This is the first truly competitive deck I had built within my pod of friends. It has come a long way since its inception, and is nearing its final stage of development. This deck never suffered the effects of the Paradox Engine Ban (Thankfully, though a few friends are still salty about it), and has always stuck to the stations that I envisioned using since the start. While it is not reached its final form, I am not necessarily looking for major suggestions, since everything not in here is usually due to cost. (No suggestion will be ignored though)

The Combos

To begin this combo, you need to have the cards Salvaging Station, Grinding Station, Summoning Station, Blasting Station, and any 1 drop or less non-creature artifact on the battlefield.

To start this chain,

  1. activate Summoning Station, making a Pincher Token (this token is not an artifact in case of misreading)

  2. Sacrifice the Pincher token to Blasting Station, dealing 1 damage to your opponent/one of their creatures

  3. Sacrifice your 1 drop or less artifact to Grinding Station, milling an opponent (This Untaps Summoning Station)

  4. Return the artifact with Salvaging Station (Untapping Grinding Station)

Repeating this cycle will have the Blasting Station untap on step 1, and on step 2 will untap the Salvaging Station.

This will allow you to deal infinite damage and have an opponent mill infinitely.

Looking at the previous combo, one can see that it is a bit more difficult to pull off requiring 5 cards on the field, however there is an easier way to utilize the stations to form an infinite combo. For this combo, all the cards that you need are Mycosynth Lattice, Summoning Station, and either a Grinding Station or a Blasting Station on the battlefield.

To perform this combo,

  1. Use Summoning Station to make a Pincher Token (This token is an artifact due to Mycosynth Lattice)

  2. Sacrifice the token to Blasting Station dealing 1 damage, or Sac the token to Grinding Station to mill (Either option untaps Summoning Station)

This is a much simpler combination to perform and since making the token untaps Blasting Station/Grinding Station, you may perform this as many times as needed to either mill or damage your opponent for the win.

To perform this combo, all that is needed at base is Krark-Clan Ironworks (KCI), Scrap Trawler, any Myr Retriever type artifact recursion, and any 1 drop or less artifact (this artifact must be able to be cast with colorless mana for this version of the setup).

Through sacrificing any artifact to KCI, you get 2 colorless mana and through the Scrap Trawler can return a lesser cost artifact to your hand. By including an artifact recurring creature such as Myr Retreiever/Workshop Assistant/Junk Diver, this allows one to net gain mana with each pass through this cycle as the recurred artifact can also be sacrificed for a minimum of with each pass through this cycle. This also allows one to recur any artifacts that are in their graveyard, allowing for infinite colorless mana (and consequently being able to play every artifact in your graveyard).


Blasting Station - Infinite Damage (most direct way of killing opponents, though can be stopped by white damage reduction effects, an opponent being hexproof, or Platinum Angel type effects)

Grinding Station - Infinite Mill (Also self mill, allowing any other win cons in the case that an opponent cannot be milled effectively, as an example, having an Eldrazi Titan that shuffles back in)

Spine of Ish Sah - Infinite Destruction of Permanents (allowing for clearing of boards and effectively cementing your win in the game, though cannot get around indestructible)

This combo is not easy to setup in this deck, as there is no easy means of tutoring for either Lab Man or Jace, however, in the event that one could play either of these two, the simplest means of winning with them is to use Mirror of Fate to empty your library, and then use any form of card draw such as Sensei's Divining Top, Commander's Sphere, etc.


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91% Competitive

Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.32
Tokens 2/2 N Creature Pincher, Boar 2/2 G, Construct 0/0 C, Myr 1/1 C, Thopter 1/1 C
Folders Owned
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