Animar & friends!

Commander / EDH* greyninja

SCORE: 225 | 168 COMMENTS | 49487 VIEWS | IN 93 FOLDERS

greyninja says... #9

too bad Cloudstone Curio is $10, that would be amazing in this deck!

i only have one Darksteel Plate , in my Sigarda, Host of Herons EDH deck, so i decided to go with Whispersilk Cloak since it makes Animar unblockable. whenever i see a Darksteel Plate i always try to trade for it, and this is where it would go

April 21, 2013 7:14 p.m.

greyninja says... #12

yea my Tajuru Preserver and Craterhoof Behemoth are in my mono-green deck: Nature will prevail

i'm liking these suggestions, thanks!

April 22, 2013 7:26 a.m.

Zharmiso says... #19

Lots of good stuff. Seems like you've made a well-rounded Animar. I've found some stuff for my Animar deck as well which might be useful to you.

Bloom Tender awesome drop on t2 if Animar doesn't make a showing then. Can change games by getting out your creatures early.

Somberwald Sage : I've had great success with her, but my deck uses more bounce effects.

Oracle of Mul Daya : ramps lands and thins from your deck, need I say more?

Great Whale , Peregrine Drake , and Palinchron : You know how cloud of faeries is awesome? Meet her friends! They can greatly extend your turns and they can be bounced for extra awesomeness!

Orcish Lumberjack : forces you to sacrifice a forest, but the amount of ramp is outstanding with this card. Tapping the forest beforehand will put four in your pool.

Joiner Adept : A great alternative to chromatic lantern. Both are good options though.

Utopia Sprawl : Not a creature, but allows for t2 animar and pays for itself in most situations.

Bond Beetle : simmilar to hunting moa. I find by the time I had hunting moa out I didn't need the extra counter from him hunting moa leaving the field.

Champion of Lambholt : provides excellent evasion for Animar and can be a solid beater in her own right.

Wall of Blossoms : Same as elvish visionary

Canopy Cover : provides shroud for animar AND allows him to run through defenses. Can't go wrong with that!

My deck is more bounce and combo oriented, but perhaps you'll find something useful here. AnimaRAWR! Soul of the beatdown!

April 24, 2013 12:50 a.m.

Blakkhand says... #20

I recommend looking at this primer

If that's the way you want to go, using it as a resource will get you a long way.

April 24, 2013 12:58 a.m.

plax77 says... #22

Holy Primal Surge Batman. You play that and you win...

July 6, 2013 9:56 p.m.

apt142 says... #23

Gruul Ragebeast is fantastic in an Animar deck. He turns all of your big creatures into kill spells. Combine with Deadeye Navigator and you have some selective boardwiping ability. Which is very tough to do in blue, green and red.

The only downside is that his ability is not a "may" ability.

July 6, 2013 10:03 p.m.

greyninja says... #24

when you bounce a creature with Deadeye Navigator it technically enters the battlefield as another creature right? so if you bounced it 100 times with a Gruul Ragebeast on the battlefield; the damage it was dealt by each creature doesnt ever add up? correct? where it will add up to my opponents creatures since they stayed there the whole time...?

July 9, 2013 10:29 a.m.

apt142 says... #25

It's a new creature when it comes into play, yes. It has 0 damage dealt to it. It loses all counters and is susceptible to summoning sickness. It also triggers the enters the battlefield trigger.

And it will cause a creature to fight target creature each time it (or another creature) enters play on your side.

I use the Ragebeast in my Animar deck and he's such a great piece of constant removal.

July 9, 2013 8:08 p.m.

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