Angel's Chalice

Casual* Weapon03


Demarge says... #1

Well the deck strangely seems to work (though I'd suggest adding some more land to increase it's consistency in tournament play). I would suggest changing the sideboard almost completely though, I'm a bit too tired to get a good explanation so I'll link this great article instead, I'd really suggest reading all of it.

May 26, 2012 9:17 a.m.

Weapon03 says... #2

Thanks for the advice! But... what do you think I should take out in order to put in more lands?

May 26, 2012 9:27 a.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #3

Emancipation Angel in the mainboard, to help re-set soulbond and etb effects,use Seraph Sanctuary and/or Glimmervoid it's mono-white, shouldn't adversely affect the mana base. and sideboard card:Angel's Tomb it has an annoying habit of avoiding board wipes. Maybe add Scroll of Avacyn . It looks like it could be a viable angel deck

June 4, 2012 10:46 a.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #4

I'm not sure if Thalia, Guardian of Thraben +only 20 lands works for your noncreature spells, as Oblivion Ring and Cloudshift seem quite important tools here and Entreat the Angels as an important finisher. I ran 22 lands in an aggro deck once and often I would have games where only one or two lands would appear. But, if you find it works, then it works.

June 4, 2012 10:48 a.m.

Weapon03 says... #5

All right. I'll try the deck without Thalia. I tried Seraph Sanctuary in the deck before but more often than not it mana-screws me whenever I get Angel of Jubilation out. I'll give Seraph Sanctuary another try.

Thanks for the advice!

June 4, 2012 11:09 a.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #6

Well, another way to solve it would be to find space for more lands instead. That way you may have better luck running Seraph Sanctuary AND you may have better luck with noncreature spells even with Thalia, Guardian of Thraben ,

If you need a substitute for Thalia and a hard-hitter, Elite Inquisitor is an excellent substitute, or Mirran Crusader could work as it goes well with Nearheath Pilgrim .

June 4, 2012 12:23 p.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #7

you definitely need more than 20 lands to consistently play spells. i think you need to add 2-4 more plains. swap out a few 3 cmc spells for them

June 4, 2012 2:23 p.m.

Shane says... #8

Why no Wurmcoil Engine ? deffinetly the best lifelink card in standard.

June 4, 2012 3 p.m.

ADj says... #9

I would take some honor of the pure and add some of theseHeroes Remembered

Wall of Reverence Take a look maybe you like them

June 4, 2012 8:36 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #10

@ADj I'm pretty sure this is intended to be a Standard list, while Wall of Reverence and Heroes Remembered are not in Standard. Shame, I like 'em both, and a casual list would enjoy those cards :)

@Shane I reluctantly agree that Wurmcoil Engine kicks ass, but we'll need to see if the deck can cast it regularly enough first once the mana base is sorted (how many lands, whether to run Thalia, etc.)

Overall, I'd say just experiment and tinker with many of the suggestions and you'll find the right balance eventually :)

June 4, 2012 8:56 p.m.

Weapon03 says... #11

So far, I changed my sideboard into something that I think is a little more balanced, plus it would allow my deck to switch tactics if necessary. My biggest dilemma right now is trying to figure out which cards to remove in order to get more lands in...

On another note, hooray! Someone scored my deck! XD

June 5, 2012 7:27 a.m.

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