Any Color You Like

a slow control deck with the colors you like


This is a deck all about drawing cards and playing weird color word magic. The wincon is beatdown with creatures that scale with hand size, and the main plan should be to: gather a large hand, build a pillowfort, play interactive magic, and hit for lethal with a large creature (possibly, but not necessarily, in that order).

Card combos in this deck mostly consists of using a color word changing effect with a color word spell. Some of the really valuable combos include Insight, Llawan, Cephalid Empress, Wrath of Marit Lage, and Douse. Some color word spells, like the ones in the removal category, might be simpler to just combo with Blind Seer's ability.

Dont worry too much about playing cards like Howling Mine or Vision Skeins. It doesnt matter if your opponents have great hands and boards, as long as they dont use them against you in particular. And dont forget that in true blue fashion, it's never a good idea to tap out on your own turn.

The budet is ~100$ total, max 5$ per card (with exceptions). I use Cardkingdom prices

Suggestions are welcome :)

I just can't seem to make this commander strong enough to make a decent enough deck to play equally with my playgroup.. Therefore, I am discontinuing this deck and continuing this deck list with another commander.

RIP blind old man :'(

Im gonna try to make this deck a bit more solid during mid game. Aand Im also throwing in some late game impact draw cards. And as a final bonus, Mystic remora is quite cheap nowadays, so that's going in aswell!

OUT: 3x Island, Mana Leak, Spellbook, Sun Droplet, Mind Stone, Azami, Lady of Scrolls, Kumena's Awakening

IN: Tolaria West, Buried Ruin, Chasm Skulker, Kefnet the Mindful, Nadir Kraken, Vantress Gargoyle, Mystic Remora, The Magic Mirror, Thought Reflection

I think I can make this card work here

OUT: Sky Diamond

IN: Pyramid of the Pantheon

Ive changed my mind about Flood of Tears, and Ive decided that the deck should be more interactive. Playing interactive fits the color, and it can be suprisingly strong to make small correct moves on your opponents turn (like: Im hoping a well placed AEtherize should be able to turn a game). Therefore, Im removing some sorcery speed utility, as well as Stormtide Leviathan for being too easy to counteract (8 mana vs 1 removal spell), and some cards in the draw category which doesnt draw but rather just scrys (scries?).

OUT: Flood of Tears, Stormtide Leviathan, Curse of the Swine, Jace, Mirror Mage, and Retreat to Coralhelm

IN: AEtherize, Aetherspouts, Evacuation, Fireshrieker, Sun Droplet

I think Flood of Tears + Swiftfoot Boots could work as a wincon (you play flood, put a creature on the board, then give it haste with the boots). Its a 9 mana combo, but should be possible to achieve, and this deck really needs some ways to end the game.

OUT: Aeon Chronicler, Soramaro, First to Dream, Chemister's Insight, and Swirl the Mists

IN: Flood of Tears, Swiftfoot Boots, Wizard Class, and Mind Unbound

I think I might need a bit more ramp, and also, Ive decided that counterspells in multiplayer games isnt the best.. So Im removing 3 counterspells to make room for 3 ramp spells. Might even remove more counterspells later on. We'll see.

Im unsure about how good Armillary Sphere is in general. But as I want a big hand size, it might be good here.

OUT: Foil, Remove Soul, and Miscalculation

IN: Sky Diamond, Armillary Sphere, and Burnished Hart

Hmm. The deck at this point is kind of slow.. And its not so much fun to play against either (it seems). The deck just slowly slowly grinds draw engines and hope to survive before trying to lock down the board somehow. It is probably fine that it is slow against low powered decks, but shouldnt it atleast be a bit fun for the people in the game? (Im looking at you: counterspells, pillowforts, and lock down pieces)

So Im gonna remove cards that are not working well, or are high cmc (especially in the draw category). Then Im adding some more more efficient cards, and also some mana cheap "all players draw" effects. I think adding cards that let all players draw will make the games more fun for everyone, as well as it will stay devoted to the draw theme / hand size theme of the deck. Hopefully games will not be too chaotic :)

OUT (BORING CARDS): Behold the Unspeakable  , High Tide, Thran Dynamo, Nezahal, Primal Tide (this card is good, but what a primadona), and Island

OUT (HIGH CMC DRAW): Fact or Fiction, Future Sight, Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentor, Reconnaissance Mission, and Well of Ideas

IN: Aeon Chronicler, Mikokoro, Center of the Sea, Walking Atlas, Dictate of Kruphix, Howling Mine, Jace Beleren, Kami of the Crescent Moon, Spellbook, Vision Skeins (I know this isnt good.. but it might be fun), and Words of Wisdom

Its nice to be able to kill "superlands"

OUT: Island

IN: Tectonic Edge


After being crushed hard one gamenight, I decided to do some major reworking of this deck. Here are some of the ideas I had while making the new and improved color shenanigans blind seeing deck.

