Angry Clouds

Modern skeezix


Bababad says... #1

I wouldn't roll Increasing Vengeance or Thunderous Wrath because without draw cards miracles are neigh useless (except for the obvious random luck topdeck). In my experience you will rarely need to doublecast flicker, especially if the only thing you focus on flickering is Kessig Malcontents . Also having 2 mountains lying around for IV early game is rare at best, and if you do you wont have any reason to flicker anything because your field is clear. I would recommend Stonewright , Brimstone Volley , Rush of Blood , and Fling for this. They would give you more of a reason to roll red and more importantly give you an alternative burn than KM and the TW. They are cheap cards and flow well with most white/red. Long story Short, your early game mana needs some work (having both WW summon and RR summons spells trouble) and you have alot of mana fatties (even though they are cute fatties). Ah well, my 2-bits. +1'd

October 27, 2012 12:42 a.m.

Bababad says... #2

Nvm on the mana fatties, didn't read numbers..assumed 4 of each. Your mana fatties are much slimmer than prior comment suggests :)

October 27, 2012 12:46 a.m.

lincolk says... #3

with all the dual lands out there now why not add some dual lands by taking out your Mountains and Plains to make this a tri colored deck and throw in 2-4 Thragtusks. Just an idea since you are using the flicker mechanic

March 19, 2013 6:17 p.m.

skeezix says... #4

Thanks, lincolk, but getting all the lands and the Thragtusks and the dual lands would be expensive and reduce the number of Humans in the deck which is counterproductive to the main win condition.

If I was going to add green I would probably add some of the good green humans that go well like Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip , Mayor of Avabruck  Flip , Hamlet Captain , and Daybreak Ranger  Flip .

April 21, 2013 3:08 p.m.

Historicalhat says... #5

Soooo many dirty moves with this deck. Playtested to a turn seven, Zealous Conscripts + 2x Cloudshift . I laughed so hard. Love this deck man.

April 21, 2013 4:09 p.m.

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