Hi guys! What you're seeing is my last deck, I call it Army of One! It's a Bant Exalted deck, with some add from the Modern pool. Let's see the cards!
Cathedral of War: A Land with Exalted to have some extra pump.
Akrasan Squire
: Perfect 1-drop with Exalted, can become a 4/4 on second turn with another pair of them.
Invisible Stalker: It's just perfect! Drop it on second turn and look your soldiers Exalt him. Your opponent will soon be beated by an unblockable unremovable 5/5, or 6/6.
Knotvine Paladin
: This is just too good for an Exalted deck. If he attacks, and I have 3 other creatures with Exalted, He will get +6/+6. Enchant him with
Shield of the Oversoul
and laugh maniacally.
Rhox Charger
: Yeah, on 4th turn, attack on 5th, enchant with
Shield of the Oversoul
, it can easily be an indestructible 8/8 with trample. Which is really not bad at all.
Guardians of Akrasa
: Nice blocker and Exalted, needed here since we'll not block many attacks of the opponent, he does the job in the first 5 turns.
Sovereigns of Lost Alara: Exalted Sovereings of enchantments. Whenever I attack, I can grab a enchantment and put it on my One.
Azorius Charm: My swiss knife, card advantage + removal + great life gain!
Emerge Unscathed
: Not only protect my creatures, also makes them unblockable! and lasts 2 turns.
Hindering Light
: My opponent WILL want to remove my One. This will solve this problem! Card advantage, and protection from burn and mill, make this a great counter.
Finest Hour
: What's better than an indestructible 10/10 with trample? Obviously an indestructible 10/10 with trample that attacks two times!
Gideon, Champion of Justice: OK, this is overpowered. Just imagine - with all the Exalted triggers, attack with him. Crazy. Also, the last ability has a great sinergy with
Emerge Unscathed
Pentarch Ward: That extra protection and card advantage that is never bad.
So, thank you for reading all this! Any +1 or comment is, as always, greatly appreciated!