
ArCHADlos, Infinite Combo Enjoyer - Explained

Archelos, Lagoon Mystic is a fun guy with options. His first ability, of course, can stax down the game in a way that neuters haste, restricts fast treasure shenanigans and more. And while we love that for him, and do occasionally use it, the main event is actually his second ability which effectively gives us Amulet of Vigor as a commander - a card known for being reserved and balanced..

Sike! It's a busted infinite combo machine, and we'll aim to abuse it as much as possible with the primary goal of achieving infinite mana / infinite landfall ASAP to win out.

Here's a brief primer going over the main game plan and features of the deck.

Here's an example of the bread and butter: Archelos, Lagoon Mystic + Patron of the Moon + Simic Growth Chamber = Drop a bounce land, enters untapped with Archy so tap it before its own trigger resolves to gain two mana, send it back to your hand, spend one of the mana to repeat with Patron of the Moon. Infinite mana is generated depending on the bounce land(s) you have, while triggering landfall an infinite number of times.

There are alternative routes to the same end goal, and it's important to know what you're looking for.

The game is typically a race to this interaction of repeatedly dropping your bounce lands, so try to ensure you're able to start off with one/some of these pieces or at least a decent card draw/fetch engine to get there.

Even if you don't have infinite yet, don't discount the power of the bounce lands in a more tame additional-lands scenario where mana/landfall is still useful. Burgeoning is especially good, and can let you vomit out lands from your hand at a disgusting speed, especially if your opponents are doing the same.

The quickest wins happen when you already have a landfall killer out on the battlefield by the time you reach your infinite land drops. We run several different kinds in the event opponents have counterplay to one of them:

One back-up, and my personal favorite though it's way more difficult to pull off, utilizes the desert ping lands: Archelos, Lagoon Mystic + Walking Atlas + Retreat to Coralhelm + Trade Routes + Lush Oasis (slight variants to this are certainly possible)

  • Stand up any repeatable drop combo like Walking Atlas + Retreat to Coralhelm.
  • Have Trade Routes out.
  • Drop Lush Oasis, pinging someone for 1 damage. Tap it for 1 mana and send it back to your hand with Trade Routes. Repeat infinitely with above land-drop cards to ping opponents for infinite damage.

And of course, Demonic Consultation + Thassa's Oracle never goes out of style.

Don't have one of those options already out? That's ok, use your fetches / infinite mana / landfall to get there!

Just some miscellaneous considerations for piloting the deck:

  • Finding a way to tap Archelos, Lagoon Mystic is a surprisingly potent method for slowing down your opponents - anti haste, anti treasure combos, etc... We have Springleaf Drum and Survivors' Encampment, but don't be afraid to just have Archy take a swing at someone to get the same end result.
  • Protection for the combos are paramount to their success. Counterspells and cards like Veil of Summer are worth their weight in gold when needing to get across the finish line.
  • Naturally, the main removal targets will be the cards which prevent the combos. Opponents' Opposition Agent can be a pain as well if you haven't gotten to good card draw yet.
  • This list is a bit light on recursion as it focuses more on getting to a draw engine, but don't forget you can repeatedly drop Witch's Cottage if you have Trade Routes on line.
  • Don't underestimate the power of hanging onto the ability to drop a land on an opponent's turn, especially with Ruin Crab or Retreat to Hagra on the battlefield. Ruin crab presents an interesting alternative counter-play to an opponent's Thoracle attempt, and Retreat can enable some surprise punishment to opponents that get a bit too greedy with using their life as a resource.

It's a work in progress, of sorts, so please feel free to drop a suggestion. My only note is that this really isn't focusing on a stax sort of thing, in my experience Archy doesn't do enough quickly enough for that sort of strategy to work consistently.


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97% Competitive

Date added 9 months
Last updated 4 days
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

55 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.06
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Clue, Copy Clone, Insect 1/1 G, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Fun decks, CEDH
Ignored suggestions
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