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[ARCHIVE] Glissa, the Traitor ($50) [EDH]

Commander / EDH Artifact BG (Golgari) Budget


DECK TITLE: Glissa, the Traitor - "Glissa the D-Bag"

COST - $47.52 - Based on TCGPlayer Market Price not counting shipping or Commander
BUDGET - $50 total deck

100% - CEDH
75% - Competitive
[ 50% - Casual (strong) ]
25% - Casual (fun)

SPEED: 8 / 10 - [2.59 CMC] + [10 RAMP] + [4 REDUCERS]


BACKGROUND: During New Phyrexia standard, I was one of the first people locally to play Birthing Pod. I build a B/G midrange deck that would grind the opponent to dust via how much value the engine generated. Glissa, the Traitor was a 1 of trump card that no one expected, and it put in a lot of work. Digging into the actual lore, I found the character facinating due to it being one of the biggest heel turns in the scars of mirrodin block. Once standard rotated, there wasn't a home for the card, so it went into the bulk box to collect dust. EDH eventually became a thing, then proceeded to explode in popularity. I saw it as an opportunity to port one of my favorite pet cards into an eternal format. I also decided to try and keep it thematic, as Glissa is a bad guy, and as such should do bad guy things. Thus, Glissa the D-BAG was born.

STRATEGY: The deck is very reliant on its commander, moreso than a lot of builds. Our goal is to get Glissa out on the field, then start killing things to recycle your artifacts and build massive value. Eventually we outvalue the opponents and get to a finisher of some sort, then figure out a way to actually win. While that may sound like a weird gameplan, this deck is more about the journey than the destination. Winning means different things to different people, and to be honest this deck was primarily built to grief Timmy creature decks by killing their toys, and give everyone else headaches by taking extra long turns as we screw around with our synergy engines. So just keep that in mind when deciding whether or not to pilot this deck. Along that thought process, we run a much higher than normal amount of removal (14 spot, 7 wideband sac + other incidentals) along with trinkets that can hate out opposing graveyard strats so they can't get their stuff back. Meanwhile, we have self mill which basically turns our graveyard into a resource. This deck also features a reusable turn stealing card (mindslaver), which is sure to incite people to anger and frustration as we make an absolute mess of their boards. Go nuts and be "creative" like a 6 year old with a crowbar and a bunch of pixie sticks.

1 -> You can sometimes lock single players out with mindslaver loops by making them attack you with a creature, then blocking with Glissa and using her trigger to return Mindslaver back to your hand. This is inconsistent though.


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 1 year
Exclude colors WUR
Splash colors WUR

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

18 - 0 Rares

32 - 0 Uncommons

26 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.59
Tokens City's Blessing, Copy Clone, Golem X/X C, Insect 1/1 G, Necron Warrior 2/2 B
Folders Saved Decks, New decks ideas, Glissa, I like, Fifty Dollar Budget EDH Decks, SECTION IV: ARCHIVE
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