I knew I wanted a deck that draws a lot, but using draw engines (like Arcanis the Omnipotent) that costs over 5 mana to cast, and are easily removable, just wasnt doing it for this deck. And the bigger problem was that I wouldnt really have any decent blockers until that late in the game either. I could of course play a color protected creature (like Sea Sprite), and spend the two mana of Blind Seer to protect it from combat damage during blocking. But that would cost me 4 mana for Blind Seer and 2 mana for the activation to block a single creature attacking and not even being able to kill it. So even thought the color protected creatures are kinda cool, and very janky, they just werent good enough to play against decks that actually make plays early in the game.

So I started with removing most of the large draw engines and the color protected creatures. I proceeded to remove the symmetrical board wipes (like Crush of Tentacles), cause they just werent really playing that well (I keep alot of enchantments, so it would usually hurt me pretty bad). Then I removed the no max handsize category, and then also the "draw one" and "draw two" categories. These cards werent really having a large impact. After that, I had a whole lot of space to work with.

I found a lot of cheaper draw engines, and while looking at Insight, I decided that I wanted to play more color word changing effects, so I added a couple more of those (like Mind Bend). I kept the board wipe / bounce category, but I am now instead focusing on more asymmetrical effects. Simple staples like Scourge of Fleets plays really good in this deck! Since I added more colorword changing stuff, I also decided to throw in Tidal Control. As of writing this, Ive already been able to lock down a game with this card once. Could also be fun to team up against a very strong player with this, as any player can use the effect. I did some minor changes to the mana base, ramp section, and pillowfort section (Ivory Tower is such a beauty!).

Then came the two major changing categories: Beaters / wincon, and lockdown. The beaters category is pretty straight forward. I need something that can hit hard, and that can scale well. I really want to draw a lot of cards, so creatures with size according to the number of cards in my hand just fit really well. They are also a natural detterent for aggressive decks, since they have some size and can block and kill attackers. So Im kind of using them as an extension to my pillowfort as well as a wincon.

The lockdown section is two cards from the old list, and a new creature which is a blue edh staple as far as I understand (Stormtide Leviathan). The reason I isolated these three is because they can effectively stop one or more players from attacking. This is great in a control deck, because it means I can prolong the game, giving me the time I need to assemble beaters and collecting counterspells. Isolating these three cards is good for the mental model of the deck, because I now know that playing one of them should be a goal in of itself*. After playtesting, I can confirm that they work great at haulting all kinds of creature based decks.

*(Of course, Llawan, Cephalid Empress and Wrath of Marit Lage needs a color word change in order to be effective).

Im not gonna bother mentioning every card I took out and put in. But the old list is backed up here in the changelog.

1x Blind Seer CMDR

board wipes

1x Crush of Tentacles 1x Devastation Tide 1x Flood of Tears 1x Hibernation 1x Llawan, Cephalid Empress 1x Wash Out

color shenanigans

1x Alter Reality 1x Glamerdye 1x Sway of Illusion 1x Swirl the Mists


1x Arcane Denial 1x Counterspell (ICE) 1x Douse 1x Foil 1x Mana Leak 1x Negate 1x Remove Soul 1x Spell Pierce 1x Turn Aside

creature boost

1x Empyrial Plate 1x Loxodon Warhammer 1x Quietus Spike 1x Runechanter's Pike 1x Strata Scythe

draw engine

1x Arcanis the Omnipotent 1x Azami, Lady of Scrolls 1x Honden of Seeing Winds 1x Mind Unbound 1x The Magic Mirror 1x Thought Reflection 1x Well of Ideas

draw one

1x Impulse 1x Merfolk Looter 1x Preordain 1x Serum Visions 1x Thought Courier

draw two

1x Behold the Multiverse 1x Drawn from Dreams 1x Fact or Fiction 1x Foresee 1x Tamiyo's Epiphany

hand size

1x Library of Leng (3ED) 1x Spellbook (EXO) 1x Thought Vessel


1x Buried Ruin 33x Island 1x Reliquary Tower 1x Temple of the False God

pillow fort

1x Dissipation Field 1x Dream Tides 1x Propaganda 1x Sun Droplet 1x Wrath of Marit Lage (ICE)

protection creatures

1x Aven Smokeweaver 1x Cerulean Drake 1x Coast Watcher 1x Sea Sprite 1x Treetop Sentinel 1x Weatherseed Faeries


1x Mind Stone 1x Solemn Simulacrum 1x Walking Atlas 1x Wayfarer's Bauble


1x Blue Elemental Blast 1x Curse of the Swine 1x Dismiss into Dream 1x Hydroblast (ICE)

I have rediscovered Swirl the Mists and decided to give it a try. It fills somewhat the same role as Shifting Sky, but there are a few notable differences.

