Armageddon & Taxes

Modern hungry000


JKRice says... #1

I really like this idea

Have you considered running lots of X cost and zero cost utility cards, like Chalice of the Void , Engineered Explosives , Hangarback Walker , Mishra's Bauble , and Tormod's Crypt , which could all be played for value when you don’t have celestial Kirin on the field?

Not sure what your budget is, but i think Crucible of Worlds would be better than ramunap excavator, since it isn’t killed by bolt .

Finally, most D&T decks don’t play many noncreature spells except Path to Exile . I would recommend a small thalia or two instead of your mana tithes.

July 29, 2019 4:37 p.m.

hungry000 says... #2

Thanks, I do too ;). Sorry for the late reply, I was at a camp for a few days.

I don't think it would be a good idea to play any 0 cost permanents (other than lands of course) since they'd all get blown up by the Kirin combo, which is the main plan of the deck. There is some argument for Chalice of the Void since it's super good post-Armageddon and it can help stall while you're finding the combo, but it's a waste if you end up blowing it up after playing it. A Hangarback Walker could be okay as well since it leaves a board presence behind. I'll try both of them out.

The reason I'm playing Ramunap Excavator is because it can be searched out by Eladamri's Call , which (kinda) means you have 5 copies of Excavator while only needing to devote 1 actual card slot to it. That leaves more room for other cards to keep you alive until you can assemble the lock.

I only call this a Death and Taxes deck because it was an inspiration for the shell and they both have taxes and land destruction; after testing it a few times, I can tell you that this deck does NOT play anything like D&T, though it is capable of doing some of the land denial shenanigans that D&T uses for its main plan. Unlike D&T, which is more about incremental advantages, this deck is able to make a huge tempo swing at once with the Kirin combo; thus, it doesn't focus as much on disruption and instead focuses more on getting the combo together and capitalizing on the power of Armageddon by skewing the evenness in your favor.

And for the record, the reason D&T decks only play 4 noncreatures other than Vial is because they play 4 little Thalia. Since I'm not playing them, that restriction on noncreatures is unnecessary. Although, I can see 1 small Thalia making it in as another thing to make your opponent suffer with post-Armageddon.

August 3, 2019 4:01 p.m.

Having a Fiend Hunter in the 75 feels like a useful bullet to have, otherwise sweet deck! It's cool to see Eladamri's Call in a deck where it's more useful than Chord of Calling or Finale of Devastation

August 13, 2019 2:50 p.m.

hungry000 says... #4

There's one in the sideboard. :)

While you're here, what do you think about moving the Mirran Crusader in the sideboard to the main deck? There are times when you get a few lock pieces on board but don't have much else going on besides that, and I was thinking that having a threat that can close out the game quickly would be useful for those situations.

I was also thinking of moving a Knight of Autumn and/or Fiend Hunter into the main to help against aggro.

August 13, 2019 5:29 p.m.

I think Knight of Autumn main is an excellent idea, Mirran Crusader feels more narrow and Knight of Autumn 's fail state also beats for 4.

I think an extra Kor Firewalker would do more work vs the Sun Droplet but in reality I would drop both for Auriok Champion or additional Knight of Autumn .

August 13, 2019 8 p.m.

Goofydat says... #6

Have you seen Magus of the Moat ? It completely locks down most decks but you can still attack with your fliers. I have used it in my control/ prison deck

U/W Control

Modern Goofydat


and it works great.

September 5, 2019 12:34 p.m.

Norn's Annex is an awesome card to put in any taxes deck, particularly if you're post-apocalypse and your opponent isn't playing white. Crucible of Worlds would also find a nice place in this deck. Maybe not in place of Ramunap Excavator , but in 1-2 in addition would regulate it in the deck. Maybe replace Giver of Runes or have it in the sideboard?

September 13, 2019 8 p.m.

hungry000 says... #8

Goofydat I'll try it out, but unlike UW this deck does need to apply pressure with creature damage, so I don't think it'll be as good as Windborn Muse .

Sorin_Markov_1947 The problem with Norn's Annex is that it fails you when you need it most; if you've killed all lands but your opponent has a full board of creatures, they can still attack with them by paying life (and you don't deal much damage early on, so they'll have a lot of it) and then you'll be in a tough spot with no board presence to race with, no way to create board pressure since all your lands are gone, and a low life total. Ghostly Prison is just straight up better since they can't get around paying mana for it.

I've tested with Crucible and didn't like it. This deck's weakness lies in its ability to stay alive long enough to pull off the combo, and Crucible does next to nothing to help with that issue. Also, playing lands from the graveyard isn't completely necessary to win, so cards that help keep you alive end up being more valuable.

September 13, 2019 9:16 p.m.

Luckybastard86 says... #9

Trinisphere + indestructible lands? Use artifact ramp? Go mono white?

January 31, 2020 2:30 a.m.

hungry000 says... #10

All good ideas, I'd probably make that a whole different deck though. An artifact based Kirin combo with stuff like Thorn of Amethyst and Lodestone Golem and Ethersworn Canonist would be cool, maybe have Karn+Liquimetal Coating to lock their lands completely.

January 31, 2020 1:28 p.m.

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