Arlinn on the Midrange (Jund reconstructed!)

Standard* abby315

SCORE: 89 | 107 COMMENTS | 20704 VIEWS | IN 44 FOLDERS

PedroAndrade91 says... #1

Nice list, I was thinking of trying something similar.

But, since you're using 26 lands, have you considered using 1 or 2 Hissing Quagmire in the place of the new "dual" lands? I see you're playing with 3 and 4 of each, and that's not good in the late game. Besides, you're using 4 Sylvan Advocate, wich have a strong sinegy with manlands.

April 6, 2016 8:41 p.m.

abby315 says... #2

Ah! Yeah, I was running a one-of Hissing Quagmire in my previous list and it was pretty fun. I'll make room for one in here-- it wasn't in there before because this deck is heavy-red.

I do like the Shadowlands in testing, actually. The only time I really care that they come in tapped is on turn 5, which happens once in a blue moon because I usually have another land in hand. With this split of Battles/Shadows/Basics I've had really good consistency. It's especially pertinent so that I can play my mana dorks/Sylvan Advocates on t2, which is why I run a playset of Game Trail. It really depends on when you want to play what cards.

Thanks for your comment and suggestion! :)

April 6, 2016 8:53 p.m.

quinnhuntz says... #3 also label mine as competitive lol, upvote for you. so much card advantage, but just so we know if Jund becomes a viable archetype again i think sin prodder just gets out classed and murdered by all the removal. But dark dwellers jund is cool too

April 8, 2016 4:25 p.m.

DenNarval88 says... #4

would you consider using Nissa, Voice of Zendikar? I feel it might help especially with all the tokens you generate and her ult gives you some great card advantage.

April 9, 2016 11:22 p.m.

abby315 says... #5

DenNarval88 I would! I had her in the sideboard of my Gruul build and she's awesome; I'm not sure what to cut for her, though. I could cut Hangarback Walker since there's so much hate for it in this meta, but it's also just a lot of value with Pia and Kiran Nalaar, fizzling spells and dealing 2 damage and the like. The other creatures are pretty necessary, and I think running two of each of the walkers is right.

My other option, I think, is -1 Goblin Dark-Dwellers and -1 spell, probably Read the Bones. The deck does already have a bunch of draw engines, but GDD is so much value I'm just not sure.

Third option is probably put her in the sideboard and make the above cuts based on matchup?

April 9, 2016 11:30 p.m.

DenNarval88 says... #6

abby315 I'd go for the second option since the Goblin Dark-Dwellers are nice but you don't have many targets and Read the Bones would be good but Tireless Tracker gives you card advantage it also helps your curve out greatly.

April 10, 2016 12:54 a.m.

Riensino says... #7

i played hangarback at my lgs for standard and it backfired against me because of all the exile effects running around in white. but it is good when paired with pia and kiran, however i doubt having the gitrog monster in the board since you'd rather have another nissa to pump your guys and cut one or two prices for to the slaughter since it screams value late game with darkdwellers and delirium obviously being active in this deck.i do love tireless tracker, he seems real good, lemme know how he plays against various decks, i would love to run two or three of him in my list.

April 10, 2016 2:02 a.m.

abby315 says... #8

Riensino thanks for your suggestions! I'll have to keep an eye on white and Hangarback Walker like you said, but hopefully I'll be able to just keep up 3 mana with Pia and Kiran to sac things. I might also sideboard some Altar's Reap as 2 mana sac outlet with an upside against Declaration in Stone.

I do really like The Gitrog Monster actually, because he gives me card advantage and is a 6/6 for 5. He also combos really well with Tireless Tracker.

I did take your suggestion and put in To the Slaughter, I forgot how well this deck gets to delirium! :)

Tireless Tracker is an okay turn-3 play, an absolutely great turn-5 play, and then after that she's just the nuts. Being able to make all of your lands replace themselves with another card AND get a buffed up creature in the lategame is invaluable.

April 10, 2016 6:21 p.m.

hibuddy1234 says... #9

I think that Grasp of Darkness could be a sideboard card, because there are some nasty multicolored cards that Ultimate Price just can't get to, and unless you plan on animating your lands, Sylvan Advocate isn't all that useful, and his slot could be taken by something else, possibly Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip.

