Made some changes I am going to be testing in the coming weeks to the deck after playing at the WMCQ. I feel like the WMCQ went ok. I finished in the middle of the pack and had a great time playing the deck. Everyone loved it and enjoyed getting blown out by immortal.
It did have some mana problems though and I'd often have to throw back hands with only 1 land or the wrong sort of land. More testing will be required to know if I need to go up to 24.
Notable adds are the Divine and Blood throne. Cartel just was not doing anything compared to what it should be. It's a good card but I'm not sure if its as good as blood throne vs my deck who favors board wipes instead of targeted removal.
Divine was just amazing all day. Half of the field was Naya blitz. I would just stall to turn 4, Divine then bring everything back next turn. They don't have the fuel to recover and divine is nice with undying ( I was using lotleth troll during the WMCQ for the regeneration but I feel like Giest is a better fit over all with the high priest)
Mentor has been cut down to 3 again. Half of the time he was drawing 4+ cards, the other he was killed on sight. It depended on how skilled the other player was and felt like as I moved up the standings he was getting killed more and more.