Arena Esper Control Deck

Arena Vicarian


musicman3310 says... #1

Revitalize, Fountain of Renewal, Ill-Gotten Inheritance, and Ritual of Rejuvenation could all help. I wouldn't add them all, but some would probably help.

March 10, 2019 5:03 p.m.

Madcookie says... #2

I'd assume that the deck is meant for the best of 3 ladder since you have a sideboard. I don't like my record against aggro lists either so I run 4 Fountain of Renewal and 4 Dawn of Hope right in the main deck instead of the usual Chemister's Insight and other forms of draw. You can also replace Vicious Offering with Moment of Craving since this one offers lifegain and you don't have a creature to sack to the first one anyway.

Hope this suggestion helps, cheers :)

March 24, 2019 5:32 a.m.

Vicarian says... #3

So, I'm having difficulty determining what I should take out. I get plenty of use out of each card in the deck, depending on situation. I usually only play BO1 - the sideboard is an artifact from copying a Standard deck. I forgot to remove it. I suppose I could drop some of the instants down to two-ofs if the Dawn of Hope engine gets going, but at the same time, having the 2-mana tax on my lifegain at upkeep would present its own set of problems for aggro, unless I happen across multiple Fountains. Really not sure, but suppose I could mess around with it.

March 27, 2019 6:23 p.m.

Madcookie says... #4

As a general rule in Magic you can't be 100% effective against all decks without sideboard. Since the deck is for Bo1, my strategy for Bo1 Azorius is 6 counterspells (4 Sinister Sabotages (no wildcards for Absorb lul) + 2 Negates), 6 sweepers (varying combination between Settle the Wreckage and Cleansing Nova), 3 Ixalan's Binding as the only spot removal, that can be replaced by Vraska's Contempt in Esper, 4 Fountain of Renewal, 4 Dawn of Hope, 3Search for Azcanta  Flip. The finisher is 4 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria and 2 Nezahal, Primal Tide. I also run 24 lands because the search helps a lot. Even have 3 slots left to fill with various cards, Psychic Corrosion, some more draw, more counters, depending on my mood and the meta shifts.

With this list I usually manage to beat most control decks (Esper with 4 Thought Erasure and 12+ coutners is by far the hardest control match-up, and have in my estimates around 35% to 45% winrate vs mono red/blue.

The 2 mana to draw is optional and sometimes i don't use it at all and sometimes I pay more than once for the cards. It all depends on the situation. The tokens also help with lifegain and chumpblocking the aggro attacks.

My revised advice is to pick a match-up that you want to win most and tech towards that. I for example like trolling control players with long matches and I've geared the deck to be slightly more favoured against control rather than aggro. The strategy is working amazingly since most control players in Bo1 run too many creature removal and I have only 2 that are non-essential, which results in a lot of dead cards in their hand.

P.S. If i had to recommend cards the only thing that wouldn't hurt your deck in control/drakes/gates match-ups is 3 Dawn of Hope for 3 Chemister's Insight. Anything else will skew the winrate in certain matches in one direction or another a bit too much

March 28, 2019 7:06 a.m.

Apollo_Paladin says... #5

Those Mortify copies you're running are staring at me awfully hard wanting to be more like Fracture, Vanishing Verse, or even Infernal Grasp if universal creature targeting is key for you.

That said, it's nice to see another Arena player posting decks here on TappedOut. +1 just for that haha

September 21, 2022 10:36 a.m.

Vicarian says... #6

Apollo_Paladin I dropped out of Magic for the last few years. I completely missed the last 5 or 6 sets. Got sick of nothing but Drakes, Gates, and Red Deck Loses. Fracture is an awesome card for the deck, thanks. Vanishing Verse strikes me as a sideboard option, if I happen to play BO3, and I'm a bit hesitant to use Infernal Grasp due to its life cost. Both might be useful as 1 or 2 ofs to replace the Unmoored Egos.

September 21, 2022 11:12 a.m.

Apollo_Paladin says... #7

Right on. Glad the suggestion helped. Feel free to add me on Arena if you want (info is on my TappedOut profile here).

