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Another Zombie deck? Yep.

Modern Zombie


Hey there everyone :) Here's my new take on the Zombie deck. Wondering if I could pull off a sideboard that turns it into a Zombie Mill, not completely sure it would be a successful one though(preferably using Jace, Memory Adept and Undead Alchemist in the mix.) Thanks for all your help :) And please comment with ideas or suggestions. Also, if you don't think I could pull off a Mill Sideboard, feel free to gimme ideas for a different Sideboard.

Diregraf Ghoul - 1-drop 2/2. Food for Bone Splinters or merely a chump-blocker.

Gravecrawler - 2/1 that can be played from a graveyard? Should be in ANY Zombie deck in my opinion. Amazing addition to almost any combo this deck has.

Blood Artist - I feel dirty for using a Vampire in a Zombie deck. Dishes damage as well as lifegain.

Diregraf Captain - Zombie buffs while also doing a slightly weaker version of Blood Artist ability.. I can also block with him in case of emergency, seeing as how he as Deathtouch.

Geralf's Messenger - 2 damage every time he hits play. Great with Havengul Lich and also fodder for the Bone Splinters and Killing Wave because of Undying.

Havengul Lich - Bringing back cards of great worth. Grimgrin, Corpse-Born or Geralf's Messenger. Debating running 2 Rooftop Storms to add to this card's silliness, but they costs 6-mana :(

Grimgrin, Corpse-Born - Game-ender. Sac-engine for all the zombies if I have a few Blood Artist and Diregraf Captain out. Gets big QUICK with how I prefer to kill off a few of my zombies, and also can destroy target threats.

Liliana of the Veil - Partly for flavor, But I can use it to take care of pesky Hexproofs. Also, I find myself top-decking a lot, so I can use her +1 without it really hurting me.

Tragic Slip - My preferred removal. Creatures are always dying with this deck's gameplan, so Morbid's always in affect.

Bone Splinters - With a Geralf's Messenger, this is a +1/+1 on him, two damage for him re-entering play, and them losing a creature.. for one mana.

Altar's Reap - Primarily filler, few more cards never hurts, this deck's Mana-curve usually means I get stuck top-decking.

Killing Wave - Board wipe, Geralf's Messenger comes back as long as he has yet to die, then Gravecrawler come back too. Usually keep a Havengul Lich in hand sometimes when I know Killing Wave is about to be used. Also, it's a Win-condition if I have a few Blood Artist or Diregraf Captain out. I can just pay the black mana for it, then choose to sac off my creatures to pump out damage.


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Date added 13 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

12 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.09
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