
Welcome! This is my Clement, the Worrywort deck Aristophanes, bringing the frogs of Fountainport together in a chorus of creature-bouncing and frolicking fun. I decided to make a secondary listing of this deck and tune it further to make it a more "tuned" version of the Vorthos build I originally started with. My hope with this deck is to provide a higher-powered means of playing without venturing too far into pricey cards or busted strategies. Below you will find an in-progress deck breakdown ruminating on the choices of the deck and the overall strategies I hope to employ:


What is this deck aiming to accomplish?

  • this deck wants to bounce its creatures for various ETB and/or leave effects

  • this deck wants to be pseudo-Frog tribal to take advantage of Clement's ability

  • this deck wants to win by employing "tempo" tactics or go-wide with Fable of Wolf and Owl and Door of Destinies + Maskwood Nexus combo

What are potential weaknesses of the deck?

  • anything that can counter or invalidate the ETB effects of its creatures

  • anything that can prevent the deck's creatures from returning to the hand

What are the deck's main threats?


Engine Pieces

We start out this section with the commander itself, Clement, the Worrywort. Clement provides the inherent ability to return creatures back to the hand based upon their overall mana value, so in building a list of creatures I needed to ensure there was at least one of each CMC, leading up to Koma at the top of that curve. Outside of my commander, several of the deck's frogs provide a means to returning creature cards to my hand, such as Mistbreath Elder, Dour Port-Mage, and Stickytongue Sentinel.

Bouncing isn't the only means to trigger my creatures' effects: fewer in number are a couple of "blink" abilities that don't require re-casting to proc, such as Long River Lurker, Lilysplash Mentor, and Skyskipper Duo. Including these in the deck grant additional flexibility and conditional protection to my creatures from opponent interaction at instant-to-near-instant-speed.

Rounding off the engine pieces are one-off spells like Into the Flood Maw and Splash Portal, low-cost cantrips that wait in the hand and are cast as-needed.


Taking advantage of the bounce and blinks are the list of cards who stand to gain the most from the overall strategy, and threaten tables to win if left unchecked. In trying to secure various means of victory, I included three "main" avenues in Fable of Wolf and Owl, Twenty-Toed Toad, and Valley Mightcaller:

  • Fable of Wolf and Owl enables a go-wide strategy taking advantage of the various re-casting of my creatures to build a plethora of 2/2 Wolf and 1/1 Bird tokens, ultimately benefitting from the different ways they can be boosted in power

  • Twenty-Toed Toad is the true "alt win-con" of the deck, providing an indirect means of victory in the way other cards like Laboratory Maniac or Thassa's Oracle seek to skirt around combat. Cards like Innkeeper's Talent and Reliquary Tower skirt around the base conditions of the card to ease the path of victory

  • Valley Mightcaller is the standard bruiser of this deck, with inherent Trample and an easy +1/+1 counter accruement allowing it to get out of control easily and swing for big damage

Other cards and combos like Fisher's Talent + Octomancer or Invert the Skies with all the tokens the deck can generate stand as fair threats of their own, and round out the portfolio of lethality while working with various other aspects of the deck itself.


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93% Casual


Date added 1 month
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.84
Tokens Bird 1/1 U, Copy Clone, Fish 1/1 U, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Human 2/2 G, Koma's Coil 3/3 U, Octopus 8/8 U, Shapeshifter 2/2 U, Shark 3/3 U, Splash Lasher 1/1 U, Thundertrap Trainer 1/1 U, Treasure, Wolf 2/2 G
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