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Ixalan Block Metagame Murdering Merfolk Mofos

Block Constructed - Ixalan Aggro Merfolk Primer



Creature (1)

This was one of my favorite and best decklists to play on the beta test software for MTG Arena. I'm fairly certain the Ixalan block constructed format was only really played on MTG Arena (and it was a temporary format anyways), but maybe this info is useful for standard too. Whatever. Its here.


The noncreature spells are always getting tweaked and reworked. The Lightning Strikes are especially great in the mirror or vs other tribes. Counter spells help protect us from removal.

Mana Base

It doesn't need more than 3 or 4 lands to win, so getting stuck on 3 or 4 lands the whole game isn't really a huge problem. The dual lands available in the format are not ideal for a 3 color aggro deck either, but the low curve helps keep them from ruining games. Evolving Wilds almost always gets a Mountain first so I can cast Lightning Strike even if its not in hand yet, and that usually makes it all work out fine.

Creature Base

The lords are great we play them all. Jade Bearer is not a 1 drop, he only ever comes out after another creature is in play. He's basically a sorcery that pumps a dude and makes a 1/1, he's not a turn 1 play. Pumping up the unblockable dudes is one of the main paths to victory, and every damage matters in a race. Lots of the removal is toughness based in the format, and even 1 counter can save a key creature. River Sneak is probably the creature that does the most damage to opponents, regularly crashing in for 5 or more damage on turn 3. Turn 2 Sneak is a great start to win the game. Kumena is amazing and you want 4 in the deck. Seriously its that good when its in play, don't mess around and just get all 4.


It stupid fast and can turn 4 win by curving out. In my experience this deck can beat basically anything in the Arena metagame with one of it's two game plans. It usually either wins quick by pumping unblockable dudes or by grinding out slow victories with Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca and/or Deeproot Waters. The hardest games are vs dinosaurs, because of all the enrage enablers and big creatures. Control might be next hardest to beat but its not too bad, they never have counter backup for the first Settle the Wreckage.

Its possible Merfolk was best the first few weeks of Rivals' release, because it seems the cats out of the bag now. Everyone knows its very good. Aggro decks have been getting hated on pretty hard in general, especially the higher up the rankings you get from winning. Many decks are running sweepers: control, pirates, dinosaurs, g/b explore. The arena metagame is like the tide: it ebbs and flows constantly. For a few days the deck may seem unbeatable, then for a couple days all you do is play vs. dinosaur decks that beat you, then its back to being unbeatable the next day. When I first assembled the deck after Rivals released I won at least 80%-85% of games for about 2 weeks. It took a while but eventually it started to be able to lose to people who figured out how to build decks that beat it. It still smashes random brews and unrefined decks quite fast though.

Against Dinosaurs, bolt the mana dork turn 2. Then if you can't race under them, just keep chumping until you can make a creature that's like at least a 7/7 with Deeproot Elite and Jade Bearer triggers and they won't be able to attack anymore. From there Kumena can take over and win the game. But honestly a good dinosaur deck will definitely be a tough game. They will get out the gates fast too with all their ramp, and their big dinos will out class our Merfolk at first. They always seem to have the Savage Stomp too...be prepared with counter magic if possible.

Against control you want to be super fast but don't run into a board wipe or Settle the Wreckage if at all possible. By the time they have Settle mana up you can probably threaten lethal without an all in attack anyways, but getting caught too hard by sweepers is a way to lose. Just make sure to stick Deeproot Waters and Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca if drawn, start grinding them down, and save Lightning Strikes in hand until they can just close out the game. Slaughter the Strong and Star of Extinction will also ruin your day but it's hard to play around them while applying pressure except by holding up counter magic.

In the mirror match we are slightly advantaged because we can Lightning Strike lords and unblockable dudes. But whoever gets to their Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca first usually wins anyways.

Against Vampires, Pirates, Explore, UW auras, and anything else creature based usually we can win the race. Our targeted removal is great against many of the creatures in the format. A bit of disruption and unblockable creatures usually does the trick. Creature heavy decks don't generally run board wipes so we just dump our hand of merfolk and start the damage race.

Notable Omissions

Other Ideas I'm Considering

  • Ghalta, Primal Hunger is a spicy idea, as it should be playable by like turn 5 which sounds pretty cool. I don't like the idea of it getting stranded in hand for eternity after a board wipe against control though....but it would be badass to play early.


This deck is retired.

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Revision 4 See all

(6 years ago)

-1 Negate main
+1 Seafloor Oracle main
Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years
Exclude colors WB
Splash colors R

This deck is Block Constructed legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

9 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.11
Tokens Merfolk 1/1 U w/ Hexproof
Folders x - standart / block inspiration (TraumWandler)
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