Shifting sky does give me the advantage of being able to block every players creatures with ex. a red protected blocker if I choose red with shifting sky. But it has a huge drawback when it comes to equipping my own protection creatures with equipments (ex: a red equipment will fall of a creature that has protection from red).

Swirl the mists however, does not hinder me from equipping creatures. Additionally (and contrary to shifting sky), it works with Douse, Blue Elemental Blast (counter), Hydroblast (counter), the second effect of Llawan, Cephalid Empress, all the protection creatures at the same time, Dream Tides and Wrath of Marit Lage at the same time, and makes Hibernation a asymmetrical effect against the chosen color (unless you're playing against blue). I can basically just chose the most threatening color of the most threatening player and the rest just works itself out!

I might want to use both in the future, but for now I'm making the swap.

OUT: Shifting Sky

IN: Swirl the Mists

I'm having trouble with aggro decks, and I'm thinking I unfortunately have to add some stax / pillow fort pieces to deal with it (although I don't like stax all that much). I'm taking out underperforming cards and expensive cards (looking at you Inundate). I'm also looking into a bit more removal, and some life gain potential, just so I have the chance to get back into games where I've fallen behind.

OUT: Inundate, Forbid, Bonehoard, Patient Rebuilding, Omen, Portent, Oraxid, and Thran Dynamo

IN: Wrath of Marit Lage, Curse of the Swine, Dismiss into Dream, Dissipation Field, Propaganda, Dream Tides, Sun Droplet, and Loxodon Warhammer

I'm gonna test out some lower CMC counter spells (cause three mana counter spells are a bit clunky). Additionally, I'd like to try some different ramp spells. Mana rocks that come into play tapped have really bad synergy with the mass boomerang effects, so I think I'm gonna try swapping them out for effects that ramp my lands instead.

OUT: Neutralize, Sinister Sabotage, Stoic Rebuttal, Wizard's Retort, Hinder, Dissipate, Dissolve, Silver Myr, Sky Diamond, and Worn Powerstone

IN: Arcane Denial, Foil, Mana Leak, Negate, Remove Soul, Spell Pierce, and Turn Aside, Wayfarer's Bauble, Solemn Simulacrum, and Walking Atlas

I bought a The Magic Mirror, so I'm adding that in. I'm also considering a set of lower cmc counter spells. Adding those to the maybe board

OUT: Illuminated Folio

IN: The Magic Mirror

My playgroup banned Sol Ring. I'm thinking about trying Walking Atlas, but I'm really not sure if its good in this deck.. Might also try out Wayfarer's Bauble at some point.

OUT: Sol Ring

IN: Silver Myr

I really enjoy having no max handsize when playing this deck. At the same time, I don't really like Propaganda that much. Its $ expensive and its not that much fun. It is good against aggro decks and token decks though.. So theres some chance that Ill put it back in at a later time.

OUT: Propaganda

IN: Spellbook

Holy moly, what happened to the price of Whim of Volrath?? I guess Orvar, the All-Form is to be blamed. I'm swapping it with something more reasonably priced.

OUT: Whim of Volrath

IN: Glamerdye

The deck works fairly well at this state, so I'm tidying up the maybeboard.

The price of my budget decks keep rising, so I'm marking the current price to see how the value evolves.

Current price (cardkingdom): 73-76$

I bought a Thought Vessel cause the no max handsize is rather valuable with all these draw effects. Further more I removed Telepathy cause I didn't think it was too fun. Im already thinking quite a bit playing this deck, and my turns don't need to be any prolonged. The board also gets quite filled with both battlefield and hands on the table.

OUT: Star Compass and Telepathy

IN: Thought Vessel and Whim of Volrath

These cards are fairly similar, but I think the powerstone is a bit better.

OUT: Silver Myr

IN: Worn Powerstone

When this deck plays well, games tend to be long. In long matches, cards with low impact value are pretty much dead cards. Bonesplitter is such a card, and additionally, it is in the category which includes the deck's winconditions. So I've decided to exchange it for a bit more mana expensive equipment that can serve as a wincon / impact card like the other cards in the category.

OUT: Bonesplitter

IN: Quietus Spike

With all of these board wipes, its easy to get stuck with way to many cards on hand, therefore it would be beneficial with more Reliquary Tower effects. Some of the smaller equipments doesnt really have a large impact, so they're going out.

