Angel's Whipping Post

Standard* osoling


BoogieBear says... #1

My 2 cents, which today with $5 will buy you a cup of coffee, if it's on sale....

Early game - 3 Thoughtseize 4 Tithe Drinker 2 Devour Flesh 3 Fiendslayer Paladin 2 Pharika's Cure

MidgameWinCon - 3 Archangel of Thune 2 Ashen Rider 2 Angelic Accord 2 Sanguine Bond 2 Whip of Erebos 1 Obzedat's Aid 3 Trading Post

RemovalControl - 3 Hero's Downfall 2 Underworld Connections 2 Read the Bones

Now throw it all out and make a better deck and have fun!

November 12, 2013 3:07 p.m.

almerican says... #2

To help early game you could add in some more removal Devour Flesh woul be a good card to add in because it can deal with hexproof creatures and it pairs well with Erebos, God of the Dead

Not too sure about Thoughtseize as a 1 of. You wont be hitting it consistantly enough to make the early game impact you are looking for. I assume you have it as a 1 of because you are looking to trade for more.

And though it doesn't fit in with the them of the deck, High Priest of Penance can help to deter attackers

November 12, 2013 9:21 p.m.

osoling says... #3

I like High Priest of Penance and thought about including it. Tithe Drinker took that spot because if I have Sanguine Bond out, I get two damage for one mana with the extort. It was a better pairing, but Priest was on the table.

Devour Flesh still might make it into the deck. I want a ton of removal to deal with early game, and that's a great call.

November 14, 2013 5:31 p.m.

BoogieBear says... #4

First things I noticed:

I don't think you need Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx . By the time you fill your hand and have the ability to abuse it, it becomes a "win more" card. It doesn't do anything to get you to your win con. I'd put in another Swamp to help get you where you need to go.

Second, Blood Baron of Vizkopa just SCREAMS to be in this deck. It's +4 lifelink syncs perfect with Angelic Accord . It isn't even legendary, so you could run 4 of them. The other card that would be good is Obzedat, Ghost Council .

Next is your win con vs your support. I don't see Soldier of the Pantheon & Vizkopa Guildmage doing a whole lot for you here. The guildmage is effectively a pay-for Whip of Erebos , which is far better. I'd say putting Devour Flesh in it's place would help more early game. Your win con is more mid-game, yet your early game is aggro. That doesn't seem to sync as well.

It seems like a more control early-game would sync better. You're not going to beat true aggroblitz decks in a race early, but you could very well control things.

If I were to put this together, I'd put the win con for this deck as follows:

2x - Archangel of Thune

3x - Blood Baron of Vizkopa

2x - Obzedat, Ghost Council

2x - Whip of Erebos

3x - Angelic Accord


4x - Thoughtseize

3x - Devour Flesh

2x - Hero's Downfall

4x - Tithe Drinker

4x - Fiendslayer Paladin

3x - Underworld Connections

3x - Trading Post

November 27, 2013 11:46 a.m.

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