Animar's Army, now with extra combos!
Commander / EDH
thataddkid says... #2
I don't have the deck in real life, I'm trying to trade up to and buy the pieces needed to make it right now.
Most people I talk to tell me that 36 is a standard number of lands for EDH. In playtest it feels okay but I can't see what a group would be like on this site.
Would you recommend cutting the signets for lands? I like the mana-fixing and ramp they offer, but I'm not quite sure how stable my number of lands is. I think for now I'll keep the land how it is and cut signets after some playtesting.
Also, what do you recommend cutting for Opal Palace ? Right now all lands besides Reliquary Tower produce color or tutor for color. I'm not sure that I should cut a color-producing land for it since the deck should pretty much only be casting with colored mana.
December 26, 2013 3:26 p.m.
nobu_the_bard says... #3
Personally I would cut Forgotten Cave but that it is just me. I don't think the Cycling lands are that useful in EDH without something to repeatedly recur them from the graveyard like Crucible of Worlds or Life from the Loam (which I don't think suit your deck, though both of them like to be in decks using ), but they are super popular and a lot of people use them anyway. However, the way I see it, you are either getting a slow land that only taps for one color that you can't easily tutor for, or you are paying mana to get something you could have gotten draw otherwise. Also, red is your least used color, whcih is why I picked on Forgotten Cave and not the other two.
My LGS usually people use 37-38 lands, but the signets are super great "accelerators" particularly early in the game, so maybe it balances out. Drawing one later is fairly useless, but I think with the number of tricks you have, it'll be fine.
I don't see a lot of people play Naturalize anymore; Krosan Grip or Hull Breach are more popular (depending on whether you'd rather have instant speed removal or efficiency). Just thought I'd mention them if you hadn't seen them.
Take what I say with a grain of salt, I think overall you did a better job designing this than I usually do. I like Vanishing in there though, I haven't seen that in forever. Is that meant to be used defensively?
December 26, 2013 3:46 p.m.
nobu_the_bard says... #4
Whoops, I meant, both Crucible and Life from the Loam like to be in decks using sac lands like the Panoramas or the more expensive dual-type ones.
December 26, 2013 3:47 p.m.
thataddkid says... #5
First off, thanks for all the feedback. I'd be completely open to cutting the cycling lands for basic or other color producing lands and will make that decision after playtesting.
I am torn between Krosan Grip and Hull Breach - so I will try to find room to fit both. Naturalize is obviously going first for Krosan Grip . What should go for Hull Breach ?
Vanishing is used for spot removal and bounce since a simple bounce can utterly destroy my gameplan, and as it was explained to me in a previous question phasing lets you keep counters and enchantments. Basically if anyone tried to bounce Animar with Vanishing attached to him I would simply phase him out for two blue mana and continue after my untap step.
December 26, 2013 6:42 p.m.
carpecanum says... #6
Cascade kills Hydras. I would either use X casting cost creatures or cascade but not both. Cloudstone Curio
could be another card used to chain bounce things. Mindclaw Shaman
can be very, very useful with Animar (and bouncing).
January 2, 2014 1:02 p.m.
one card i just threw in my animar deck is Prophet of Kruphix : why play creatures during your turn when you can play them before your turn! i also added Leyline of Anticipation to see if it helps, but haven't drawn it yet during play :P
Solemn Simulacrum and Coiling Oracle are very useful, along with Wood Elves to find your Stomping Ground and Breeding Pool . i chose to get rid of the signets for creatures (Farhaven Elf , Birds of Paradise , Sakura-Tribe Elder , etc)
Brutalizer Exarch and Fierce Empath can help find Deadeye Navigator for you. i love Fauna Shaman ; that is something i don't have but wish i did
careful with cards like Maelstrom Wanderer and hydras, he'll have you play them as 0/0s (which still pumps animar for +1/+1 but is much less fun)
also, WATCH OUT FOR MASS CREATURE DESTRUCTION - Darksteel Plate , Spearbreaker Behemoth , Draining Whelk , etc
i could keep going cuz i love Animar, Soul of Elements , but check out my deck instead and tell me what you think!
January 15, 2014 8:43 p.m.
thataddkid says... #8
I have Prophet of Kruphix in the deck already. Leyline of Anticipation is not going in because it isn't a creature, and I'm tapping out every turn I can to keep the Animar flow of creatures. Flash is nice but Prophet of Kruphix does that and gives me mana to do it too.
