Arlinn on the Midrange (Jund reconstructed!)

Standard* abby315

SCORE: 89 | 107 COMMENTS | 20704 VIEWS | IN 44 FOLDERS

abby315 says... #1

Ultrakill: My original list, Arlinn's Midrange Menagerie :), tested Kolaghan's Command. I found it underwhelming, and it's $20.

The discard option isn't so necessary in an aggressive meta where most people are either dumping their hands or can just discard a Madness card or a land; the shock option doesn't kill much in this meta, especially by turn 3 or later; the recursion option is good, but I prefer Pulse of Murasa in testing; the only option that I would consider it for is destroy artifact because I can use it to kill my own Hangarback Walker in response to removal.

I may still test it in this deck for the latter reason as a sideboard card (against control, where I can pick recursion + discard or kill Hangarback) but mainboard, better removal is much, much more important to stabilize the board.

April 16, 2016 6:10 p.m.

abby315 says... #2

For further clarification on Kolaghan's Command, because I think it's a good card, it just boils down to the fact that I don't think bringing a card back to my hand is useful enough in this deck, especially not mainboard.

I tested with both Pulse of Murasa and the command in a previous version, and I found that they just weren't good enough to use a turn on. If Kolaghan's Command reliably killed things it would be great, but the shock just wasn't cutting it in most cases; I want to use it early on to control the board with that ability, but then there's probably nothing in my graveyard yet, etc.

It's a really good card in modern for two reasons: there are a lot of threats with 2 or less toughness, and there are a lot of powerhouse artifacts (plus, lands are so tight in modern that people probably don't have an easy discard). In standard, I think you really have to have the right deck to utilize it well; namely, one that grinds through a lot of powerful creatures early, or one that doesn't need removal for bigger threats because it has space to run other removal. This deck isn't that one! Happy to answer any more questions on it though.

April 16, 2016 6:51 p.m. Edited.

Riensino says... #3

I have been running two kolaghans command and so far I have been finding it good except for occasional instances against bigger butt creatures, but I mostly use it as a pulse of murasa. I might change it for two more pulse and take out my nissa, I only play one now and I rather have another ob or Kill spell mainboard. Kolaghans command is still great tho. Kills a lot of the creatures in my meta.

April 16, 2016 11:56 p.m.

abby315 says... #4

Riensino: What creatures do you find it helps kill? I've just been having trouble in my matches casting Fiery Impulse without spell mastery and killing anything, especially without blocking first, let alone a 3 mana spell. I find it's really only useful against things like white weenies and RDW, but then I would side it out post-board anyway for Kozilek's Return etc.

Off the top of my head it hits Tireless Tracker without a buff, Sin Prodder, and then small aggressive dudes like Zurgo Bellstriker... overall, I just feel like running Pulse of Murasa might just be better, or putting it in the side against decks with Hangarback Walker or Pyromancer's Goggles I suppose. It certainly has a lot of artifacts to hit in Clues, but since opponents can just sac them in response it doesn't seem that useful.

In my testing, I got a land with Pulse of Murasa like 50% of the time anyway, it was really useful with Evolving Wilds. That being said, in testing with Pulse of Murasa MB it would often gain me like 12 life a game and I would still lose-- which is why I ended up taking it out for more removal.

April 17, 2016 12:15 a.m.

Riensino says... #5

I'd use it against most 2 toughness creature but I noticed a lot of my meta players don't play madness cards so I use it to make them discard and use it as a pulse to get back one of my creatures. But I'm gonna remove one of the copies and just run one pulse and one command main and a second pulse in the side. I'm running couple removals maimboard so I'm either gonna have more ultimate price or grasp of darkness main. I substituted my read the bones for lightening axes and by far they have been amazing every game. I didn't care about discarding a creature because of kolaghans command in my hand. But otherwise mostly I had always discarded a land since I'd have extra lands in hand or would draw them soon. I might put in two fiery temper to go with lightening axe and also my call the bloodline. I'm making the deck more and more Of a versatile Jund for an upcoming scg provincial event here on the 23rd

April 17, 2016 2:37 a.m.

Riensino says... #6

Also just incase you wanted a review on how it went when I switched up kolaghans command for lightening axe for today's standard, this is how it went. Round 1- went up against mardu Eldrazi, it was a pretty decent match up for us thanks to languish and and kolaghans commands to take care of their hangarback and pia and Kiran and such. But I got mana flooded and game two I lost due to my misplay of not leaving mana untapped to kill one of their man lands as it attacked for exact lethal. Game 2- went up against GR wolves and it was just an easy winning for us there. Game 3- against BR vampires, again we beat them thanks to bigger creatures and instant removal of anything they throw down. Game 4- went up against GB Eldrazi, game one my opponent couldn't get any of his mana fixed due to just having colorless lands in play. Although he did cast thought knots and hangarbacks we took them out pretty easily. Game two was much grindier but we managed to win thanks to a top deck Arlin and woodland wanderer in for 7 haste, vigilance and trample. ( woodland wanderer is amazing and nobody expects him ! )

April 17, 2016 2:56 a.m.

abby315 says... #7

Riensino Thanks for the breakdown! I do love Woodland Wanderer, I'm always considering him in 3-color builds.

