Arlinn on the Midrange (Jund reconstructed!)

Standard* abby315

SCORE: 89 | 107 COMMENTS | 20704 VIEWS | IN 44 FOLDERS

johnstonn says... #1

I put Infinite in pretty much every time. Then you're just finger crossed hoping to draw it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm having a ton of fun playing with this deck. Even in games where I lose I'm not getting dismantled. I feel like I have a shot. Plus, all the neat little triggers and games hidden in this deck make it a ton of fun. But yea, I'm totally down to brainstorm out ways to play with it.

I'm currently brewing up a Mardu. So who knows. I'm glad its summer and I can play a lot. haha.

June 11, 2016 1:52 p.m.

brianokafor23 says... #2

love arlinn and big fan of jund :))) nice one

please go check out my deck

June 28, 2016 8:37 p.m.

Inquizitris says... #3

What are your thoughts on Grim Flayer? maybe if leaning more in the direction of a delirium capable build?

July 12, 2016 3:05 p.m.

abby315 says... #4

Inquizitris: I really like Grim Flayer. I don't think he'll be competitively viable until Sylvan Advocate rotates.

His ability is the shit, but I just can't see reliably getting it off unless you're running a lot of low-drop removal to clear the way or some anthem effects. He's outscaled by Sylvan Advocate the entire game, he's killed by Gideon tokens or buffed Nissa tokens, Always Watching makes it impossible to hit on the crackback; even stuff like Jaddi Offshoot in ramp decks blanks him.

I would consider running him in the sideboard of a delirium-capable build against control, he's a nifty way to get aggressive with delirium and sift through the lands in your library so you're always drawing profitably against their removal. But he's just far too fragile for a 2-drop against any deck running creatures or the planeswalkers that make creatures, and that's just about all of them right now.

July 13, 2016 3:25 p.m.

Inquizitris says... #5

I was thinking the same that he might be a replacement for the advocate after rotation. Plus thought it might be a fun thing to pair with The Gitrog Monster if a semi reliable way through shows up.

July 13, 2016 8:44 p.m.

Nick.lott says... #6

Like the deck man. I run Jund in Modern too. And im building a list as well. I'm running 4 Grim Flayer4 Sylvan Advocate3 Tireless Tracker4 Mindwrack Demon

Then a ton of removal, I opted for Radiant Flames over Languish. Plus, Im running. 2 Traverse the Ulvenwald3 Vessel of Nascency and 2 Dead Weight Helps fix mana and activate Delirium.I proxied up, Flayers.I love a turn two Flayer, prob more than Advocate.I ran into several situation where turn one Wilds, turn two flayer, turn 3 play and pop vessel, allowed me to swing four. Or just Ruinous Path an Advocate on oppenents board and swing 2, you can graveyard whatever youd need for Delirium and drop Mindwrack and swing 8 turn four.

The turn 3 graveyard scry is insane. And turn four you have Tracker plus land drop. Mindwrack, or whatever.Getting Grim Flayer online with a removal spell turn 3 is just phenomenal. Even if you aren't graveyarding anything, you are digging through your deck fast, and giving yourself incredible selection, alongside TT to pop some clues. I wouldn't write of Grimy. In my playtesting, the grind value has been immeasurable!!

July 17, 2016 1:54 a.m.

Naczos93 says... #7

What do you think about Distended Mindbender in this kind of deck?

July 17, 2016 6:07 a.m.

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