I agree that I should cut the signets. I don't particularly like the "3-drop for one land 1/1"s you suggested though, so I'm opting for Birds of Paradise and Nature's Lore .
I already have Fierce Empath in the deck, and I'm not sure how useful a 6-mana 3/3 is, even if it does tutor. I'd rather just use Fierce Empath and have a better beater.
I know Maelstrom Wanderer is a bit sketchy, but he only has 4 bad cascades which is a chance I'm willing to take because of his potency. If he becomes a problem though I will cut him for sure.
I like Draining Whelk but am trying to move away from non-defensive counterspells. If my meta demands I be the turd I will assume that role happily, but until then I'd like to stay defensive on the counters.
I looked at your deck and noticed that Cloudstone Curio . you have. Isn't it meant to be used for infinite counters in Animorph decks?
January 15, 2014 8:59 p.m.
carpecanum says... #9
I don't use infinite combos unless playing against them. I like having Animar at 3+ counters then bouncing every colored mana I have between 3 creatures of different colors. Even if the creatures have no ETB's Animar gets huge, but with them you're looking at craziness like Fierce Empath
x3 or the like, and enough counters to free cast Artisan of Kozilek
and Nullstone Gargoyle
etc. It's also nice to use Progenitor Mimic
then bounce it as soon as something better gets on the board or cast Sylvan Primordial
or Terastodon
, then Clone
+ bounce, then repeat. You could bounce Zealous Conscripts
a few times to take multiple creatures and bouncing a Draining Whelk
gives you a constant supply of counterspells.
People I play with the most kill the Cloudstone Curio
as soon as I play it.
But yeah. Animar + 2 morph creatures = infinite counters if you have a Cloudstone Curio
January 27, 2014 11:11 p.m.
thataddkid says... #10
I dunno, I don't really feel like making my deck's creatures at best a 2/2 for 3 mana. Sure it goes infinite faster, but I just don't feel that I would like to put in some boring morph creatures just to win faster.
January 28, 2014 6:32 a.m.
Alright I looked through here a bit, and the first thing I see is you are concerned about your land base. Yes, 36 is a good starting number, but depending on the speed of your deck, and number of non-land mana producers, you can add/subtract lands. Since you don't have cards that cantrip themselves, and no Aluren allowing you to combo off, 36 is a pretty decent number to stick around. However, you can replace a few of the less useful lands with Pilgrim's Eye Simian Spirit Guide and Elvish Spirit Guide . The first is a land fetch which is often for free, and the other 2 can accelerate you for an earlier animar, or be used as a creature if you really want the counter for animar.
One thing about animar is, you should try to get as many of the effects you are looking for attached to creatures as possible, and cut some of the fatty creatures.
Instead of some of your sorcery speed ramp and things, run creatures like Solemn Simulacrum Wood Elves Sakura-Tribe Elder etc.
Of course, he more you commit to an animar-centric deck, the more you need cards to protect him, so it is all up to you. Those are my basic suggestions though.
February 3, 2014 12:25 a.m.
Leyline of Anticipation is really great if you commit to the combo centered deck. It allows you to do things at Eot right before your untap, which makes them less likely to be countered, or forces your opponents to leave mana open so they can counter. It really helps to avoid board wipes also, since most are sorcery speed. There's nothing like dropping tons of things and telling someone they lose because they can attack your turn.
It is useful if you can drop it for free in starting hand, otherwise just treat it like it's not in your hand most of the time (it doesn't function as well in your deck because you have no draw power, as opposed to mine).
February 3, 2014 12:30 a.m.
thataddkid says... #14
Well I guess I know what to cut for Pilgrim's Eye , lol. Solemn Simulacrum is in for Cultivate and Wood Elves is in for Kodama's Reach . Thanks for help with the list as well as help with formatting.
February 3, 2014 4:33 p.m.
irindumaster says... #15
I would consider Warstorm Surge . It's an instant kill to all players with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker / Splinter Twin combos, and if you put a Blightsteel Colossus in the deck, it's 11 infect damage. Also really good with things like Krenko, Mob Boss and other damagy stuff.
