Artifact Blink

Commander / EDH yuval


airGorgo says... #1

Note that I made this list of what to take out after only a brief look through your deck:

take out:

  • cloudshift
  • steel wall
  • qumulox
  • galvanic key
  • welding jar
  • loxodon warhammer
  • glassdust hulk
  • vedalken engineer
  • somber hoverguard
  • myr enforcer

I'm not sure about the 4 counterspells you play. I'd recomend Hinder and Spell Crumple to get rid of nasty commanders. the affinity counters just don't do enough. (just look at Dromar's Charm - much more possibilies)

Also, I'd probably take out Thoughtcast . It's EDH, you gotta think bigger. Like Blue Sun's Zenith or Sphinx's Revelation , if you can afford one.

I assume the maybeboard is stuff you still need to aquire? these look solid. a Diabolic Tutor 'd be a pretty budget replacement for Demonic Tutor until you find one. You should probably tweek that one in.

put in:

hope I helped

April 25, 2013 9:26 a.m.

airGorgo says... #2

another thing real quick :P

EDH games tend to take much longer than regular games, Also, due to the 100 singletons it's rather inconsistant.

Go through the deck by yourself and ask you at each card: "What if I topdeck this in turn 8 with no other cards in hand?" - a card like Frogmite is cool in a 60 card affinity deck with 4 copies, but in commander with 40 life a free 2/2 doesn't matter.

April 25, 2013 9:33 a.m.

yuval says... #3

@airGorgo Thank you so much! I'm brand new to EDH so this is helping me very much.

I took your advice and took out all the cards you said except for the following:

*Cloudshift - I really like its synergy with Sharuum, Filigree Angel , Magister Sphinx , Sphinx Summoner , Trinket Mage , Phyrexian Metamorph , and Duplicant

*Loxodon Warhammer - this card kicks ass, can you explain why I should remove it?

*Vedalken Engineer - more mana is always helpful, isn't it?

I replaced the counterspells too; never thought about putting the commander on bottom of their library! And I added everything you said.

Lastly, Based on what you said about Frogmite , should I also take out Memnite and Ornithopter ? They work well with Auriok Salvagers , Trinket Mage and Artificer's Intuition so I dunno...

Thank you so much!

April 25, 2013 10:04 a.m.

airGorgo says... #4

glad I could help

The reason why I recomended to take out the Vedalken Engineer is, that it isn't an artifact! Meaning, replace it with something like Obelisk of Esper (plus, you are still 9 cards over 100)

Loxodon Warhammer It sure helps you to win, but I think it'd be better to replace some not-so-good creatures with good creatures, so you get a free slot. IF you want to go down the equipment path, add Lightning Greaves (it does much more than warhammer, imo). You could also add Lightning Greaves - tutoring is always good.

Thopter Foundry doens't make much sence if you're not playing the combo with Sword of the Meek

Over all, you play many lands + quite some ramp, maybe you can cut something there. You have to somewhere >_< ;;

April 25, 2013 12:35 p.m.

fayren says... #5

Definitely take out the Memnite and Ornithopter . Your CMC 1 tutors will be very useful for things like AEther Vial , Sol Ring , Executioner's Capsule , and Skullclamp .

If you like Skullclamp , I also suggest putting in cards like Thopter Assembly , Myr Battlesphere , or other cards that will generate tokens. Time Sieve is also really fun with token generation - if you have enough mana, you can go infinite with Time Sieve and Thopter Assembly.

Like airGorgo said, you should really take out Cloudshift unless you have a way to recur it, like Isochron Scepter . Otherwise, it's a one drop that will do nothing for the rest of the game. If you're fond of the graveyard revival with blink, replace it with Conjurer's Closet and/or Deadeye Navigator .

Take out Arcbound Slith , Arcbound Stinger , and Arcbound Worker . If you want more +1/+1 counter generation, try Energy Chamber . This will also help your AEther Vial get pumped up, and would work well with Everflowing Chalice (so add one of those, too). More good mana ramp: Blinkmoth Urn .

Put in Liquimetal Coating to combo off with Memnarch , if you plan on keeping Memnarch in.

