchMTG Card: Mikaeus, the Lunarch either of those are good as well.

May 2, 2012 9:34 p.m.

ElementTitan says... #6

Yeah no problem!...I'm also working on a deck...or rather trying to revamp my BW Human Sacrifice deck to a human/angel deck. also for a gamble you could try to grab an Entreat the AngelsMTG Card: Entreat the Angels...but its only good if you get its miracle cost...a 7 cmc for 2 4/4 angels is rough (non miracle)

May 2, 2012 9:36 p.m.

JaggedJesus says... #7

Might just be me, but I thought Voice of the ProvincesMTG Card: Voice of the Provinceswas a bit overcosted.

I watched a couple of people play them at Prereleases and they always seemed rather ineffective.

So, if you're looking into adding Increasing DevotionMTG Card: Increasing Devotion, I'd drop the Voice.

May 2, 2012 11:17 p.m.

ElementTitan says... #8

Yeah...I agree with that...I'm not planning on using it in my human/angel deck...which you can take a look at W Humans/Angels (just need to get a few more cards) if you want to see my take on a human angel deck. also I forgot about Defy DeathMTG Card: Defy Death! pretty nifty for angels (or a human if you REALLY want that particular human back on the field).

Avacyn, Angel of Hope MTG Card: Avacyn, Angel of Hope is a would be a late game drop or earlier with Herald of WarMTG Card: Herald of War. I only use her because of the game changing aspect she brings.

Gideon JuraMTG Card: Gideon Jura might also be a good thing to put in. Hes great in general but he turns into a HUMAN he can pump up Champion of the ParishMTG Card: Champion of the Parish as well.

Angelic OverseerMTG Card: Angelic Overseer is a must as well (in my opinion).

May 2, 2012 11:37 p.m.

keshav says... #9

I agree with ElementTitan, you gotta run Angelic OverseerMTG Card: Angelic Overseer. Humans and Angels is literally the deck type that card is made for.

May 3, 2012 12:44 a.m.

carvsdriver says... #10

Ok, made some changes ... added Gisela, Blade of GoldnightMTG Card: Gisela, Blade of Goldnight took out the Avacyn Scrolls as well as timely reinforcements. Changed the mana situation and dropped in Angel of JubilationMTG Card: Angel of Jubilation.

So this is all based on the cards I presently have. Going to look into the remaining cards you guys recommended and maybe pick them up pending on how this plays now.

Additional thoughts?

May 3, 2012 5:47 p.m.

KidPool says... #11

I would swap the Midnight Duelist for a couple Champion of the Parish and perhaps a few Timely Reinforcements to get some tokens out quick and give him some beef.

September 7, 2012 12:43 a.m.

shinobigarth says... #12

July 3, 2013 3:56 a.m.

Extruvias says... #13

I borrowed a few of the cards on this deck. Because of that +1 :)

March 13, 2014 2:20 p.m.

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