Another Sliver Deck drawing all the table hate

Commander / EDH JessieMessy


bad_wolf_118 says... #1

see that is just the thing with slivers, they either are demolished or it becomes the MTG nightmare everyone has. other then playing instants like rootborn defenses or maybe an eldrazi monument there isn't much you might be able to do. maybe throw some board wipes in there for the killing blow, a wrath of god after you have sliver hivelord on the battlefield is devastating.

March 10, 2016 1:04 p.m.

JessieMessy says... #2

Thanks for the comment bad_wolf_118 that's pretty much what I figured. Its a fun deck to give to newbies to kinda hone my others against.

March 11, 2016 5:07 p.m.

bad_wolf_118 says... #3

yeah no problem. A sliver deck is really nice to start a newbie because it really plays it self and is kinda a ticking time bomb until the final swing. I would say the only thing that would whoop a sliver decks ass is a mono blue control, or maybe a black destroy/discard deck.

March 11, 2016 7:16 p.m.

JessieMessy says... #4

bad_wolf_118 I think the only thing worse would be to add in Door to Nothingness

March 14, 2016 1:07 p.m.

bad_wolf_118 says... #5

... o god ... lets not get into the whole door to nothingness combos that could happen with a sliver deck. lol a door to nothingness would just piss even more players off.

March 15, 2016 11:42 a.m.

JessieMessy says... #6

Ok so thinking Crystal Quarry

March 30, 2016 11:48 a.m.

DPhoenix says... #7

Nice to see another sliver deck in development.


-1 Ponder +1 Lim-Dul's Vault: since you dont use lots of tutors I think the vault will work better for you, as it allows you to setup your next 5 draws.

-1 Obelisk of Urd +1 Darksteel Ingot: You got a lot of lords and artifacts that increase your slivers power and/or toughness, the obelisk is excessive and you need the ingot to absorb excessive harmonic triggers.

-1 Armor Sliver +1 Harmonic Sliver: Armor's ability is subpar compared to other lords and harmonic's is a must because you are lacking spot enchantment and artifact removal and in edh there is a lot of crazy stuff happening that needs to be removed asap

March 30, 2016 2:46 p.m.

JessieMessy says... #8

DPhoenix thanks for the sugestions.

Harmonic Sliver has been on my radar for sure.

I can always add Obelisk of Urd to my Zambies

Wow, Lim-Dul's Vault looks sweet!

March 31, 2016 1:18 p.m.

ForgeCityGames says... #9

is 41 land not a bit much for a tribal deck that can tutor for ramp slivers? might just be my opinion and i know that you will want to be casting more then 1 per turn just with an average cmc of 3 to set up with 37-8 should be enough.

something to help you recover from board wipes. since the guy i know who plays slivers pretty much only ever wins off a Living Death or Patriarch's Bidding you might wanna check those out.

i would perhaps drop Finest Hour since its more for decks that dont swarm, maybe replace it with something like True Conviction

it may seem counter-intuitive but 42 slivers seems like you are just running all the slivers you can get hold of rather then running less slivers but getting more out of them.

you maybe want some sort of draw outlet as well.

April 11, 2016 6:25 a.m.

shaistyone says... #10

I have run Sliver EDH decks since I started playing, and the hate is primarily about using the Overlord as your general. The tutoring engine is what scares people so much (rightly so). If you switch off to another legend, you'll find the hate is much reduced.
This is my wife's deck, and it gets to stick around without the 'Archenemy' treatment that an Overlord based deck seems to inspire: Sliver EDH

May 8, 2016 11:24 a.m.

JessieMessy says... #11

Thanks ForgeCityGames Patriarch's Bidding is defiantly a great suggestion. I run Finest Hour since I can smash for 16 CC damage in one turn, usually with pump its a lethal CC swing. I do get it is generally a swarm deal but tut-able one and 2 drops that make him flying plus 2 sources for double strike... I doubt I will need the hope draw of another. Now Oversold Cemetery or Lim-Dul's Vault are most likely. Thanks for that inspiration on the cemetary shaistyone you wife's deck looks sound.

