MagnorCriol says... #2
Only because I don't own a copy yet, and lack the funds to buy one, and haven't started looking in to trading for it (I don't do much trading). If I manage to procure one you can be dang sure that's being tossed in here, haha. That card is bonkers. Not certain what I'd swap out for it, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
September 15, 2012 8:35 p.m.
LazorsLazorsLazors says... #3
Luminarch Ascension and Sublime Archangel would be a pretty sick combo in this deck also, especially if your angle is to kill with General damage.
September 16, 2012 12:46 a.m.
MagnorCriol says... #4
Luminarch Ascension spent some time in this deck, but I eventually dropped it because it paints such a giant target on my head, and I've never felt like this deck has enough ways to stave off such attention. I still have him around the deck, though, waiting in the wings. He should be in the maybeboard and I just forgot.
Sublime Archangel is up there with Entreat in the "cards I really want to get my grubby mitts on" category. She'd work extra well here since, angels being expensive like they are, I'm often slower to develop my board and attacking with only one creature - to leave the rest on defense - is the right call.
September 16, 2012 12:54 a.m.
How about Seraph Sanctuary for flavor and Cavern of Souls to make your angels uncounterable? Cool tribal deck.
October 27, 2012 10:19 a.m.
LordRemiem says... #6
Ok, if I ever build a Commander Deck it will be LIKE THIS.
October 27, 2012 11:48 a.m.
MagnorCriol says... #7
@Markkster: Thanks! Cavern of Souls is a good thought. I'll start looking for that in trades.
Seraph Sanctuary , while definitely on-theme, is, to be blunt, a bad card. I'd be unlikely to gain any significant amount of life from it over the game, and what I do gain will be in minuscule increments. To boot, this deck has a lot of very color-hungry cards - three color pips in the cost is common here, Empyrial Archangel even has four, and few things have less than two - so the colorless mana was a liability. At the end of the day, the bad outweighed the good, so I cut it.
@LordRemiem: Glad you like it! It's quite fun to pilot.
October 27, 2012 1:19 p.m.
Blazer4500 says... #8
what about card:Akroma's Memorial or card:Serra's Blessing? it could work for you, also Favorable Winds since you already have a lot of creatures with flying
October 27, 2012 4:47 p.m.
MagnorCriol says... #10
@Blazer4500: That's an interesting thought. I've kind of eschewed the anthem effects because I'm not certain that I'll ever have enough creatures on the field at one time to make them worth the card slot. If they're only ever effectively giving me an extra 2 power and 2 toughness, for instance, it would have been better off being a creature. BUT, I need to test more with the new tweaks and see what happens - maybe it'll be worth it.
But things like card:Akroma's Memorial and True Conviction can be worth it with even just one creature. So they merit investigation. Do you have any ideas for what to take out?
October 29, 2012 11:58 a.m.
Door of Destinies or (if you don't mind it being a double edged sword) Coat of Arms ?
October 29, 2012 12:06 p.m.
No Baneslayer Angel ? Seems like she would be a pretty good fit here.
October 29, 2012 12:32 p.m.
MagnorCriol says... #13
@fireteam: That's a pretty good idea. Coat of Arms has relatively low risk since Angels aren't exactly a common tribe (it's not like I'm running Elves or Soldiers here). Still, I'd probably use the Door if I can only find room for one because it's cheaper. Any suggestions for what to replace?
@zinge: ...huh. That's so weird. I could've sworn I had her, and I only just noticed that she's not actually here. I know I have a Baneslayer somewhere...where is she and why isn't she here? Thanks for catching that.
October 29, 2012 2:47 p.m.
GracefulDave says... #14
I love your choice in commander, I think you should focus more on her. Obviously this is a theme deck but I'll throw in my two cents of what I think the deck could use.
Right now it's White Angel Ramp which just isn't good enough. If you really want to go that way you need every artifact that you can use to ramp possible. Worn Powerstone , Semblance Anvil , Thran Dynamo , etc. I'd invest in your other colours more though, there's a lot of great stuff in green and blue. Splash a few more powerful draw effects like Consecrated Sphinx (it flies, right?) so you can hit your land drops reliably. I was stuck at 6 when I needed 7, 7 when I needed 8, etc. You also need it to hit your colours. I'd maybe even run more Birds-like creatures, Noble Hierarch and such. You really want to get up there as fast as you can and your early turns should be invested in your commander. Also get a Strip Mine. It could be that my deck leans heavily on Cabal Coffers , but I really felt it was missing. Other than that lands look pretty good as long as you hit them.
