Anticipating Hostilities

Standard* Defpotec


davidl says... #1

Definatly gonna be a thing, think about myth realized !!!!

March 23, 2015 3:44 p.m.

Son-of-Mace says... #2

Negate and/or Disdainful Stroke are better than nullify in nearly every respect

March 23, 2015 4:25 p.m.

Son-of-Mace says... #3

and banishing light is entirely better than pacifism

March 23, 2015 4:25 p.m.

Defpotec says... #4

I'll be playtesting Negate... Disdainful Stroke doesn't appeal to me. It doesn't hit nearly enough spells that really scare me.

Banishing Light is good. I'm just afraid of using Ugin, the Spirit Dragon's board wipe and giving my opponent his threats back.

March 23, 2015 4:36 p.m.

Son-of-Mace says... #5

you might lose ugin in favor of Elspeth or main elspeth and Ban Light and side ugin and pacifism, pacifism can easily replace encase in ice in the SB

March 23, 2015 4:41 p.m.

Son-of-Mace says... #6

Worst case scenario Ugin is just a worse All Is Dust

March 23, 2015 4:42 p.m.

Defpotec says... #7

I like that. I'll try that out tonight and adjust accordingly.

March 23, 2015 4:43 p.m.

DaftVader says... #8

March 23, 2015 4:45 p.m.

I feel like Elspeth, Sun's Champion is better mainboard than Narset Transcendent in the sense that, Narset is just strictly better against control. But Elspeth is better against everything else AND even control.

March 23, 2015 4:48 p.m.

Defpotec says... #10

Myth Realized works as a mana sink and could get big if I hit the right spells, but I'm not sure how well it will scale at this point. It's likely to replace Wall of Frost, but I'm using the more conservative option until Myth Realized proves itself.

March 23, 2015 4:53 p.m.

Defpotec says... #11

UpperDeckerTaco, so you think Narset Transcendent should go sideboard then?

March 23, 2015 4:56 p.m.

I am just saying, I would rather have Elspeth, Sun's Champion against most match ups Game 1 than Narset Transcendent. Imagine, Narset against a G/R's efficient when it comes to rebounding the spells you play, but then again, all of Elspeth's abilities are relevant. Elspeth can also steal games against control. I personally would like to run both of them main, and then for the match ups where 1 of them is bad, side them for something more efficient.

March 23, 2015 6 p.m.

How about Shorecrasher Elemental? it works as a good beater and is almost untouchable in the current standard meta. Its blink mechanic works well as if it was a bad AEtherling.

March 23, 2015 6:23 p.m.

Ballzanya says... #14

I feel that a deck which mentions end hostilities should have all four in the deck. Just sayin'

March 23, 2015 8:39 p.m.

SpikedEggnog says... #15

im with upperdecktaco - i much prefer Elspeth, Sun's Champion in your main deck. and if you feel the need Narset sideboard BUT in my opinion I think Narset is a terrible card for a Control Deck - I think it is designed for a Jeskai burn/tempo strategy - over half of your deck is either lands or creatures (31 cards to be exact) which means you will brick with Narset a lot and even if you dont brick you just showed your opponent the Counterspell you drew so now they have info about your hand - plus for me personally I really dont want to be revealing my draws to the opponent playing as Control - if this was a burn/tempo who cares, you see i drew Stoke the Flames ok now i cast it at your face and attack with Seeker of the Way. think of it like Outpost Siege but in a planeswalker form. and the minus ability = Cast Stoke the Flames and rebound it for 8 dmg. it goes perfectly with Soulfire Grand Master and fits the mana curve of i would definitely run the Elspeths main.

and Ugin is a lot of mana for a U/W deck - if you were Sultai and had some Caryatid or Courser or something like that I could see running Ugin But i dont really like him here, plus he does not work well with your 11 colored permanents.

Anticipate is good here i like it.

Dissolve is the standard counter of choice.

End Hostilities is actually better then Crux of Fate since all the dragons will be flying around. i would run 4 copies.

Dragonlord Ojutai is spot on - perfect Control Finisher. and if you havent play tested with him i guarantee you will love him - hes a pseudo hexproof flyer that hits for 5 plus everytime he connects you get a free Anticipate. I run him in my bant deck alongside Heliod, God of the Sun who gives him vigilance = always hexproof - plus heliod is mana dump for 2/1 tokens which is nice.

in my honest opinion I would move away from the traditional U/W reactive control with tons of counterspells and planeswalkers and go for more of a proactive U/W dragons deck that runs Dragonlord Ojutai and Pristine Skywise along with Heliod, God of the Sun and Refocus to protect your dragons.

Plus you can run Silumgar's Scorn and Orator of Ojutai, Sunscorch Regent, Negate, Stubborn Denial, Devouring Light, Crippling Chill, etc.

March 23, 2015 9:08 p.m.

Defpotec says... #16

I was really excited when I saw Silumgar's Scorn... I hear what you're saying about reactive vs proactive control. I'll be thinking about an alternative decklist running dragons... I feel like I'll be pulled back into midrange, however.

We'll see where the dragons can take me.

Playtesting starts now! Catch me on!

March 23, 2015 9:48 p.m.

LeClown says... #17

Pacifism?! Lol I'm glad someone is putting it to use haha

March 23, 2015 10:26 p.m.

Sooo good

March 24, 2015 3:19 a.m.

ControlLeader says... #19

I like your build why do you run Myth Realized when you have Ugin, the Spirit Dragon in your deck. You should try Encase in Ice in your sideboard to answer Stormbreath Dragon.

Can you take a look at my build please leave a comment +1 if you like. Defpotec

March 24, 2015 6:52 a.m.

Defpotec says... #20

Ideally, I won't have to use Ugin, the Spirit Dragon's board wipes because of my counterspells. He should be able to ghostflame targets as needed.

I haven't seen any use of Stormbreath Dragon locally. With dragon tribal possibly becoming a thing, I'll keep Encase in Ice in the back of my mind. Hopefully I just won't let it resolve if I see it.

March 24, 2015 7:04 a.m.

Rythla says... #21

I like it! You will have to leave some feedback on how that dragon preforms!Only thing I'd suggest is Orator of Ojutai (because of decent amount of dragons) or Nyx-Fleece Ram for early defence. I love Myth Realized but it takes time and costs to activate. Also Ojutai's command can reanimate the "walls" giving extra utility to an already great card.

(Also thanks for feedback on my own deck!) :)

March 24, 2015 9:28 a.m.

Defpotec says... #22

Hey, thanks for the visit, Rythla! These are both cards that I've considered, sadly. Orator of Ojutai's job is done right now by Myth Realized. It tends to be my go-to chump blocker, and card draw doesn't seem to be a problem for me early game. Nyx-Fleece Ram is a possible sideboard card for me to deal with a control matchup, but I feel like I've all ready devoted a ton of space to dealing with control.

Also, that's a great point about Ojutai's Command. I'd all but forgotten about that ability... I'll have to keep that in mind in the future.

March 24, 2015 9:58 a.m.

Defpotec says... #23

Time for more playtesting! Catch me on!

March 24, 2015 9:59 a.m.

epikurus says... #24

March 24, 2015 12:40 p.m.

Phyrexia108 says... #25

I'd get rid of Stubborn Denial and add 2 more Dig Through Times and a 4th End Hostilities. It seems like you would just lose to a creature based mid range deck. Like if a creature hits the board your only single card removal is Devouring Light. I don't know... it just seems like if your opponent knows roughly your deck list, he/she can manipulate it very easily.

March 24, 2015 5:45 p.m.

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