Angels We Have Heard On High [PRIMER]
Commander / EDH
Thanks for your suggestions and your interest in my deck, Hexapod! Those are all excellent cards, I even originally considered some of them (Esper Sentinel and Urza's Incubator above all), while I didn't think about the others. Unfortunately, as my budget is limited, these are a bit out of range for me, but maybe with time I will manage to get my hands on some of them! :) Also regarding lands, even though I agree that Kabira Crossroads can slow me down a bit in the early game, it can be quite useful to gain two extra life and trigger either some token producing effect or Dawn of Hope. The reason for Bant Panorama is that it's not a tap land and, if I need it, I can always replace it with a plains and get to shuffle my deck, which I found being quite useful if I'm getting horrible draws haha! Thank you again for engaging and if you have any other suggestions I would be happy to read them! Cheers!
December 22, 2023 11:34 a.m.
Great tribal deck, orcopollo! I've got one myself and I love it. In terms of affordable Angels, I've been able to make some great use of cards like:
- Adarkar Valkyrie: excellent recursion utility; especially since she can attack (because of vigilance) AND use her recursion in the same turn.
- Admonition Angel/Angel of Serenity: great mid-game exile tools and powerful combatants as well.
- Angelic Arbiter: give your opponents a choice; spells or combat (but not both!).
- Platinum Angel: as long as it lives, games will end up in your favor (eventually).
Hope this helps; happy building (and playing)!
May 20, 2024 5:12 a.m.
Thanks for your interest in my deck and for your suggestions, NV_1980, I am glad you liked it! These are indeed excellent cards that I also considered. However, since my deck revolves mostly on Angel-token generation, I found that creature recursion is not as useful as it would normally be. Plus, I am trying to keep the average CMC relatively low so that I can cast multiple spells per turn and trigger the lifegain engine (which in turns makes me the tokens), and recursion cards like these are usually quite expensive to cast. This said, Platinum Angel is definitely something I will consider, especially as an antidote to combo-decks and as a way to buy a few more turns and maybe scrap a win :)
May 20, 2024 5:31 a.m.
You're welcome! Admonition/Serenity/Arbiter angels were mostly meant to augment your control options. They are indeed a bit more expensive to cast, but you've got a number of options in this deck that allows you to reduce their casting cost AND your description said the deck wasn't meant to win within just a couple of turns anyway, which is why I thought: what the hell, might as well offer these as suggestions :) Love the token-theme you're running though; too bad Anointed Procession is so expensive these days, it would be perfect in here.
May 20, 2024 5:42 a.m.
I see your point NV_1980 and I think you were absolutely right in suggesting them, thanks again! To be fair another issue I have is simply finding room for more control cards, because in general I prefer running higher on my own synergy. So if I have to choose between a more synergistic (say lifegain or token-generation) card and control one that would slow down my opponents but add relatively little to my gameplan, then I'd always choose the former. As of now I simply wouldn't know what to cut to make space for them haha. But yes I absolutely agree about Anointed Procession, I would love to have one but it's just too expensive and I always build my decks on a budget (as much as I can). I was lucky enough to pull a Mondrak, Glory Dominus from a pack a couple of years back though, so at least I have one token doubler :D
May 20, 2024 6:14 a.m.
EDIT: I just realised I pulled Mondrak only last year, god it feels like it was ages ago with all the sets that have come out since All Will Be One haha
Hexapod says... #1
I love an old-fashioned, straightforward tribal deck!
I see this is a budget deck, my suggestions may be out of the price range.
I would venture that Mangara the Diplomat is a slow card and could be replaced with Esper Sentinel.
You have some interesting lands in there, some that I will consider for my own lists. I don't get why you would want Bant Panorama, and I find Kabira Crossroads and Idyllic Grange have the potential to slow the early game. I would favor Kor Haven and Eiganjo Castle instead.
That Cloud Key wants to be an Urza's Incubator. Akroma's Memorial could be a nice thematic piece.
Hope this helps!
December 22, 2023 10:17 a.m. Edited.