It sounds like you had a similar feeling that I did in testing: instant-speed removal is super important to the flow and control of the deck. I have considered Lightning Axe; my first build used the Axe and Fiery Temper, but I've opted for black removal instead because it's easier to flash back with Goblin Dark-Dwellers and is a little more tempo-y. I still think Lightning Axe is a really strong card though, and I've been interested in Call the Bloodline for a long time in madness-oriented decks.

It just seems to me that there's not much room in these kind of decks for spells that don't remove creatures, which is why I cut the Command initially.

Glad you had a successful FNM and good luck at the provincial!

April 17, 2016 3:16 p.m.

Riensino says... #8

Thank you. Yes I cut one kolaghans and kept only one in the main now and am running two tireless trackers main and two roast in the sideboard. I realized even if it's sorcery it's still a great removal for most creatures that's in standard except for avacyn. Which we just either lightening axe or ultimate price or just trasngress her before she hits the field.

April 17, 2016 11:26 p.m.

FYREKNIGHT says... #9

What about Dual Shot in the sideboard for wienies, tokens, and red deck wins?

April 18, 2016 10:41 a.m.

cutthroat_x says... #10

Sold my rg tron, bought this deck, u/r control and rg wolves. Love decks being cheap and wide in standard

April 18, 2016 9:59 p.m.

abby315 says... #11

Hi FYREKNIGHT! Dual Shot is in the list of possible sideboard cards, in the accordion; I used it at first and honestly it's very effective against the X/1 decks. However, with Kozilek's Return it becomes a little redundant. If the weenie decks or 1/1 token decks take over the meta so that I have more room in my sideboard, I'd put it in; I like it.

cutthroat_x, wow! I hope you like playing it, this has been a lot of fun for me to pilot! Did you buy this exact list, or something like it? I'd love to know if you made any changes. Glad you like the concept, I'm a fan of anthems and tokens myself. And the U/R deck looks really fun as well. :)

April 19, 2016 12:37 a.m. Edited.

cutthroat_x says... #12

Im thinking to test out mina and denn

April 20, 2016 8:05 a.m.

Ultrakill says... #13

I tested Kolaghan's Command and found perfect because since the deck use low ammount of creatures you could recycle them with the Kolaghan's Command or Pulse of Murasa and Goblin Dark-Dwellers can recycle both to use them again. So your annoying criature could keep geting back from graveyard + doing something else like gain life or discard/destroy artifact/deal dmg.

April 22, 2016 2:37 a.m.

Inquizitris says... #14

With White being such a prominent player lately, and Archangel Avacyn  Flip being everywhere, have you thought about switching Ultimate Price for Lightning Axe and Fiery Impulse for Fiery Temper? Potential of a 2 mana board wipe of white weenies in response to the indestructibility trigger from Avacyn is put on the stack by targeting her with the axe, discard the temper and use madness to kill a little creature of theirs to cause avacyn to flip, burn the board for 3 (potentially killing most of their board while leaving a good amout of your creatures) and then avacyn takes the axe to the face before the first trigger resolves.

April 22, 2016 6:45 p.m.

abby315 says... #15

Inquizitris: I believe that Archangel Avacyn  Flip won't flip until my upkeep (if this is happening on their turn) or their upkeep (if it's on mine), so she will die to the Lightning Axe (or Ultimate Price) before she has a chance to boardwipe my opponent, if I target her with one.

I used to run the Lightning Axe/Fiery Temper package for value, but if I don't have them together they tend to disrupt the tempo of my turns too much. (I played them in a more aggressive, linear version that didn't need to have access to many different options per turn.)

However, Archangel Avacyn  Flip IS why I have chosen to run Kozilek's Return over something like Radiant Flames, and something like Fiery Impulse or Ultimate Price can still kill off a creature before her indestructibility triggers, causing her to flip next upkeep if I want her to.

Even if the trigger works the way you described, targeting her with Ultimate Price and then Fiery Impulseing a creature will have the same effect as Lightning Axe and Fiery Temper: killing a 3 toughness creature and then Avacyn, flip or no flip.

Thanks for your suggestion!

April 22, 2016 6:53 p.m.

Inquizitris says... #16

I miss read when she flips, you are correct. I think the issue to why i was looking at those 2 cards together was because I didnt like that Fiery Impulse only has the option of creature damage and didnt see any burn that could finish the final points to the player.

April 22, 2016 7:03 p.m.

abby315 says... #17

Inquizitris: Yeah, the direct burn on Fiery Temper is why I was running it in my more aggressive, burn version (Arlinn's Midrange Menagerie :)). But since I have moved away from that strategy, this build plays much more grindy, like a faster control deck that typically wins t6 with Chandra, Flamecaller or turn ~8 with Arlinn Kord  Flip and some creatures.