Again, theme deck, but I think you have too many creatures. Since they're coming out so slowly it was pretty easy to have a kill spell waiting for each one, even with Lightning Greaves on the table. Since you can only play one at a time you spend most of your time tapped out. Mind you this is all coming from 1v1 games since it's hard to test vs multiple decks, so you'll either have more time to spend building or you'll have to deal with more kill spells. I'd put in the best non-creature removal you can from the other colours and anything else you're missing from white. The sweepers are excellent, but sometimes there's just one thing missing that you need to get rid of to make any progress. Karn Liberated maybe?
Beast Within , Jace Beleren , Garruk Wildspeaker , Joraga Treespeaker , Gideon Jura , Bloom Tender , these are all cards I'd consider instead of creatures most likely. Also any of the Swords, pretty much just for the protection and because your guys all have wings. Also reconsider Sol Ring ! At any point it sets you ahead at least one turn immediately. If any deck should play it (all decks should play it) it's this one.
So yeah, no idea what I'd add to make use of your commander more as it's kinda counter to fatty Angels, but she's the coolest part of this deck. The suggestions above are just to smooth things over. Also no idea what your budget is! Any way, +1 good stuff.
November 1, 2012 5:42 a.m.
MagnorCriol says... #15
@GracefulDave, I appreciate your well-explained input, and will respond - tomorrow. It's been a very long day for me here and I'm too brain-fried to type up the answer a comment like yours deserves. But I just wanted to let you know I appreciate your insight (and +1), and that I'm not ignoring you, haha.
November 2, 2012 1:15 a.m.
MagnorCriol says... #17
I like Coat of Arms , but there's several problems with it in this deck:
--It needs a good handful of creatures to make it "worth it". In my experience playing this deck, I don't generally field enough creatures at one time to justify it. The artifact would only be providing my guys with a +1/+1 or +2/+2 bonus, which isn't really enough for the slot it'd be taking.
To put it another way, in weenie tribal decks that swarm, the decision about this is "do I use this slot for 2/2 elf #37, or this artifact which could give my swarm of dudes +8/+8?"; in this deck, however, the decision is more like "do I use this slot for this 5/5 flyer, or this artifact which could give a couple guys +2/+2?"
--Plus, in the meantime, it buffs my opponents' creatures as well, and their decks have a good chance of being better positioned to take advantage of it than mine is.
--Coat of Arms is dead on the field if I have less that two creatures out there. This deck don't have room for cards that could be dead so much of the time.
A few of the angels, like Angel of Jubilation and Silver Seraph , do similar - if less potentially massive - effects, but they're also creatures in their own right and can attack and block.
tl;dr It's a good card for a different sort of deck. This isn't a weenie swarm deck, though, so it doesn't really pull its weight.
January 27, 2013 6:58 p.m.
MagnorCriol says... #19
Ooh yeah, thanks for reminding me. I don't own one, but that's been on my list of things to acquire. Any suggestions for what to think about replacing with it, though? I'm not sure what to put it in for.
By the way, I forgot to mention this earlier, but Frimbleglim and Geoff_of_Biscuits (For some reason it won't let me tag your name, Geoff), thanks for the input! Even if I debate with your suggestion I appreciate the comments and perspectives. If I debate, it's because I want to understand more, not because I'm dismissing your idea.
January 27, 2013 9:12 p.m.
Call to the Kindred ? since you run angels and have blue i feel that it's easy drops for your angels. Not to mention Lurking Predators or Quicksilver Amulet . all good creature cheap ins.
February 19, 2013 9:19 p.m.
I really feel you should add a Green Sun's Zenith . With that many utility creatures you can't go wrong with it. Not too sure what you should take out to make space for it.
(First post, yay)
November 10, 2013 12:14 p.m.
MagnorCriol says... #22
Eh; GSZ is a terrifically powerful card at times, but I don't feel like this deck is one of them. Thanks to the green-only clause there it can only fetch a whopping 4 creatures here, plus Jenara herself if she gets tucked I suppose; I don't think a tutor for 4/99 of my deck is really worth the inclusion.
And welcome to TappedOut! Sorry it took a while to respond to you, I just get busy with real life stuff and sometimes don't come on here for long stretches.
November 18, 2013 7 p.m.
Blazer4500 says... #23
what about Favorable Winds ? since most of your creatures have flying, this could help you, also you really need ramp in your deck, things like Rampant Growth , Cultivate and Kodama's Reach could really help you get your angels faster
November 19, 2013 8:49 a.m.
Have you considered Bower Passage ? I use it in my 95% flying Scion of the Ur-Dragon!
May 1, 2014 6:52 a.m.
Muglacious_NiceFaceToad says... #25
Nice Angel Theme/Tribal I love tribe decks, I am running a boros Angel Tribal. Check it out if you'd like to see another tribal angel deck.
Loving the Bant Angels!+1
LazorsLazorsLazors says... #1
No Entreat the Angels ?
September 15, 2012 3:05 a.m.