Angry Birds? Nah. Angry Bears. (GW Hatebears)
SCORE: 183 | 87 COMMENTS | 45107 VIEWS | IN 89 FOLDERS
@neverdie Thanks for trying it out! I've been working on this for a while now with some people over on the GW Hatebears forum at The decks seen a lot of changes, and it's shaping quite nicely! If I had to say though, I've been running this variation for a couple months now.
May 23, 2014 11:26 a.m.
with Horizon Canopy being your only card draw, I would bump it to 4 total. someway, somehow, i think squeezing that last one in is necessary. It's a Mana Confluence that can cantrip itself, 4 is necessary
May 30, 2014 2:58 p.m.
@Dreno33 Over on MTGSalvation, we've debated that, but we finally came to 3 as the golden number. While the card draw is nice, the problem is that you can really hurt yourself early on with the damage that it does, while it's little, it adds up very quickly. Plus, with all of our land destruction, we usually don't have too many lands in play, and having too many lands that ping for one can in the end decide the game. I definitely hear your argument, and will consider it. However, it's been working well in testing so far, so I won't make that change yet.
May 30, 2014 4:12 p.m.
Magiclover318 says... #5
Hmm this is definitely an interesting version of Hatebears :)
I built one as well, use some of the same cards, but I included more basic lands to counter Blue Moon decks which make use of Blood Moon and Spreading Seas to effectively lock you out of mana
June 1, 2014 5:54 p.m.
@Magiclover318 Thanks for the upvote! I like your version too, I'll be using yours to test a little bit to see the pros and cons to each version :) Usually, I don't have too much of a problem with Blood Moon, due to Qasali Pridemage and my mana dorks, but it's always a concern with any deck with this many nonbasics. Thanks for the feedback!
June 1, 2014 6:30 p.m.
Magiclover318 says... #7
Okay!! :) Yeah Qasali Pridemage is awesome, I only have BoP for mana dorks, once Heirarchs drop I will pick them up :) 50-60 a pop is too much for me haha. My one question is why two Linvala, Keeper of Silence ?
June 1, 2014 7:06 p.m.
Magiclover318 says... #8
Sorry for the double post, I believe that hatebears needs a facelift, which is why I added Nyx-Fleece Ram because it would take two bolts to kill, and has a good passive ability. It can block a large goyf and not die. It just has many uses :)
June 1, 2014 7:09 p.m.
I like maindecking 2 Linvala, Keeper of Silence because she's a card that hates so much and is hard to remove. It shuts down so many strategies, doesn't die to bolt, and can swing for some good damage in the air. And yeah, Noble Hierarch is way overpriced right now haha.
June 2, 2014 2:21 p.m.
Magiclover318 says... #10
Ah yeah that's true. Personally, the reason that she is hard to remove is why I question running two since it's legendary.
Also on a side note: I love all the pictures you have in the description :)
June 2, 2014 2:38 p.m.
Haha thank you! I'm not sure I want Nyx-Fleece Ram in the deck because I'm trying to make the deck proactive instead of reactive. I want every card in this deck to put pressure on the opponent, through hate effects or just being a hard-to-kill beater, thank you for the suggestion though!
June 2, 2014 2:48 p.m.
Magiclover318 says... #12
Yeah no worries :) I just think new suggestions are always good to have, fresh opinions are always something to keep in mind, I try to anyways! :)
I did recently make my Hatebears deck more "Net Deck" if you will, I am just missing 1 Aven Mindcensor and 1 Linvala, Keeper of Silence , I have the Restoration Angels on the way :)
June 2, 2014 3:02 p.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #13
Does hatebears no longer use AEther Vial ? I thought that was a critical card for use with Leonin Arbiter and such to flash in your guys when the opponent tries to do things.
June 3, 2014 3:16 p.m.
@GeminiSpartanX Some version do, some version don't. Most versions that do are usually really considered Death and Taxes, although in modern the names are just kinda combined. However, they play very differently, and I don't like AEther Vial in this build too much. Plus, I'd have to cut 3-4 cards to make room for them, and this list is very tight as is.
June 3, 2014 3:46 p.m.
Do your know what hatebears are? It's a type of deck, and does not necessarily, if ever run actual bears
June 4, 2014 10:29 p.m.
@Grizzly Bears proved too powerful for this deck. I had to remove him because I lost too many friends, he was overBEARing,.. :D
June 4, 2014 10:30 p.m.
Magiclover318 says... #19
Cause when a bear is beating your face in, you tend to hate it. This deck does that. So that's why it's called Hatebears
June 4, 2014 10:37 p.m.
benwah3000 says... #21
No, when a bear is beating your face in, your teeth are knocked into your brain and you don't have time to do anything but die.
June 4, 2014 11:18 p.m.
PrimeEpoch says... #22
I play with Blade Splicer instead of Loxodon Smiter , as it's funny to Restoration Angel or Flickerwisp it.
June 6, 2014 5:01 p.m.
@nayaftw Thing is, that build is a Death and Taxes deck, not hatebears... Again, even though the names are interchanged, they play very different and the flicker effects are classified under D&T.
June 6, 2014 5:48 p.m.
ChickenMonkeyDuck says... #24
can u check out my hatebears deck and give it some suggestions? if u do ill plus 1 yours
neverdie says... #1
+1, I enjoyed the playtest. How long have you been honing this?
May 23, 2014 11:18 a.m.