It can help with decktesting a lot to have a player you can chat with mid-game as it plays out who isn't just gunning for wins & can play decks you request to test match-ups, that sort of thing. The AI bot is useless for any kind of deckbuilding tests & even non-ranked random matchups aren't exactly conducive either.

Welcome back though!

September 21, 2022 11:40 a.m.

Apollo_Paladin says... #8

Thanks again for the games.

One thing I did notice that perhaps you hadn't looked at yet (no idea exactly where you left off) is Fabled Passage over Evolving Wilds. It's a fairly no-brainer swap to make, and I did notice a couple of times where the extra mana that turn would have sped you along even more, but it is also 4 rare wildcards & if you're anything like me those are fairly precious.

Also the new Tri-lands are worth a look. Raffine's Tower is the esper-colored version from New Capenna. Ikoria and New Capenna are the 2 sets that include all Tri-land colors.

September 21, 2022 7:38 p.m.

Vicarian says... #9

Apollo_Paladin I took my hiatus shortly after Ravnica Allegiance dropped. I saw the next set was entirely focused on planeswalkers, and had been playing Duels when 5c walker decks ruined that game's meta. Just noped out of that whole deal. That said, those two lands need to be in my deck. As it happens, I think I have enough rare wildcards for full playsets of each, thanks for the suggestions!

September 21, 2022 9:40 p.m.

You might also like Test of Talents for a new conditional counterspell. I like using it in quite a few of my builds since not only does it additionally reduce the overall # of things you have to counterspell over a game, but depending on your opponent it can be a complete deck combo killer by just ripping out every win condition. It's also a hand reveal for your opponent which can help immensely in planning turns.

September 21, 2022 10:08 p.m.

If stuff like Spell Pierce continues to crop up and mess with your important removals, then I'd suggest Void Rend.

I realize that's yet-another-rare I've suggested to you, but between that and the Supreme Verdict's you wisely splurged on I feel it'd be a fairly solid lock to at least have the option of swapping some existing control for 3 or 4 Void Rends since they're unconditional & can therefor stand in for anything.

Glad to hear that the format is more to your liking now!

September 28, 2022 3:51 p.m.

Vicarian says... #12

Apollo_Paladin I had Void Rend used against Tef in a Raffine, Scheming Seer card advantage deck. I've been thinking that Cry of the Carnarium might be too many at a 3-of. I have a gold wildcard to use, so I think I'll give a one-of a shot. Also, apologies for missing your earlier message. I was messing with Arena on my phone and it must have still been open in the background when I went to do other things.

September 29, 2022 12:30 a.m.

I really enjoy your post about stomping the broken Agent of Treachery. Congrats!

On that topic, you might consider Necromentia over Unmoored Ego if it's an option for you. I used to run Ego in a few dimir builds, but I find dealing with 2/2's for any hand-selected cards is vastly preferential to giving my opponent card draw (even if it's not that often).

Especially with how much control you run in this build, I think giving 2/2 zombies instead of card draw just plays right into the rest of your build. Your mana base is straightened out to the point where I don't think double black mana is going to make or break you, but I concur wholeheartedly on keeping at least a 1-of for a card with that function (either Necromentia or Unmoored Ego if you disagree with my opinion).

September 30, 2022 1:08 a.m.

Another thought I had while building an esper-colored deck: Gift of Estates will let you fetch 3x Raffine's Towers since the spell doesn't specify a basic type & Raffine's shares basic land types.

I can potentially see it being a little problematic if played too early in midrange/tempo builds as it could potentially result in you having to discard since your low-mana plays are all control/removal, but since the Towers can be Cycled I think it's worth it none the less.

I'm using it just to help guarantee a good mana base, but in the case of your build I can see it also having value late-game potentially (provided you meet the condition) in giving you land-ammo to discard to Chromium (should your hand be drained, or if you're holding 1 or 2 good removals & nothing else).

Anyway, it might be another fun card to try out a copy of and see how you like it. My early testing is working quite well using it to guarantee Esper mana, but the deck I'm going with has low-mana permanents to drop so casting it even on Turn 2 isn't generally an issue so me thus far.

I like cards that give a beneficial effect in the event you don't get to go first.

September 30, 2022 10:58 p.m. Edited.

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