Fatal Push (): No surprises here, as Fatal Push will likely continue to serve as Standard's premium removal spell for the foreseeable future. The card is especially important to this deck as it provides a way to interact with the creatures that hit the battlefield early. While this is not a deck stacked with Revolt triggers in order to truly abuse the card, there are a number of interactions (mainly through the Deserts included as part of the mana base) that will allow one to squeeze some additional value out of it.
Cast Down (): I'm seriously intrigued by Dominaria's take on Doom Blade. Certain legendary creatures introduced in Dominaria (cough Lyra Dawnbringer cough) will test this card's playability, but it does represent a clean answer to several threats that would otherwise give the deck a hard time. Being able to hit just about any three drop powered out by Llanowar Elves without relying on a revolt trigger or being able to straight up kill a Glorybringer is definitely something I want to be doing.
Abrade (): The flexibility of this card was another huge reason why I was looking to move into . The ability to shoot down most creatures seeing play while also doubling as guaranteed removal for any of the tricky to deal with vehicles is a huge point in this card's favor. It being an Instant also makes facing down a Heart of Kiran much less intimidating. There really isn't much for me to add on to the chorus of people who advocate for Abrade, it's just a really good card.
Cut (: I've already talked about the benefits of Cut as it's the front half of one our main win conditions, so I won't go in depth as to why this card is featured. Suffice to say, Four damage is enough to kill just about anything under five mana currently in the format, and even then is still plenty capable of taking down some of the meatier creatures.
Sweltering Suns (): This is our main hedge against any opponent attempting to overwhelm us with a swath of creatures, and it does its job surprisingly well. Three damage is often enough to wipe most if not all of the opposing board when playing against go-wide strategies, with Vampires or Cats currently posing the biggest risk with their surprisingly large number of anthem effects. Sweltering Suns gets even better in our hands, as our complete lack of creatures is enough to naturally break the card's symmetry on every cast. I'm even liable to leave them in against an opponent on Control as in most cases I can treat it as a three mana draw spell.
Doomfall (): I've already touched on the value this card provides to the deck under the "Hand Disruption" tab, so I won't go to in depth on it here. However, a three mana way of permanently removing The Scarab God, Hazoret the Fervent, Rekindling Phoenix, and Carnage Tyrant is generally something that deserves a spot or two in similar lists.
Vraska's Contempt (): Currently considered one of the most important removal spells in Standard due to the various Gods and Phoenixes running around in the format, Vraska's Contempt's biggest advantage is how clean the removal is compared to the other answers in the format. It doesn't carry the inherent risk of 's enchantment based removal and doesn't hope that just shuffling a problem card away will remove it from the game (looking at you Struggle). The thing even nukes any problematic Planeswalkers that could otherwise give the deck fits. The incidental lifegain is just the cherry on top of what is already an auto-include for any -based deck.
Ifnir Deadlands (,, Sacrifice a Desert): While this is a land, it deserves an honorable mention as an additional four copies of removal and a valuable protection against mana flooding in the late game. It's worth noting that you could pad this number by sacrificing other deserts that may not provide as much value in certain matchups. The reduction effect is capable of killing smaller aggressive creatures (Adanto Vanguard in particular) while taking the edge off of an opponent's bigger bombs. In my testing so far, the utility this card provides has continued to surprise me and has saved my bacon in some pretty dire scenarios.