May 12, 2016 2:35 p.m.

Flusterstorm says... #12

May 23, 2016 3:24 a.m.

Pedrodamus says... #13

Thanks for the upvote! I think you need to cut down on your Slivers, 42 seems like too many, to me at least. Asceticism is a good way to avoid spot removal, and gives you regen to boot, and Steely Resolve is another good option, and much cheaper cmc. As someone mentioned as well, Patriarch's Bidding is a great card, which I run along with Living Death...OH Frenetic Sliver is awesome when it comes to wipes. There's also Debtors' Knell and Immortal Servitude, which I tried, but didn't like too much, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be considered. The 4 instants I run are also all ways to recur or protect my board - Second Sunrise, Faith's Reward, Boros Charm, Ghostway, and they also added Ghostway 2.0 with Eerie Interlude. I also like running Sun Titan and Yore-Tiller Nephilim for recursion. As you know, you board will get bombed a lot lol, so having ways to recover is key. You gotta find ways to ramp fast, and I choose to do that via creatures and enchantments over sorcery speed. Cheating Slivers out with cards like Cryptic Gateway, Wild Pair, Lurking Predators, Call to the Kindred, etc. is also a good strategy to have. You gotta have card draw also and acount for that in your games or you'll be dead in the water if you're just playing off the top of your library, but that's the same for any deck. Slivers are fun, but it's hard to pilot because people will target you, just gotta keep finding ways to make your deck better and you got 5 colors to work with so don't feel like you need to just stick to Slivers to make the deck go.

June 6, 2016 3:53 p.m. Edited.

A card I wish I had that works in all tribal type decks is Cavern of Souls and a card I really like in my sliver deck is Belbe's Portal I know you already have one mana sliver buy why not two to increase your chances of drawing it. Manaweft Sliver

June 19, 2016 2:11 p.m.

JessieMessy says... #15

OnePieceAttaTime Yeah Cavern of Souls definitely needs a reprint and would totally be in here along with Sliver Legion I'm waiting for a good price to purchase. I put Cryptolith Rite in instead of Manaweft Sliver jic Final Judgment comes out and ruins my whole day, however that being said I could drop Mesmeric Sliver as its only in there because of one deck in my meta and its foil lol. I did see Belbe's Portal in your deck Death by Rainbow, I like it I just don't have the bombs that have high CMC plus I usually burn my mana tutoring for either spot removal, flying or indestructible. Thanks for the input! This deck is ever evolving so I do apriciate the comment.

June 20, 2016 1:43 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #16

All Sliver decks always get an upvote from me! Good work!

July 14, 2016 3:23 p.m.

JessieMessy says... #17

OK so I swapped out Clot Sliver for Harmonic Sliver and Mesmeric Sliver for Sliver Legion. Now what should I remove to add Sensei's Divining Top....its a must for some card draw plus got a great deal with the recent reprint, also been thinking Serum Visions

August 9, 2016 2:29 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #18

Thanks for the mentioning in the description, but my deck's original name was "Commander-Overlord". It's gone through many an overhaul. I do have some suggestions though:

I'd consider removing Fury Sliver simply because it doesn't do much for the cost. Six for a 3/3 is just outright bad. Technically it's a 6/6 due to the doublestrike, but it hits the board a 3/3.

I notice your deck has alot of anthem slivers in it. Perhaps you should consider making your deck more aggro. All you need to include are Muscle Sliver, Sinew Sliver, Bonesplitter Sliver, and Predatory Sliver. I'd even go further and swap out the commander from Sliver Overlord to Sliver Legion or Sliver Hivelord. It's up to you to determine the direction of your deck though, but it looks good so far.

August 9, 2016 3:15 p.m.

