Angelic walkers

Standard* monkeyprophet


Trashmaster says... #1

I'm building a similar deck but couldn't solidify my ideas but now I can, looks great man!

July 18, 2016 6:28 p.m.

monkeyprophet says... #2

@Trashmaster thanks! Glad it's helped you with your deck too.

July 19, 2016 4:12 a.m.

Szadek83 says... #3

Nice Deck...

But I'd cut 1 Bruna, the Fading Light. I think you'll need only 1 in nearly all games. To find her, you have 7 cards that dig for her and 2 Tutors to get her safe. Maybe put in a fourth Tireless Tracker...

Although I think you should cut the Thraben Inspector for a set of Sylvan Advocate. Turn 1 Dude is nice, but he's no thread, even with Always Watching . Sylvan Advocate seems like a staple if playing green. He provides early damage from Aggro Decks WITHOUT dying to 2/x critters and if you get a Always Watching Turn 3, well, you know. ;-)

July 19, 2016 5:30 a.m.

monkeyprophet says... #4

@Szadek83 thanks for the feedback, i really appreciate it. I feel you are almost certainly correct about Bruna, i'll probably move the second one to the side-deck for games where it's needed. The only reason i haven't used Sylvan Advocate is purely the fact that it's an elf, from a competitive standpoint it absolutely has a place in the deck, but to keep with the angel/human theme i've gone Thraben Inspector. Thanks again.

July 19, 2016 4:28 p.m.

joebrannan1 says... #5

Almost exactly the same deck I was thinking up. A new spin on the dominant white/green in Standard format. +1

July 20, 2016 9:07 a.m.

monkeyprophet says... #6

@joebrannan1 thanks! It was between this or spirits for my standard deck, and at pre-release i got a foil Thalia, Heretic Cathar so that decided it for me.

July 20, 2016 10:37 a.m.

Coltino says... #7

This is a pretty good setup. I will say that if you are going to run bigger cards like Bruna and Linvala with no ramp, you may want to add more land (Preferably go to 25/26). I know because I had to do that to balance out my angels deck. Aside from that, I say it's pretty solid.

July 20, 2016 2:38 p.m.

monkeyprophet says... #8

@Coltino Thanks for feedback, I'll definitely consider the extra land, at the moment i have Oath of Nissa they can pretty reliably count as an extra land, but if i want to take those out for another card I'll definitely go up to 25.

July 20, 2016 3:51 p.m.

Techmage45 says... #9

Plummet is a direct upgrade over Clip Wings so I'd recommend using those since you choose which creature to kill instead of them choosing.

July 21, 2016 11:32 a.m.

monkeyprophet says... #10

Techmage45 i have clip wings in the sideboard when facing a token deck that has Westvale Abbey  Flip so that they sacrifice ormendahl. Plummet doesn't kill ormendahl unfortunately as it has indestructable. Most other flyers will be beaten by the angels. thanks for the feedback.

July 21, 2016 1:19 p.m. Edited.

HairyManBack says... #11

Looks really cool! Definitely am a fan of angels, humans, and G/W. And u got them in one package. :)

Something I noticed quickly was the curve. It seems quite high. Combined with no real direct removal it seems like it might take too long to really get going.

Saw the comment about Bruna. I'd agree. Opening up a slot would allow for something like Dromoka's Command. As much as were all excited for Collective Effort I'm not sure if 3x is what this deck wants. Could see this build shaving a Bruna and Effort for something quicker on the curve.

I've left Standard for Modern awhile ago so I might be off. But I think of Standard Spirits now and they appear to be quick, resilient, and have plenty of answers with a smooth mana curve. Something to consider.


July 21, 2016 1:42 p.m.

monkeyprophet says... #12

@HairyManBack Hopefully Thalia, Heretic Cathar helps with delaying other people to allow me to fill out the board, if not, then i'll add in more cheap removal. Dromoka's Command will probably be the addition and swap out a Collective Effort and the second Bruna, the Fading Light. I was tempted to do a spirits deck, or even a spirit/angels that may be better and lower on the curve. I may brew one up, as an alternative option. Thanks for the feedback.

July 21, 2016 2:49 p.m.

Techmage45 says... #13

@monkeyprophet that does make more sense, however you could get swarmed out if they used thopters with Westvale Abbey  Flip so a spell that does 1 damage to everything could be added however I can't think of any in white of the top of my head

July 21, 2016 3:22 p.m.

Trashmaster says... #14

@Techmage45 I don't think there are any white spells that do that.

July 21, 2016 3:58 p.m.

monkeyprophet says... #15

Techmage Declaration in Stone is in the sideboard for token decks, maybe i should add more copies to improve my chances against tokens.

July 21, 2016 4:04 p.m.

HairyManBack says... #16

Yeah, I figured you were banking on Cathar to slow opponents down. Particularly, if your on the draw your opponents have a full 3 turns to set up. After that Cathar ability becomes significantly less of an impact. Inspector gadget can chump block, but outside of that there's really nothing. Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip is the tempo guy that likes to stay around.

