As the Scions Rot Away (G/B Budget Standard)
EpicNinjaKing21 says... #2
@TheHelvaultBecause instead or a temp buff like sludge crawler, he has a permanent buff, plus the ability for lifelink and trample. Honestly I like it better.
January 5, 2016 12:17 p.m.
Why don't you play Scion Summoner instead of Call the Scions? As a creature, it is just much better in your deck and, if you ever attack, you will get one more power!
April 5, 2016 11:01 a.m.
EpicNinjaKing21 says... #5
@Drakender That's actually not a bad idea! Since Sultai Emissary cycles out soon anyway, I might just replace those with the summoners instead.
April 5, 2016 11:30 a.m.
EpicNinjaKing21 says... #7
warder120, It's not a terrible idea, but the reason I would keep Mortuary Mire is to have some form of recursion in the deck. I might consider adding one or two though. Rogue's Passage is also a wee bit expensive mana-cost wise, but there are a few time's I'd see it being useful.
TheHelvault says... #1
Why Warden of the First Tree? Also with more Sludge Crawler you could use the mana that would be used on Warden to boost your Crawlers. Blisterpod is bae though.
January 5, 2016 11:26 a.m.