So we look at the sideboard and see
Godsend first. He stands out as a legendary artifact equipment, not too common a combination of types. It's good for dealing with a deck of combo creatures such as Electrostatic Pummeller.
Mighty Leap
is some great control against flying decks that don't see it coming, but otherwise can help lean over that last 4 or 5 damage to cleanup up the game for us.
Odric, Master Tactician is a great card, its The best link between control and aggro in the deck as I can use it to kill their pieces or slide through huge damage. With
Always Watching out I can easily and safely all-out attack.
is another version of PtE that isn't expensive. Sadly, it triggers almost as an sorcery unless of course it's against a burn deck, say
Nettle Drone.
is my pickle card, for when I'm in a pickle, and I need to block something big like emrakul. I chose this as my pickle card because, I don't plan for many buff instants on the offense considering I'm playing Mono white tribal, and most buff will come from that alone.
Shield of the Avatar is a great card in swarm decks and token decks as I can block my good friend
Progenitus or a really big
Heroes' Bane and not have to worry too much about it. Also works with dispatch for it's other triggers.
Angel of Glory's Rise is the only non-human creature in the entire deck AND is the only card above 4 mana to cast, hence it is one-of last resort in the sideboard. In the event that I cast it, it is only because my early game aggro didn't work or got decimated. I would never keep a starting hand with AoGR in it.