
September 2024 Update

I actively try to let everyone know that I'm not a big Commander/EDH player, but I figured I should delve into at least a few more decks so I'll have options outside of the one I currently have.

I am aware of how mono-white is considered the weakest color in Commander/EDH since it's been kept track of. Out of spite I put A LOT of energy, effort and money into it. I don't think the deck will ever truly be complete, unless Magic just straight up dies in the near future, since there will always be new cards to consider to strengthen the deck. (i.e: Phyrexian Vindicator, Mondrak, Glory Dominus and Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines)

The original Commander for this deck was Isamaru, Hound of Konda. For one it's very unassuming and could psyche out the opposition thinking it could be a Voltron style EDH deck. I was also a huge fan of the Kamigawa block despite some of the flaws in the set making it not very popular to play in. However when I saw the WAR spoiler for God-Eternal Oketra I felt like she could take better advantage of anthem theme of the deck. It would be easy to put Heliod, Sun-Crowned as the new commander, but that doesn't seem as much fun, now does it?

There aren't that many non-white dog-like creatures. I found ONE white Jackal(Disposal Mummy), but it wasn't very good. Same goes for Affa Guard Hound, Patrol Hound, Gore Vassal and Guard Dogs. Snow Hound can't help me since it's a mono-white build.

So the Tribal hound theme got thrown out the window and I'm currently running a large number of Lord type effects (i.e.: +1/+1 global creature buff) between artifacts, creatures and enchantments.

There are currently 13 Anthem/Lord effect cards here. Some varying from the vanilla +1/+1 to "Devotion"-like of Light from Within. There are other anthem/lord effects out there, but they weren't considered strong enough to be used with other support cards.

There are a few redundancies for the purpose of being able to use them without having the exact cards to interact with. Most notably Pariah and Pariah's Shield, Phyrexian Vindicator and Dawn Elemental each pair share similar abilities. I don't know if it has been given an official name, I'm just calling it Heliod's Ballista, it gives us another win-con.


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(4 months ago)

-1 Coat of Arms maybe
-1 Gauntlet of Power main