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Arcbound bound for destruction




Sorcery (1)

The idea is to pull out alot of arcbound creatures and pump them with steel overseer and throw some extra damage with Disciple of the Vault

Some synergies as i can see them:

Semblance Anvil w. an artifact or creature + Vedalken Archmage gives a 0 CMC drop = Card advantage!

Arcbound Reclaimer + Arcbound Ravager + Disciple of the Vault = Pain and one big Ravager!

I Havn't played the deck yet (don't have all cards) but i hope that it would be quite cool!

Please comment, i need all the help i can get ...


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Played the deck and it's quite slow! Very slow indeed.. I'm screwed if i can't get either Contagion Engine, or Inexorable Tide + Semblance Anvil + Vedalken Archmage + Arcbound Ravager combo to work.. It's quite a big combo, so it's no wonder i can't get i to the battlefield...

Removed from deck:

3x Semblance Anvil

3x Vedalken Archmage

4x Vault of Whispers

3x Disciple of the Vault

Added to deck:

3x Lotus Bloom

3x Everflowing Chalice

3x Energy Chamber

4x Glimmerpost

3x Thrummingbird

I've upped the Inexorable Tide and Steady Progress at the expense of Boomerang. Figuring that i'd rather draw what i need and beat the opponent away than keeping the control until i'm ready. Also the addition of Thrummingbird gives an opportunity for some early game proliferation

Haven't played the new version yet, but any comments/advices are very much appreciated...

Tell me what u like!


Date added 13 years
Last updated 13 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 0 Rares

9 - 0 Uncommons

24 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.71
Ignored suggestions
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