February 3, 2014 5:17 p.m.
thataddkid says... #16
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker / Splinter Twin combos are already an instant win. I also don't have the money for Blightsteel Colossus right now, and on it's own Warstorm Surge isn't good enough for me. The only non-creatures I run in this deck have to be useful enough for inclusion and Warstorm Surge is just win-more.
February 3, 2014 6:11 p.m.
How many people is this deck meant to verse at a time? That decides a lot if you want good suggestions.
If it's 3+ I'd put in (reusable) cards to change animar's protection like Glamerdye and Whim of Volrath . There's nothing like saying ha to the red burn guy who thinks he can instant kill your 1/1 general the entire game.
February 4, 2014 12:18 a.m.
thataddkid says... #18
It's geared towards 3+ opponents, yeah. I used to have in Vanishing to protect Animar, but I think I might just see if anyone packs burn and hatred for animar. I could probably politick' my way into safety but we'll just have to see. If animar is constantly getting hated out though I'll be sure to try those.
February 4, 2014 6:31 a.m.
carpecanum says... #20
Morph creatures give you a chance to cast useful spells as creatures (+1 counter) instead of sorceries etc. Nantuko Vigilante
, Willbender
, Chromeshell Crab
all have uses beyond going infinite. Lots of people hate using the morph guys though. Another really good mana creature that has a great synergy with Animar is a Scuttlemutt
. As long as its untapped you can give Animar protection from any creature you want.
February 4, 2014 10:32 p.m.
Birdsturnone says... #21
I agree with carpecanum morph is great with Animar.
One great addition to your deck would Tidespout Tyrant returning all permanents to their owners hands is awesome!
The 2nd thing I noticed right away was no Mulldrifter T.T < Sad Face
The Thespian's Stage (although an awesome foil) doesn't really do much in your deck I would recommend Reliquary Tower Instead.
Nice deck +1!
February 9, 2014 8:41 p.m.
thataddkid says... #22
I've got Reliquary Tower in the deck already, and if you saw the foil oh god it's gorgeous. I'm sure as I develop the deck more and more it'll get cut for a more utility land but right now it's the prettiest foil I've ever seen with no exaggeration.
Mulldrifter is very missed here. Once I get the deck complete (i.e. have 99% of cards) I'll look for stuff to cut for maybeboard options. I've been mulling over Mulldrifter for a while now and hearing your suggestion sealed the deal. I'm thinking I cut a cheaper creature like Legion Loyalist for it.
Since I'm just joining my playgroup I think I'm going to hold off on the more dick-ish cards for a bit longer. Tidespout Tyrant certainly has a shot at making it in in the future.
Thanks for your good suggestions and +1!
February 10, 2014 6:30 a.m.
thataddkid says... #23
Decided today to cut Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger for 3 reasons.
1) I already have a Master Biomancer and if I make the switch the only 2 cards I'm missing will both be standard and can be traded for in my area (Breeding Pool and Cyclonic Rift ).
2) Vorinclex paints a target on my back while Master Biomancer just says "huh, gotta watch out for that". Obviously I don't want to look threatening until I win but Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger makes everyone hate me and will encourage sweepers.
3) Dat interaction with Glen Elendra Archmage .
February 10, 2014 4:27 p.m.
Aelorith2117 says... #24
Great Whale for redundancy? Also if you like Nature's Lore check out Three Visits and Search for Tomorrow which is a great 1 drop or 3cmc ramp that brings the land into play untapped at least.
February 18, 2014 6:07 p.m.
thataddkid says... #25
Great Whale isn't the best since it doesn't combo with Animar, Soul of Elements so it's only good with Deadeye Navigator . It's nice for redundancy but I don't really feel I need that level as of yet.
Three Visits is something I'd love to include, but without duals it's a bit less potent and it's 26$, lol. Search for Tomorrow is nice but I'd rather have a creature slot than it just for a better topdeck.
nobu_the_bard says... #1
Looks pretty nasty; I hope your playgroup is able to keep up.
Have you tried playing it yet? It looks to me like the land count is slightly low and it does not have many accelerators compared to what I use, so I am curious how it "feels" tempo-wise.
Also, have you seen the new Opal Palace ? It looks like it'd go with Animar nicely.
December 26, 2013 2:57 p.m.