If you have the money, take out Tidehollow Strix for Baleful Strix . The 1 less power is well compensated by the draw power, and the ability to recur Baleful Strix is what makes it great for a Sharuum deck.

Other cards to consider adding: Scourglass , Metallurgeon , Solemn Simulacrum , Steel Hellkite . Wurmcoil Engine , Fact or Fiction , Path to Exile , Buried Alive , Aura of Silence , Venser, the Sojourner , Sensei's Divining Top , and Norn's Annex .

Sorry if this is a lot of suggestions/changes, but hope that it helps, if only a little bit. :)

April 25, 2013 12:36 p.m.

airGorgo says... #6

Do what fayren says. Those are some really good tips.

But be aware that you probably can't play all those nifty combos and synergies. You gotta descide at one point what stays in and what not.

@fayren: top and wurmcoil are expensive though.

April 25, 2013 3:55 p.m.

yuval says... #7

@fayren, @airGorgo, thanks for all the tips! Both of you are a huge help.

I took out Memnite , Ornithopter , Arcbound Worker , Arcbound Stinger , and Arcbound Slith as you suggested, and added Energy Chamber and Everflowing Chalice . I also dropped Artificer's Intuition , since I don't have much to tutor for now. I thought about dropping Auriok Salvagers as well but decided to keep it for the interactions with AEther Spellbomb and Executioner's Capsule , what do you think?

Since I dropped all my weenies, I decided to also drop Skullclamp , and with it, Thopter Foundry . I'll just give up on the Skullclamp interactions I guess. I kept Memnarch but didn't add Liquimetal Coating because I think he's good on his own. I kept Loxodon Warhammer ; I know I'm being stubborn about it but I really like it and I guess I'll just have to find out for myself why it's no good.

I replaced Cloudshift with Conjurer's Closet , and added Scourglass , Steel Hellkite , and Norn's Annex . Given all this additional control, I dropped Oblivion Ring and Dismember .

I put Baleful Strix , Wurmcoil Engine , Path to Exile and Venser, the Sojourner on my Expensive-Maybeboard-Wishlist. I also moved Tezzeret the Seeker and Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas to it because they're expensive cards that I don't own and I needed to drop to 100.

Well, I'm finally at 100 cards. What do you think?

April 26, 2013 6:59 a.m.

yuval says... #8

One more thing: I only just understood why fayren suggested Buried Alive , so I added it and took out Auriok Salvagers . Then I also removed AEther Spellbomb , because it's kind of meek without the Salvagers. I put in a Lodestone Golem for it.


April 26, 2013 7:28 a.m.

yuval says... #9

I want to add Lightning Greaves . What should I take out?

April 26, 2013 9:27 a.m.

Rofelos says... #10

I think it looks good. If you felt the need you could play Time Sieve and Thopter Assembly which would give you an infinite turns combo. Maybe Blade Splicer probably Concentrate and Lux Cannon goes with unwinding clock. One card I really like in 4 player games is Hex , some people say its hit or miss sometimes but I think it's clutch, and its a cheap card. Good luck.

April 26, 2013 11:58 a.m.
April 30, 2013 8:12 p.m.

yuval says... #12

@Rofelos those are all awesome cards but I kinda gave up on the Time Sieve combo and for the others I think I have better alternatives for all of them.

@shadowmoses514 thanks for the tip, looks like a good card! I don't think I'll play it though because A) it's not an artifact, B) I'm playing just 1 enchantment, C) I have many other cards that fetch from graveyard, e.g. Skeleton Shard , Sanctum Gargoyle , Arcbound Reclaimer , and my commander Sharuum the Hegemon

May 1, 2013 6:59 p.m.

Tickles1929 says... #13

Disciple of the Vault and Bitter Ordeal is an instant win with a Sharuum infinite loop.

May 12, 2013 11:17 p.m.

yuval says... #14

How would I get infinite loop going?

May 12, 2013 11:19 p.m.

yuval says... #15

Nevermind, got it: use Sculpting Steel or Phyrexian Metamorph on her. Good idea.

