Last_Laugh says... #2
I'm going to make several suggestions but the most glaringly obvious thing that needs work is lowering your mana curve a lot. Currently your avg. cmc is 4.74, which quite frankly is astronomically high. Your deck costs 308 mana currently... it should be about a full mana less (about 70 mana less).
Blightsteel Colossus, Emrakul, Garruk's Horde, Hamletback Goliath, Hoverguard Sweepers, Meteor Golem, Increasing Savagery, and Rishkar's Expertise should all be cut. I'm also not a fan of Jin-Gitaxias or Vorinclex here but more because I feel they're a dick move that's really not needed here. Nezahal and Consecrated Sphinx are both lackluster here as well. If you have to pass turn to get value or rely on your opponents to trigger stuff then it's not for Animar, you need to look for rewards for your own actions.
Ainok Survivalist , Den Protector , and Stratus Dancer are your 3 best morph options here and they also go infinite in Cloudstone combos. Cloud of Faeries , Great Whale , and Stadium Vendors are all infinite mana with Cloudstone. Also consider Equilibrium and/or Temur Sabertooth for another bounce enabler here. Shrieking Drake reads - spend X blue: put x +1+1 counters on Animar. Last I'm suggesting a few cards for a game ending combo line... Weird Harvest to look up Ancestral Statue + either Walking Ballista or Purphoros, God of the Forge and end the game. Ballista is the preferred finisher here and only requires 4 mana and 3x +1+1 counters on Animar (Purph needs a 5th mana but same # of counters). Also consider Spellseeker to tutor it, glimpse of nature, or ryclonic rift up.
Feel free to check out my list for inspiration. Upvotes on any of my decks is appreciated. Animar, Gaea's Hemorrhoid
theburchman says... #1
Consider adding more morphs, they are fun and often very strong. Also consider some self bouncers like dream stalker and shrieking drake. They are also super strong.
November 18, 2018 12:36 a.m.