So generally, my strategy is to clear the board and make way for my trampling creatures, not pick away at my opponent until I can just go over the board with burn.

April 22, 2016 8:55 p.m.

Inquizitris says... #18

It seems your matchup section is a bit outdated since it still has mention of Read the Bones

April 27, 2016 10:08 p.m.

abby315 says... #19

It is! Funnily enough, the fact that I was always siding them out is part of the reason I took them out entirely. I'll update it in the morning with what I'd take out from the current list for each matchup.

April 28, 2016 12:20 a.m.

ae0n5105 says... #20

Wonderful Deck Abby. I will be building this since i was already going the R/G path and Jund is just wonderful.I've been play testing it a TON on Forge against a few of the last top 8 with fairly impressive results. for my LGS i bet i'll see some good successes here.

it seems the biggest problems you have are bant company since they typically use reflector mages and sylvan advocates both of which are 3 toughness (outside of kosilek's return range). I was thinking of siding in radiant flames but i noticed your mention of the nonbo with dark dwellers.

also worth mentioning: I am finding it deals with Dragonlord Oujetai, Ohrmendahl and Avacyn remarkably, ESPECIALLY when you sideboard in the clip wings. since everyone around here is cramming in as many of those as possible, it will be fun to see their tears when they are forced to sacrifice them. Especially Ohrmedahl post them sacrificing their board.+1!

April 28, 2016 2:30 a.m.

abby315 says... #21

ae0n5105: Thanks so much for the feedback! I hope you really love playing the deck, I know I do! I'd be interested in hearing about your playtesting experiences. :)

And agreed totally on Clip Wings, it's my favorite piece of sideboard tech in a long time. Hexproof Ojutai? Clip Wings ruins your day! Left up a Cleric token to dodge To the Slaughter on Ormendahl? Clip Wings ruins your day! Indestructable flashed-in Archangel Avacyn  Flip? Clip Wings ruins your day! Got hexproof from Sigarda, Heron's Grace? Clip Wings doesn't target you and still ruins your day!

About Bant Company and removal choices: Feel absolutely free to tinker with the sideboard and mainboard removal choices based on local or dominating meta picks! The deck is simply built so that the core is as versatile as possible against an unknown meta or variety of decks. If you start seeing a lot of Bant Company at your LGS, removing something like Display of Dominance from the sideboard and putting in a sweeper would help!

In that scenario, though, I would go all the way to a Languish sideboard over Radiant Flames, since Bant Company is in no hurry to pressure you and you already can't flash Radiant Flames back with Goblin Dark-Dwellers anyway. Then post-side you can take out both of the Dark-Dwellers for the Languish (they are by no means a core creature of the deck-- that'd be Pia and Kiran Nalaar-- and proceed to win.

Like I said, the deck is meant to be versatile, just like modern Jund, so pick the removal spells that make the most sense to you and your meta. Best of luck and good draws c:

April 28, 2016 9:22 a.m. Edited.

ae0n5105 says... #22

abby: after some thorough play testing i recommend you drop a forest and add a third hissing quagmire as that thing REALLY matters. looking at comparable decks i see many folks run 4 of them since he is doing one of three things: -- attacking for some damage-- taking a removal spell from the opponent (rare but still)-- trading up when blocking a non flierby adding one more i have been able to outlast a lot more of the decks I'm trying it against.Plus: bonus points if you can get counters on this guy. then he is a house.


April 29, 2016 1:57 a.m.

abby315 says... #23

ae0n5105: I will test out a third; I do find creature lands to be stellar in this format, though I'm hesitant to introduce more tapped mana to the deck. It may be better to replace the one-of Evolving Wilds. Thanks for the feedback!

April 29, 2016 12:07 p.m.

TheBuj says... #24

This deck looks really powerful. Nice writeup, too.

Are you finding that most of your lands are coming in untapped? I stuck with a really simple landbase with my Standard Jund homebrew Lucky (Turn) 7!, but I guess it depends on how badly you need mana for your turn 1 and 2 plays.

Fantastic deck, big +1 from me. :)

April 30, 2016 3:02 p.m.

abby315 says... #25

TheBuj: thanks for the compliments! Lands are definitely complicated, but mostly untapped-- you just have to know the right sequencing. For example, a hand with a mountain, a Cinder Glade, Hissing Quagmire, and Foreboding ruins: the correct order is Quagmire, Ruins, Mountain, and then hopefully a second basic so Cinder Glade can also come in untapped.

Like any deck sometimes I have too many battle lands early or I top deck a hand-land, but it's usually not disruptive to the game plan. It's much more necessary to be able to play turn 2 and 3 removal.

So, in general, yes. I wouldn't recommend the mix of shadow and battle lands unless you have a lot of double mana symbols and need the multitude of dual lands, but having both really expands what you're able to run. :)

April 30, 2016 5:31 p.m.

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