Arsenal 1.3

Modern M_Infernum


thesaxby says... #1

A nice start, but could use some improvement. In my tests, Serra Angel never dropped. Especially in a tournament setting, if you can't ensure you're going to be getting a land or two out every turn, creatures more expensive than a CMC of four are a little iffy. I'd either remove the Serra Angels and focus on strong, cheap white creatures (like Accorder Paladin , Elite Vanguard , and others, which you can find here:|[%22Extended%22]&color=|[C]|[W]&cmc=+%3C=[3]) or replace some cards with copies of Ichor Wellspring or Mycosynth Wellspring . With Wellsprings you can pull up lands to ensure that you'll get Angels out and keep drawing to get everything else.

Some of the equipment feels out of place. Strandwalker is best in a sideboard--swap it in for another card if your deck doesn't have a lot of defense against fliers and needs it. Here, it's an underpowered creature/equipment in a deck that already has defense against fliers in the form of other fliers. Bonehoard is great... when your deck or your opponent's revolves around getting tons of creatures into the graveyard. I'd sideboard Bonehoard for situations where the other deck is like that.

So what replaces those equipments? Piston Sledge . I LOVE this card. If you take my other advice about the Wellsprings, the downside of its equip cost becomes an upside--a big one. Plus, it does big damage at least on the turn it comes in, and with Kitesail Apprentice, you get a 5/3 flier by your third turn.

Safe Passage is good, but Pacifism and Forced Worship are a bit better in smaller numbers or in the sideboard. A lot of decks use few or no creatures, and devoting a full fifth of your main deck to creature hate seems a bit excessive, especially when you've got four Kor Hookmaster. If you really want to defend yourself from creatures, might I recommend Wall of Omens ? Emerge Unscathed and Brave the Elements provide good instant-speed protection. Run a total of four of the two of them, if that many.

Because you have a lot of equipment, Puresteel Paladin is a good investment. Even if you're building on a budget, they're less than a dollar each and really good in equipment decks. Replace Stormfront Pegasi with them. With Puresteel Paladins in the deck, Brass Squire is redundant, so nix those, too.I think the number of lands is a little low. I'd add in a couple more Plains or Kabira Crossroads .

So, to make recommendations in an easily-read form: -4 Serra Angel -4 Stormfront Pegasus -4 Pacifism -4 Forced Worship -2 Brass Squire -2 Strandwalker -1 Bonehoard -1 Kitesail -1 Bonehoard

+4 Puresteel Paladin +4 Piston Sledge +3 Ichor Wellspring +2 Wall of Omens +2 Elite Vanguard +2 Accorder Paladin +2 Brave the Elements +2 [Emerge-Unscathed]] +2 Plains/Kabira Crossroads

I hope I've helped you out. Happy brewing!

December 24, 2011 4:56 p.m.

M_Infernum says... #2

Made some changes, as you can see, playtest it and tell me what you think.

December 25, 2011 6:54 p.m.

Puresteel Paladin would find a nice home in this deck

December 26, 2011 3:57 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #4

I think you might find more synergy with Puresteel Paladin and Leonin Shikari than Kor.

December 26, 2011 4:03 p.m.

M_Infernum says... #5

I'll definitely keep an eye out for those. Unfortunately I don't have any at the moment, and funds are low.

December 26, 2011 4:06 p.m.

Since you play mono white why Not look into Honor of the Pure ?

December 26, 2011 4:23 p.m.

M_Infernum says... #7

If I do manage to get some of these cards, what would be the best to remove to make room for them?

December 26, 2011 4:33 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #8

I would probably drop the Armament Master and Kor Hookmaster first, then look at slowly improving on the other creatures.

You might also consider Squadron Hawk . It's great in equip decks because it means you'll have more creatures coming when you play your first one. One of the major problems with equipment-oriented approaches is not having enough creatures to suit up.

Stoneforge Mystic is another good one, although it's more expensive.

You could also take the Quest for the Holy Relic approach. This involves building a deck with 0 and 1-drop creatures which you play quickly for Quest counters. Then, you crack the Quest to go find Argentum Armor .

December 26, 2011 4:54 p.m.

thesaxby says... #9

I agree that Honor of the Pure would be good in this deck. Replace Marshal's Anthem with it when you can. I'd replace the Strider Harnesses with as many Piston Sledges. Holy Strength isn't really so great in this deck. If you get Puresteel Paladins, put them in to replace Holy Strength. Armament Master would be good to remove because this isn't mainly a Kor deck. Put a Puresteel Paladin in for that. I'd replace a Kor Hookmaster with a fourth Puresteel Paladin. Puresteel Paladin is really cheap right now; if you go to a store that isn't ripping you off on singles, you should get four Paladins for less than five bucks.

December 26, 2011 4:59 p.m.

M_Infernum says... #10

Cool. I do have 3 Squadron Hawk s. I'll go ahead and switch them with the Kor Hookmaster s, and see how they do.

December 26, 2011 4:59 p.m.

M_Infernum says... #11

I playtested it against my Dragons and Wurms Oh My! deck, and to no surprise, a Squadron Hawk won the game.

December 26, 2011 5:24 p.m.

OpenFire says... #12

I assume the Swords are too expensive for you? Try out Steelshaper's Gift , O-Naginata or Bone Saw . Definitely Puresteel Paladin if you can get some. Try out Pithing Needle , Kataki, War's Wage and Grafdigger's Cage in the sideboard.

May 31, 2014 3:44 p.m.

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