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Argh! Brain Freeze! (TL)

Tiny Leaders Combo Mill Storm




Mono Blue Tiny Leaders Storm! (What a mouthful)

The deck obviously is aiming to win via Brain Freeze for "lethal", it is probably a bit all in, but I'm not looking to take on the world either.There are a few cards which make hitting the required Storm count much easier, the Candelabra of Tawnos + High Tide combo makes casting a lot of spells in one turn much easier (Also the reason I've decided against ritual heavy U/R or U/B/R builds). "Free" spells such as Snap and Frantic Search help drive up our spell count without (hopefully) costing us anything, Snap also helps us recur our Snapcaster Mage or can break up troublesome creatures in a pinch. (Looking at you Thalia <.<)

Remand is by far the best counterspell in the deck, since you can cast Brain Freeze for X, Remand the original copy (The others will resolve) and then just re-cast Brain Freeze again, with this interaction (assuming no counter magic) you can mill someone out with a Storm count of roughly 6 (for the first Brain Freeze.)
Then you can go real deep when you throw Snapcaster Mage into the mix, effectively giving you up to 3 or even 4 copies of Brain Freeze!

The reason I've gone with Kami of the Crescent Moon is because drawing a ton of cards is what this deck wants to be doing before it tries to go off, which in testing has been T5/6 nearly every time. I'm sure that can be improved upon after some refinement and luckier hands.

Now, it's come to my attention that Reset exists as a card, I'm just wondering since the MAJORITY of the deck that I WANT to be casting for the kill is already Instant speed, should I work more towards this goal of being able to "go off" on my opponent's end step, or is it just unnecessary.

Would also love to hear any suggestions you guys have to replace some of the dig spells in here (I'm just going by the ones I know / own).

The Sideboard is just a mish mash of cards at the moment, including Laboratory Maniac and the inifinite mana combo of Grim Monolith + Power Artifact , both of which are answers to my opponent possibly being able to shuffle cards back into their library. Either by casting Brain Freeze on myself to Lab Man for the win. or by using infinite mana to cast Blue Sun's Zenith for their entire library (not giving them a chance to respond)

Also, Defense Grid (a nonbo with Reset ) and just some cheap counter-magic to force my way through the control decks.

Lastly, thanks for taking a look, and +1 if you like what you see :)


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Revision 5 See all

(9 years ago)

+1 Daze maybe
+1 Dizzy Spell maybe
+1 Extraplanar Lens maybe
+1 Long-Term Plans maybe
+1 Opt maybe
+1 Peek maybe
+1 Quicken maybe
+1 Reality Spasm maybe
+1 Snow-Covered Island maybe
+1 Telling Time maybe
+1 Vision Skeins maybe
+1 Words of Wisdom maybe
Date added 9 years
Last updated 7 years
Key combos

This deck is Tiny Leaders legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 4 Rares

5 - 4 Uncommons

19 - 1 Commons

Cards 50
Avg. CMC 1.82
Folders Priority
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