JessieMessy says... #19

LVL_666 yeah, I've been thinking about going back aggro... I've weaned my hive from 41 down to the currently lean 32 slivers. Sorry about not catching the deck's name correct in editing... I even reviewed lol.

But down to it, I'm a bit torn, the only reason Fury Sliver made the cut was it has a great value added when Wild Pair is online. If I remove him Megantic Sliver may as well come out as thats the 2 for 1 if they get played. I tried adding in other victories and recursion to maybe make the slivers in the deck work harder. I think I can swap some lands out for better stuff to possibly up the hive's numbers.

Any suggestions in the mana area are much appreciated at this point.

August 10, 2016 12:11 a.m.

Penthoplayer says... #20

Remove Aphetto Dredging for Primal Surge and Finest Hour for Descendants' Path. That'll close out games much faster.

August 12, 2016 2:51 p.m.

JessieMessy says... #21

Penthoplayer Thanks for the comment! Primal Surge is a solid card and Aphetto Dredging not so much... I will be on the look out in my stash for this card.

August 20, 2016 12:52 p.m.

JessieMessy says... #22

UPDATE I removed Frontier Bivouac to add in a sweet Burgeoning I got lucky and pulled this weekend.

September 17, 2016 4:19 p.m.

PookandPie says... #23

It might be a good idea to look into Intruder Alarm. It basically accomplishes the same goal as Primal Surge so long as you control your Commander and it doesn't cost 10 mana, nor can it whiff if you topdeck a sorcery after 8-12 cards, on average. It's also better than Wild Pair if you control your Commander, which isn't hard to do.

You need Sliver Overlord and at least 3-4 Slivers on the battlefield- you tutor Gemhide/Manaweft Sliver, windmill slam Intruder Alarm, and then cast the mana Sliver. This should give you access to 5 mana, which is conveniently just enough to tutor and cast Heart Sliver. Casting Heart untaps all creatures, giving you access to 6 mana. So then you tutor and cast every single Sliver from your library and have a mana surplus after the first couple casts. At the end of this cycle, you could have every single Sliver from your library on the battlefield, ready to swing, with something like +30/+30 with multiple forms of evasion, indestructible, vigilance, double strike, shroud, etc., so you could probably swing one or two at each opponent to end the game because they all have haste and are untapped.

Afraid of Fogs and an opponent taking advantage of your Intruder Alarm? Keep back 1 Sliver to destroy it at instant speed thanks to tons of available mana and Quick Sliver + Hivernation Sliver. Sweepers aren't an issue either- Pulmonic Sliver, an important third source of flying as well as recursion, and with Frenetic Sliver and Pulmonic, you can use your Intruder Alarm to basically start this cycle all over again once the sweeper has left the stack.

Intruder Alarm is really good with Sliver Overlord- I've never bothered with Wild Pair, Followed Footsteps, etc., because Alarm rewards you for getting a few Slivers on the board by letting you win almost immediately after its casting.

Also, check out Seedborn Muse. It's practically acceleration if you have your Commander on the board because you can tutor and cast Quick Sliver and then any Sliver on your opponent's turns- there's no better feeling than responding to a Wrath of God by tutoring out Hivelord at instant speed.

December 29, 2016 3:37 p.m.

JessieMessy says... #24

Thanks for the post PookandPie Intruder Alarm has been on my radar, If I catch one for trade I will not pass. Same for seedborn, I noticed this card as soon as PoK got banned and well it shot up in price so fast I was unable to ride that train :) Thing that sucks is I have stopped playing this deck in my play group. Everyone holds couterspells and such just for me. It is a very predictable deck. But rest assure your comment is duly noted.

December 29, 2016 10:22 p.m.

If you want to win, slim it down to ONLY combo and protection, and non-overlord tutors and mana acceleration. My list runs about 18 creatures I think. Maybe Ill post it soon..

June 8, 2017 3:16 p.m.

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