Anger of the Izzet

Standard k9terror


Jrjersey01 says... #1

-2 essence scatter -1 anger of the gods

+1 dissolve +1 quicken +1 cyclonic rift

Dissolve is better than essence scatter even though it costs more mana. Cyclonic rift is for anger of the gods because they both are boardwipes. I took out the essence scatter because I didn't know what other thing I should take out.

January 3, 2014 7:52 a.m.

TheAshenKnight says... #2

I like the look of this! Pretty interesting changes all around. I'll try and recommend some, though.

For one, I'd add one more land. I wasn't too keen on the idea when it was suggested to me, as I saw it as removing answers I would otherwise have in my deck. (Which isn't necessarily true if you have card advantage, which is covered in the next paragraph.) However, I playtested a few games with this, and the first two games I had a one land opening hand, which means those answers did me no good, since I couldn't cast them.

As for card advantage, I also didn't like the sound of that, since I saw it as doing the same thing as adding another land, but I quickly found out that card advantage does the exact opposite. There's a reason why you see top tier control decks running playsets of pretty much every card that gives card advantage that they have access to. What I learned after thinking about it and playtesting with it was that while yes, you sacrifice having more of an answer in your deck, with card advantage, you draw it much, much more frequently. Take, for example, a control deck with no card advantage whatsoever. It works well for a few turns, but once they've gotten rid of their hand, they have major problems. Just like their opponent, they're left topdecking, and that's assuming their opponent didn't have an answer to some of their removal. (Let's say a counter or Rootborn Defenses .) A deck with more card advantage doesn't have this problem. They might have a hand with fewer removal spells early game, but they make up for it late game. Each draw spell represents potential answers that they'd normally have to hope to draw into. It cycles through their deck faster, getting to that third copy of Lightning Strike to save them from a Fleecemane Lion a few turns earlier than they would have normally drawn into it. And even if you only hit land with a draw spell, that's land you aren't going to draw next turn, which you'd normally have to wait some turns to get through. Therefore, I think more card draw of some type is in order. I'm not sure how I feel about Steam Augury , as the discarding portion doesn't help you at all, and neither does your opponent choosing what you get. I prefer Divination over it, or perhaps Inspiration , which I haven't tested with. Jace, Architect of Thought is also obviously insanely good for card advantage, assuming you can get him. (I couldn't find him anywhere when I had looked previously, and no one was willing to trade. He's in pretty high demand right now.) As for what to replace... well, I'm really not sure. You've seen what I have in my deck, and those are the choices I've made, but they might not be correct. I'd probably start with Shock , though. I'd also personally get rid of some of the Frostburn Weird s. When I playtested, they didn't really seem to do a ton. It shuts down early aggro, but blockers are unreliable against a lot of aggro decks, since they have a bunch of burn spells and pump spells that can kill it off quite easily, making it a bad trade. Therefore, I highly prefer spells to a blocker in this deck.

As for other cards, I'd consider Magma Jet . In most cases, it's much, much better than shock. It's not always better, by any means, but the Scry 2 is huge. Also, I'm not entirely sure why Spellheart Chimera is sideboarded. It's much better as an alternate win condition than it is as a sideboard card. What would you bring it in against? The only thing I can think of is boarding it in against everything that's not aggro, but in that case, it's probably better to mainboard it.

I'm also unsure if Cyclonic Rift is really that great in this deck. I love the card, but it does two things. The first is to delay something for a turn. (or occasionally more if it has counters on it.) The second is to give us a second chance to counter something. The first part is important, but every time I had Cyclonic Rift , I found myself wishing for more removal. The delay can be huge, but in a control deck, a turn isn't very long. The reason Azorius Charm is so good is because it not only bounces it, but puts it back on top of their deck. They don't get a new card next turn, and have to replay the thing you bounced in addition. Cyclonic Rift doesn't have that benefit, and its best quality is the ability to bounce a huge board of stuff. The problem is, if we've been doing our job as a control deck and removing everything, that's completely useless to us, and almost always functions as a singular bounce. The chance to counter something again is also huge, but not incredibly useful if you don't have a counterspell ready. If you do, you get a 2 for 1 in their favor, or if you don't, it only delays. That's why I replaced Cyclonic Rift in the mainboard with Ratchet Bomb . It helps a ton with tokens, and gives us the ability to destroy anything without need of a counterspell in hand (with the exception of indestructible stuff.). The only things I can think of that Cyclonic Rift can help more with than Ratchet Bomb are the gods and a monstrous Fleecemane Lion . To me, though, I have much more problems with other things (like Whip of Erebos ), and have opted for Ratchet Bomb instead. However, I kept Cyclonic Rift in my sideboard in those circumstances.

Bump Mizzium Mortars up to a playset too. The 4 damage is huge, especially against some of the biggest threats in standard. (Stormbreath Dragon , Blood Baron of Vizkopa , and Loxodon Smiter all come immediately to mind. It also allows you to use it and a 2 damage spell to kill off a Desecration Demon rather than 2 Lightning Strike s or 3 spells.) The greater frequency of drawing it is extremely beneficial. Plus, in some situations, it can function as an Anger of the Gods when you don't have one, minus the exile.

Good luck with the build, and sorry for the delay in responding!

January 3, 2014 7:05 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #3

Nice tempo deck Counter or burn until you can hit a win con.

January 22, 2014 12:08 a.m.

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