May 13, 2013 6:54 p.m.

barrani says... #16

Venser, the Sojourner , Tezzeret the Seeker , Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas are really good in a sharuum deck. I run them in my sharuum deck and they have won me so many games. Tezzeret the Seeker works well with any mana producing artifact but Doubling Cube works really well. I would drop the signets they didn't work much for me. Draw is also huge in EDH. Consecrated Sphinx is a staple. Courier's Capsule is good. Planar Portal is an awesome search card. Shimmer Myr is always good in artifact deck. Another sorcery card for bringing back an artifact from the graveyard is Argivian Restoration . Also for field control Memnarch . Cutting cards is tricky for me, because it depends what you want to do. The modular creatures and some of your other weenies are in my mind expendable, but maybe not to you. If you want any more help let me know.

May 20, 2013 5:17 p.m.

yuval says... #17

@barrani Thanks for the tips! Venser and the two Tezzerets are already on my wishlist (Maybeboard), and Memnarch was in but I decided to take him out for being too slow, although he is good. I will gladly look at your other suggestions.

Could you be a bit more specific on what I should take out? I'm not sure what "weenies" you're referring to; the only ones I see have other effects that are keeping them in (such as ETB effects). The only exceptions are Arcbound Ravager , which feeds the graveyard, and Etched Champion , which I have in because A) I already own one, and B) it's an excellent chump blocker OR game finisher, making an excellent target for equipment such as Sword of Fire and Ice . I also already own a Ravager.

That said, if you still think I should take them out and let me know, and please tell me in more detail what else you think I should take out. Putting things IN won't be hard :-)

Thank you!!!

May 20, 2013 8:35 p.m.

barrani says... #18

Ok, the question is how are you going to win? I mean, you can bring your artifacts back over and over, but then what. You have a couple of guys who can bulk up, Wurmcoil Engine and Magister Sphinx . I would drop Solemn Simulacrum , Glassdust Hulk , and Sanctum Gargoyle . I ran them in my deck, and they're ok, but they can be dropped for offense. Sharding Sphinx is useful because it produces tokens feeding Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas -4 ability. Memnarch is slow, but edh is slow. He can do so much if you play him later in the game. He is so strong. The signets are ok, but i dropped them. I put my deck up if you want to check it out and get some ideas.

May 20, 2013 11:38 p.m.

yuval says... #19

Swinging in with big guys like Wurmcoil Engine , Steel Hellkite , Magister Sphinx , and Sharuum herself is one way to win that I am definitely leaving open. But another one of my win cons is to cast Sculpting Steel or Phyrexian Metamorph targetting Sharuum the Hegemon , which yields an infinite combo of graveyard recursion with infinite ETB and Graveyard triggers. Thus, having Disciple of the Vault or Glassdust Hulk out when this happens leads to infinite damage to all players / one player (respectively), or having Bitter Ordeal in hand mills all your opponents for the win.

I'll look at removing Sanctum Gargoyle and Arcbound Reclaimer ; I may not need the extra recursion with Sharuum out. I can't drop Solemn Simulacrum simply because the card advantage he generates is amazing. I'll re-consider putting Memnarch back in.

Thanks! Would love to hear other tips if you think of any.

May 21, 2013 2:24 a.m.

barrani says... #20

Infinite win combos are great, but hard to do. Disciple of the Vault comes out, and everyone is after you and it. So it will win you some games but not as many as you think, that's why I say offense. I can see the Glassdust Hulk thing. Sphinx of the Steel Wind is a good offense card, with the others and the win combos I think you got a pretty solid deck

May 22, 2013 12:46 a.m.

EchoSi3rra says... #21

You should probably take out Palladium Myr it's just not that good.

May 24, 2013 10:08 p.m.

yuval says... #22

Thanks for the tip, it's out

May 25, 2013 3:16 p.m.

purlom says... #23

So after a quick look I thought of a few of my favorites to go in an artifact deck, Darksteel Forge it will make everything you have on the board much harder to remove. Semblance Anvil is nice to make everything cost less, as does Cloud Key . And if you really want to make people hate this deck add a Blightsteel Colossus .

May 26, 2013 2:28 p.m.

yuval says... #24

@purlom Thank you so much for the tips! What do you think I should take out for those?

May 26, 2013 7:12 p.m.

purlom says... #25

@yuval I would remove Trinket Mage and Arcbound Ravager IMO they don't do enough for you in this deck.

May 26, 2013 11:13 p.m.

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