Cloud of Faeries though only if you have a land that taps for two mana such as Azorius Chancery .
June 2, 2013 8:24 a.m.
At Quail - thank you so much for the tips! I really like the Pili-Pala combo so I took out Lodestone Golem to make room for it. I figured it would only make me many enemies in a multi-player game. What do you think?
Id like to add some of the other cards you mentioned but I would really need you to give me some suggestions for what to take out to make room for them. In the meantime, I put Palinchron in the maybeboard.
Thank you!!!
June 2, 2013 8:14 p.m.
Not sure what you could remove since the deck looks pretty solid so far. I find play testing to be the best way to figure out what works and doesn't work.
Also it might just make things more difficult but Venser, the Sojourner might be awesome in here, also because he's my favorite Planeswalker.
June 2, 2013 8:31 p.m.
Yup, hes already on the To-Add list, along with many other cards... if you think of something to remove, please tell me! Thank you!
June 2, 2013 10:31 p.m.
You run Transmuter, but don't really have anything perse to take advantage of her, I'd suggest a colossi to make things bad. Darksteel Colossus , or Blightsteel Colossus . With all the artifacts your running, some things to take advantage of it aside from the Master would be nice as well. Darksteel Juggernaut or Mephitic Ooze . Liliana Vess for her tutoring ability. since you can never go wrong with dig or draw power Thoughtcast , Thirst for Knowledge . Is there any reason why you're running the MRD shards?
June 10, 2013 5:02 p.m.
MiniDragon says... #7
Even though I'm late there are good combos with Ornithopter /Memnite + Soul Foundry + Clock of Omens , Soul Foundry is a good card for you in general. Prototype Portal is a card for you to consider so is Mycosynth Lattice helps with Memnarch , also helps with Blinkmoth Urn , Copy Artifact , Mox Opal is a good ramp, there are good removal cards available to you like Soulscour and Dispatch . Also a land you need is Academy Ruins .
July 2, 2013 12:18 a.m.
Thanks for the tips everyone. I'm hesitant to make changes that are too big, especially when it comes to adding expensive cards, because I still have a lot of playtesting to do.
I made room for Venser, the Sojourner and Planar Portal both of which I thought were crucial recommendations. I did this by removing Ethersworn Canonist which I figured would damage my multiplayer politics, and also took out Trinket Mage as per purlom's suggestion. Additionally, despite its pricetag I mainboarded Academy Ruins because you guys convinced me of how important it is.
Given all the feedback concering Master Transmuter and adding a Colossus for it, which I don't want to do, I decided maybe to simply just take it out. However ultimately I chose not to, to wait to see how it playtests even without the Colossi. Another card I may remove in the future is Akroma's Memorial , but as of now it makes a good target for Arcum Dagsson in case my combo has failed and I need to resort to beatdown, so I'll wait for further playtesting.
Do you guys think these were good moves? Thanks for the suggestions!
July 10, 2013 8:55 a.m.
mtghypatia says... #9
Have you think about using Unburial Rites ? I'm thinking of building a Sharuum deck myself, would you recommend it?
July 4, 2014 4:39 p.m.
@pviollier I would not recommend Unburial Rites for any "average" or better Sharuum deck. It is simply not competitive enough.
I might consider it for a budget Sharuum deck, mostly because the flashback makes it useful if it enters your graveyard through Nephalia Drownyard or similar. However, even then I'm not sure I would include it simply because it doesn't add anything you can't already do. Sharuum herself cheats artifacts from the graveyard, and as your commander you should have access to her as much as you want. With sharuum out, a blink card can have pretty much the same effect as Rites, and probably for less mana.
So, short answer: probably not, because its effect is redundant compared to Sharuum's.
Quail says... #1
Might not need it but
Pili-Pala + Grand Architect
Cloud of Faeries /Peregrine Drake /Great Whale /Palinchron + Deadeye Navigator
for infinite mana
June 2, 2013 8:23 a.m.