Saw you made some SB changes. I wanted to mention something I read on StarCityGames about Spirits when playing green. Aerial Volley is an under the radar SB smasher for Spirits. One well timed Volley should end the game against those weenies. But I'm certain how many (and if) you play Volley is entirely based on meta. Nevertheless flyers like Gisela can triple pinged real nicely.

July 22, 2016 12:41 p.m.

Trashmaster says... #17

Angelic Evolution(G/W Midrange EMN) This is my deck monkeyprophet, it's pretty similar to yours but if you check it out tell me what you think

July 22, 2016 12:42 p.m.

monkeyprophet says... #18

Trashmaster i've left you some feedback on your deck, interesting idea, i think it's got potential to be really strong.

HairyManBack i think i could add Lambholt Pacifist  Flip as a strong early blocker, with potential to be strong late game with Always Watching and Collective Effort/Dromoka's Command/Gideon, Ally of Zendikar emblem. The only reason i'm not adding Sylvan Advocate is to stick to the human/angel theme so Lambholt Pacifist  Flip seems the next best, better in some regards.

Aerial Volley sounds like an excellent addition against spirits, i'll find a place for a few copies.

July 22, 2016 4:45 p.m.

HairyManBack says... #19

I think you will find Pacifist to be what this deck needs. If I were building this I'd almost go auto 4x Pacifist and 4x Command. Skip Effort as it seems redundant with Gideon, Always Watching, and Command itself. Command it quick and the combat tricks can't be replicated Effort's sorcery speed at . However, 4x Pacifists is just me. Any amount would certainly allow this deck to stand aggro attacks and "punish" decks that try to hold back spells (Spirits and Control).

I think it's a meta call really. Could see a shaving off a Gideon and 1 legend or Lancer. Pretty much any high CC card that will have the least impact overall with the rest of the curve and synergy.

At this point I'm almost inclined to test a version of this beefy human build on the competitive table. It looks really fun.

July 22, 2016 11:59 p.m.

monkeyprophet says... #20

HairyManBack thanks very much for your input, i've just updated the deck with your ideas and i must say, it looks much more competitive now.

July 23, 2016 4:02 a.m.

Emzed says... #21

I think with the number of cards that cost 5 or more mana, you need more lands. Even your cheaper cards like Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip and Tireless Tracker work best if you have plenty of land. Maybe go up to 25 or 26 lands with some Westvale Abbey  Flips and/or add Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip as a way to ensure your land drops.

July 23, 2016 12:54 p.m.

monkeyprophet says... #22

Emzed Westvale Abbey  Flip would never flip, if i do have 5 creatures on the board i'm more than likely about to win that turn. In regards to the mana, each copy of Oath of Nissa is a pseudo land as i pretty reliably hit a land from it. I will see how the deck performs after more playtesting and may add another land in, I'm already tempted to move Linvala, the Preserver to the sideboard. If i do, i'd probably add in another Always Watching or Gideon, Ally of Zendikar. thanks for the suggestions.

July 23, 2016 1:08 p.m.

Emzed says... #23

Westvale Abbey doesn't have to flip much, it's the thread of it flipping that will force the opponent to play around it. Of course a lot of the time with 5+ creatures on the board you are winning anyway, but in a creature mirror big boardstalls happen. That requires you to have powerful trumps, and a huge indestrucible flyer is one way to achieve that (Brisela being another). Also, Westvale Abbey has a second ability, which is quite useful every once in a while and combines with Gideon, Ally of Zendikar to quickly build up the 5 creatures to feed into Ormendahl, Profane Prince  Flip.

July 23, 2016 1:33 p.m.

HairyManBack says... #24

Hey, I like the updates. Looks much more solid for the competitive table. At least, a great rough draft to start with.

I was also thinking of the 25 land suggestion at first peak. Personally, I hate going to 25 lands in a two-color semi-aggro deck. Think playtesting will answer that but I've always been a fan on "skimping" one land and going full set of Oath of Nissa. I found even if the unlikely event of Oath striking out the percentages dictate a land is getting drawn next turn. Also important to note your not running Evolving Wilds which increases your mid-late game land draws slightly.

July 23, 2016 2:01 p.m.

monkeyprophet says... #25

HairyManBack in place of evolving wilds oath of nissa and duskwatch recruiter serve pretty well as filtering, in the mid/late game i can activate duskwatch or play oath as a way to put land on the bottom of the library as a way to stem too many blank draws when i'm set for mana. It also reduces the number of lands entering tapped,so I can keep on curve. I do miss the double clue generation from tireless tracker,but in general I believe there are more positives to negatives.

Emzed I will probably add 2 copies of westvale in to the deck and cut out 2 Plains, see how the deck runs. Thanks for the suggestion!

July 23, 2016 3:20 p.m.

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