Welcome to the jungle, where hatebears are king. This decks strategy is pretty simple, deny your opponents the chance to do what their deck wants, then punch them in the face. Easy, right? We take advantage of powerful creatures and lockdown abilities to render most of the t1 decks useless.
Our Cast of Beautiful Bears:
Aven Mindcensor- A flyer with a 2/1 body that can be flashed in, and almost always cancels out searching? Count me in!
Leonin Arbiter- The iconic hatebear. A 2/2 for 2 that is the backbone of this deck, prohibiting searching unless you can pay the stiff cost. The reason we don't run fetches.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben- A first-striking creature that messes with almost every decks strategies, making combo and control decks cringe with fear when she hits the table. A personal favorite of mine.
Qasali Pridemage- An eternal format staple, and is no different in this deck. Exalted triggers accelerate the beatdown (or beardown, HAHAHAhaha... Kill me now...) plan, and can sacrificed to disrupt and destroy enchantments or artifacts. One of the most versatile and solid creatures in here.
Hushwing Gryff- A new toy out of M15, this card is another flashable hate card that can catch opponents off guard and either completely shut down strategies or force instant removal. Hereby known as "Torpor Bird."
Scavenging Ooze- A great creature that grows and gains life while hosing graveyard strategies, what's not to love? A fantastic creature, instantly a 3-of in this deck.
Spellskite- To quote a wise planeswalker on gatherer, here's his or her impression of Spellskite. "OM NOM NOM, MORE LIGHTNING BOLTS PLEASE." That sums up this card pretty well... However, a great card against bogle, twin, and so many other decks.
Linvala, Keeper of Silence- So, I heard you like activated abilities. Nope. Can't be bolted, a fair-costed, hard to kill flyer, and a card that is invaluable to shutting down so many modern strategies.
Loxodon Smiter- A card that can't be discarded or bolted, and is an undercosted beater. Wow. So much value. Plus it's an elephant with a big hammer. EAT SLEDGE, BRO.
The Finishers. Never Leave Home Without One:
Worship- Truly a hidden gem and a hard to deal with bomb. This card can easily win game 1's immediately after it hits as few decks have a main deck way to deal with it.
Thrun, the Last Troll- This card. THIS CARD. I love this guy so much, he's a nightmare for control to deal with, and he's very solid against every other matchup. He's a great card, and he'll basically never come out of my list.
Elspeth, Knight-Errant- A great planeswalker with two very relevant abilities. Very good with Mirran Crusader (who has recently been cut), but also solid with any other creature. This card is a great finisher, and if you ever pull off the ultimate, expect a handshake to be coming your way very shortly.
The Other Guys:
Noble Hierarch and Birds of Paradise- The mana dorks of the deck, and the Hierarch gives exalted, which has saved me more than once, it really adds up over time. Also remember, being able to produce blue mana to pay for Spellskite can be absolutely VITAL in certain situations
Path to Exile- With Leonin Arbiter and Aven Mindcensor, this card is usually a free exile for one mana, two if Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is out. That's pretty amazing, our go-to removal in this deck.
Dismember- At first I was skeptical, however after some testing, I really like more removal in this deck. I've begun to take a liking to this card, but I probably won't ever go up to any more, as the cost is pretty hefty. (Currently removed for a third Qasali Pridemage, testing how it works, the life loss really hurts, but can be well worth it.)
Ghost Quarter- Great synergy with the aforementioned Mindcensor and Arbiter. Like Path to Exile, it provides free land destruction with no drawbacks. Modern legal Strip Mine? I think yes!
Sideboard: (Here, I'll give a quick explanation of each card.)
Choke- Comes in against any deck with islands. Hoses merfolk, control, twin, etc. Do I need to say more?
Fracturing Gust- Eventually settled with this card over Creeping Corrosion, because I can usually stall affinity enough to drop this card with my other hate, and if this hits vs. affinity, we win. Also, a great card against robots, bogle, and other artifact/enchantment decks.
Engineered Explosives- Comes in against tokens, soul sister's, merfolk, and affinity to name a few rough match ups. A great card that comes in a lot. Definitely saves our butt on some scary matchups.
Ghostly Prison- A great card that slows down aggro decks and buys you some time to close out the game vs. combos like Kiki-Jiki/Resto Angel, and Splinter Twin.
Mark of Asylum- A hidden gem that wrecks burn and most control decks running red, rendering Lightning Bolt, Lightning Helix, Pyroclasm, and Anger of the Gods useless. Take that UWR!
Relic of Progenitus- In as an experiment, as before this spot was Rest in Peace, but I disliked the graveyard dis-synergy with Scavenging Ooze and Voice of Resurgence. It's been working out pretty well for me. Hurts decks like Living End, and ones that use Snapcaster Mage or other flashback cards. Plus, shrinks Tarmogoyf.
Spellskite- With the same explanation as before, hurts a lot of strategies, and can even be a formidable blocker.
Stony Silence- A card that eats Birthing Pod and affinity, but also hurts our swords and Spellskite. It's well worth the trade off though.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben- When we need more Thalia hate. Pretty self explanatory.
Torpor Orb- A great card against Splinter Twin and all kinds of pod. Also, VERY helpful against Death & Taxes.
Worship- If I had a quarter for every time this card saved my life and completely confused my opponent, I'd be loaded. Crazy synergy with Thrun, the Last Troll, and with any creature in general. Easily could have this maindecked, but the list is very tight as is.
If you like this deck, feel free to leave a +1 and a comment! Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.
P.S. (I can bearly stand the puns for any longer, you could say they're unbearable! Yep, I went there.)