April 12, 2016 7 p.m.

abby315 says... #10

hibuddy1234 Yeah, I'll add Grasp of Darkness to the "sideboard options" section; with the meta kind of a mess right now I'm not bothering too much with the sideboard because it'd be changing all the time, but it's good to keep in mind. I'd originally cut the card because I thought double black was too difficult to get early, but surprisingly that hasn't been the case!

On the other hand, Sylvan Advocate is in the deck because it's a great early blocker that gets big in the midgame, which is solidly in line with my midrange plan, and as much as I like Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip it's usually more important for me to find spells than creatures. Plus, I have Hissing Quagmires to be buffed by Advocate!

Thanks for the suggestions :)

April 12, 2016 7:15 p.m.

pillarofcats says... #11

Hey I think Jund is a real contender in this meta it was the only deck that gave me tough time at FNM. I played against a little more control version, but it was mean. The only suggestion I have is I really don't like To the Slaughter, I know it is appealing with a single black for its casting cost, but I think Ruinous Path is better and plays nice with dark-dweller. I think your mana base is solid enough for it. Looks fun to play.

April 12, 2016 11:45 p.m.

abby315 says... #12

Hey pillarofcats! Love the name btw.

Yeah, I like Ruinous Path over To the Slaughter too in general, but so far in my testing it hasn't been too bad; the fact that it's an instant means I can be a little more versatile with my mana, useful for Hangarback Walker. All in all, I've found it to be fine for creature removal, because Fiery Impulse and blocking usually takes care of the small creatures and then this catches the rest.

I'm still considering the switch though, just because To the Slaughter usually doesn't kill planeswalkers, and they can be tough to deal with @_@

But I'd probably have to cut some of the double mana colors to make the mana better early on, and Nissa would probably be that cut since she's the only double green. It's a bit tight.

April 13, 2016 midnight

pillarofcats says... #13

Ha ha, thanks. I love caterpillars and it is a play on the word.

Well, Nissa is pretty solid considering you run hangarback and peas n' carrots (Pia and Kiran Nalaar). Well, I play tested your deck about 20 times and I was able to get two source of black mana by turn 5 14/20 which is 70%, which isn't bad considering most planes walkers are 4-6 drops so it falls in between. So, your mana base is pretty good for all your dual cost cards. 70% I think is fairly solid for a 3 color deck, honestly. The chance to get red and green lands was much higher though out of testing. I was just looking at your mana base though. I am going to play test a bit with the creatures now.

April 13, 2016 12:30 a.m.

abby315 says... #14

Sounds good, definitely let me know how it goes! I've been tweaking the mana base a lot recently, especially with all of the additions to the deck.

and thanks for playtesting, it always helps to have a fresh set of eyes try it out :)

April 13, 2016 12:40 a.m.

pillarofcats says... #15

Okay, it has taken me a bit of time and well this is strictly based on the sites play test randomization which can be a bit awkward at times. Anyways, I was messing around with your mana base to match your creature curve color distribution. It is really important to get green early based on your creatures. I did a few play tests for the different mana bases to test for creature play-ability.

Mana Base:

Current (Excluding Evolving Wilds):

G: 10 R: 16 B: 10

3x Cinder Glade

2x Evolving Wilds

2x Foreboding Ruins

2x Forest

3x Game Trail

2x Hissing Quagmire

5x Mountain

3x Smoldering Marsh

3x Swamp

G: 13 R: 14 B: 11

3x Cinder Glade

2x Foreboding Ruins

5x Forest

3x Game Trail

2x Hissing Quagmire

3x Mountain

3x Smoldering Marsh

4x Swamp

G: 12 R: 14 B: 11

2x Cinder Glade

3x Foreboding Ruins

5x Forest

3x Game Trail

2x Hissing Quagmire

4x Mountain

2x Smoldering Marsh

4x Swamp

(This one has the same count, but switched some things around)

G: 12 R: 14 B: 11

3x Cinder Glade

2x Foreboding Ruins

5x Forest

2x Game Trail

2x Llanowar Wastes

4x Mountain

3x Smoldering Marsh

4x Swamp

I tried to make it fairly balanced and the reason I chose to remove the evolving wilds is because it slows down your tempo considerably. You don't have to make any changes, but when I was play testing I found the last one to be the most versatile. Luck does play a hand, but I tried to do enough play through to mitigate weird draws.