OUT: Darksteel Axe and Trusty Machete

IN: Library of Leng and Alter Reality

Im swapping in my wishlist to test, and I might just make proxies of these when playing analog.

OUT: Cancel, Evacuation, and Whelming Wave

IN: Wizard's Retort, Devastation Tide, and Flood of Tears

During decktesting it has seemed to me that the deck lacks big spells, and because the deck needs quite some time to build up enough mana, I thought why not try to reset the game at some point. Mass Boomerang effects came to mind (ex Evacuation / Devastation Tide). These are good cause they: are abundant in blue, they kinda reset the game (except mana), they let me get more out of Reliquary Tower, they stop big boards with combos / mass tokens, and they let me get another shot at countering spells. Sadly I could not get all the ones I wanted, so some cards are added to the wishlist. The cards going out are the "Wizard Protection" category. This is because shroud on the commander just doesn't seem as important anymore, because of stuff like: counter spells, other protection (like +X/+X from equipments), recasting from command zone, and cards like Shifting Sky and Sway of Illusion.

OUT: Alexi's Cloak, Diplomatic Immunity, and Robe of Mirrors

IN: Crush of Tentacles, Evacuation, and Whelming Wave

I have been noticing how brainstorm has been underperforming during deck testing. I think this has to do with the fact that I can't really change the outcome of the next draws very much. Yes I can change my hand onto the top of the library, and I can potentially draw six cards if I have Thought Reflection in play. But if I can't shuffle my deck in between brainstorm and the draws, it hasn't really made much impact imo. Therefore I am changing it to something that can manipulate the top cards. I've also been made aware that my "draw two" category isn't optimal.

OUT: Brainstorm, Counsel of the Soratami, and Glimmer of Genius

IN: Impulse, Drawn from Dreams, and Fact or Fiction (I think this one has a lot of potential to be fun in multiplayer edh!)

This deck draws quite a lot, so I can usually drop a land every turn. I believe this makes the ramp cards a bit redundant, and I'm removing a few of them. Rather I'd like to see more early game pressure from the deck, and this is achieveable by boosting the power of protection creatures a tiny amount. Also, I can't get a hold of Wizard's Retort or Omen at the moment, so they are swapped out for the time being

OUT: Corrupted Grafstone, Palladium Myr, Pyramid of the Pantheon, Worn Powerstone, Wizard's Retort, and Omen

IN: Bonesplitter, Darksteel Axe, Runechanter's Pike, Trusty Machete, Cancel, and Sleight of Hand

So, I guess I've landed on the fact that some of my utility spells are just too janky and very hard to get any use out of. Because these include two cards that can deal with mass tokens, I'm adding two cards that can potentially do the same.

OUT: Dream Tides, Floodgate, King Crab, Opt, and Cancel

IN: Propaganda, Sway of Illusion, Telepathy, Brainstorm, and Wizard's Retort

These land fetchers are way too mana expensive.. And if I remove them I don't have enough artifacts for Artificer's Epiphany. I'm gonna experiment with cheap draw effects instead. The plan is to use these with early round mana and look for lands. Additionally, and unlike land fetch, they can be relevant later on.

OUT: Burnished Hart, Solemn Simulacrum, Wild-Field Scarecrow, Armillary Sphere, Wayfarer's Bauble, Artificer's Epiphany, and two Island

IN: Merfolk Looter, Thought Courier, Omen, Opt, Portent, Scour All Possibilities, Serum Visions, and Counsel of the Soratami

Why do I have cards that fetch one land again? Wouldn't it be better to just.. have the island?

Out: Farfinder, Mycosynth Wellspring, Pilgrim's Eye, Renegade Map, Skittering Surveyor, Traumatic Visions, Traveler's Amulet, and Wanderer's Twig

IN: Burnished Hart, Solemn Simulacrum, Wild-Field Scarecrow, and five Island


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Revision 31 See all

(1 year ago)

+1 Cosima, God of the Voyage  Flip main
-1 Disdainful Stroke main
-1 Ivory Tower main
+1 Ominous Seas main
Top Ranked
Date added 4 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.11
Tokens Dog Illusion */* U, Elemental 4/4 UR, Emblem Mordenkainen, Foretell, Kraken 8/8 U, Manifest 2/2 C, Squid 1/1 U, Tentacle 1/1 U
Folders EDH, COOL, EDH Decks, Decks that impressed me, Budget Commander, Mono Blue EDH, blind seer, Dude, Try This., decks I like, Commander
Ignored suggestions
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