

Battle for Zendikar gave the Aristocrats archetype two very important cards to play with: Blisterpod, Shambling Vent and Zulaport Cutthroat. This deck is extremely well-positioned in the current meta game. We have amazing, cheap spot removal in the form of Tragic Slip, Abrupt Decay, Path to Exile, and Orzhov Charm. In these colors we also have hand-disruption like Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, and Tidehollow Sculler.

Lantern Control is starting to gain popularity, and as a prison deck, it's important we can end a game without needing to go into the red zone. The life drain from Blood Artist + Zulaport Cutthroat allow us to close a game out when we can no longer attack. Also, with the popularity of burn and zoo, gaining life incrementally is going to be important to stay alive going into turn 4.


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5 rounds of Modern at the Game Preserve with Mardu Aristocrats.

Round 1 - Abzan Collected Company Combo

-Game 1: Ramped into turn 3 coco, hit Eternal Witness returned coco, cast again next turn, combo'd off

OUT: Vampiric Rites, Mogg War Marshal

IN: Pithing Needle,Zealous Persecution

-Game 2: Zealous Persecution cleared his board, allowing twin Falkenrath Aristocrats to crash through for victory.

-Game 3: Interrupted combo with Path to Exile on Melira, Sylvok Outcast then used Zealous Persecution to push for lethal with Cartel Aristocrat, Falkenrath, and Spirit tokens.

Round 2: B/U Eldrazi

-Game 1: Leyline of the Void before the game started. He ramped into Kozilek, the Great Distortion

OUT: Vampiric Rites

IN: Pithing Needle, Zealous Persecution

-Game 2: Illness in the Ranks then Liliana of the Veil meant I couldn't keep anything worth something on the table.

Round 3: Elementals

-Game 1: Lightning Bolted Smokebraider in response to Champion trigger from Nova Chaser. Took the game shortly after

OUT: Vampiric Rites

IN: Zealous Persecution

Game 2: Bolted Smokebraider and Generator Servant and overwhelmed him.

Round 4: Shape Anew

Game 1: Got out tempo'd and lost to tons of Thopters coming over top

OUT: Vampiric Rites (noticing a trend...)

IN: Zealous Persecution, Pithing Needle, Kataki, War's Wage

Game 2: Zealous Persecution to protect a 6/3 Falkenrath (who had eaten a Doomed Traveler and Cartel Aristocrat) from a Lighing Bolt. Use a Bolt of my own to finish off his Restoration Angel who had suffered -1/-1

Game 3: Went to time, opponent conceded to give me a chance at prizes

Round 5: U/W Eldrazi

Game 1: Turn 2 Thought-Knot Seer taking Lingering Souls. Flooded out

OUT: Vampiric Rites, Cartel Aristocrat

IN: Zealous Persecution, Pithing Needle

Game 2: Misplay versus Eldrazi Displacer allowed a 3 for nothing in my opponent's favor. Tried to stabilize with tokens standing in front of a Reality Smasher getting Blood Artist triggers.

Can the deck beat Eldrazi? I think we need to game our Sideboard to really help the matchup. Ensnaring Bridge helps a lot with having 1/1 fliers coming overhead and then emptying my hand. Crackling Doom needs to be in the side, too, as it allows us to kill Drowner of Hope or Oblivion Sower or Reality Smasher without discarding too many cards. Vampiric Rites is too bad of a card to use it turns out. I did pick up 4x Dark Confidants so I want to try him out for the card draw. I am also going to try Butcher of the Hordes over Falkenrath for a few matches to see if the bigger body with potential Lifelink and even Vigilance is worth trying out.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Mythic Rares

18 - 8 Rares

24 - 3 Uncommons

7 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.95
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R, Spirit 1/1 W
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