April 13, 2016 1:49 a.m.

abby315 says... #16

Hey pillarofcats-- thanks so much for your help! I'm going to test out the last one to see what you mean. I do think I'm going to keep in Hissing Quagmire over Llanowar Wastes, though. It hasn't been a problem that it comes in tapped because I usually have the other colors untapped, and it has closed out two separate games that I remember on its own by attacking. I like that versatility.

How'd you like the creature distribution?

April 13, 2016 4:05 p.m.

pillarofcats says... #17

The creatures worked well with the last mana base because there were two more green sources and you want to get it early for Sylvan Advocate and Tireless Tracker. Then red for Pia and Kiran Nalaar and Goblin Dark-Dwellers.

I had a tough time being able to play Nissa, Voice of Zendikar if I had her in hand with your current mana base, and sometimes I didn't have green so that is why I added two more green sources. Other than that there was no issue with getting double red by turn 4 and 5, or playing anything late game. I really like playing on curve if I can so that is why I added the Llanowar Wastes, since they don't enter tapped.

Other than that I think it worked really well, but I swear that randomization of the play-tester can be really weird sometimes.

April 13, 2016 4:45 p.m.

abby315 says... #18


Yeah I find it's strange too. Luckily I have all the lands in paper so I can test it IRL myself; I've done playtesting with the last mana base (but with Hissing Quagmires) and it's definitely harder to get screwed out of a color, which is nice. I've noticed Nissa is hard to get to on curve, even with the last mana base, but I've sort of made that concession that she might stay in my hand for awhile while I wait to find another green source. Luckily, I find that she's almost better to play lategame when I have control of the board, because her 0/1s are pretty fragile blockers to protect her and it feels great to put her down and immediately -2.

I'm going to keep the manabase the same on this copy so I have a comparison, but your list is saved in a private copy while I test it IRL and through goldfishing. I'm going to clean up the comments since the deck has changed quite a bit. Again, thanks for your help! I'd be happy to feature one of your decks if you'd like, I have extra tokens. Just message me which one, or comment. :)

April 13, 2016 4:51 p.m.

Ultrakill says... #19

April 13, 2016 5:18 p.m.

abby315 says... #20

Ultrakill: Yeah, that's kind of a deck-specific choice I think. That's always a choice I could make, but put it this way: Nissa, Voice of Zendikar is like a win-con. I use the rest of my removal to clear the board, and Nissa, along with Arlinn Kord  Flip and Pia and Kiran Nalaar are what repopulate the board for me and close out the game. She also helps buff my flying Thopter tokens and Sylvan Advocates to be able to crash through board stalls.

For that reason, I don't think I'd ever replace her with Ob Nixilis Reignited unless I felt that she was so intensive on the mana that it wasn't worth it to try for double green, and I don't feel that way right now.

That being said, I like the way Ob Nixilis Reignited plays in other decks, so I could always put him in for one of my removal spells; probably a To the Slaughter.

April 13, 2016 7:06 p.m.

Cicjose says... #21

Westvale Abbey  Flip is an auto include

April 16, 2016 11:23 a.m.

abby315 says... #22

Cicjose Agree to disagree! If Westvale Abbey  Flip was a Mana Confluence with the sacrifice-transform ability, it would be in there. I love the versatility of the card, but it messes with what is already a difficult manabase. I'm sure there would be games where having it would get me out of a tight spot and win where I would have lost, but I don't think it's worth the games where I have to mulligan down to 6 or 5 because it's not a Mountain, or where it just sits around and turns off my , .

After all, if this deck has 5+ tokens or creatures sitting around, I'm probably in full control of the game. Otherwise those creatures would be whittled down by blocking or saccing, or my opponent's removal. At that point, the last thing I want to do is wipe my own board to put out a threat that can be To the Slaughtered, Clip Wings'd, Declaration in Stoned, or chump blocked.

April 16, 2016 12:24 p.m.

clayperce says... #23

This is really impressive and an easy +1!

I'm sticking with a straight Gruul Aggro build for now, but if I shift more midrange, I'm starting with your deck. Thanks much!

By the way, if you haven't already, you might want to drop by this thread sometime: All things Wolven; it's a fun community.

Draw well!

April 16, 2016 12:45 p.m.

abby315 says... #24

Thank clayperce! I appreciate the compliments, this is the first standard deck I've built from scratch around a card I really love and it's so fun to play. :)

I'll check out the forum!

April 16, 2016 1:44 p.m.

Ultrakill says... #25

April 16, 2016 4:30 p.m.

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