

Artifact (1)

Instant (1)

Ashiok Nightmare Deck

Fair warning: I'm a believer of instant-win-combos being boring.

My idea was a flavoury Ashiok deck that concentrates on control and milling the opponents to death. In opposite to the defender Jace deck, I want this one to mill and control multiple enemys. Therefore Mind Funeral , Psychic Drain and so on aren't an option. Luckily we have Mind Grind and Manic Scribe !

I like the idea of being prepared for different scenarios and decks (Consult the Necrosages or Far / Away) and exploiting the other decks strengths by either taking the threat out (e.g. Thoughtseize, Shimian Specter, Far / Away, Nightmarish End) or gaining it for myself (Lazav, Dimir Mastermind, Nightveil Specter, Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver).

As this is a mill deck that concentrates on rendering the opponents useless by taking away their lands (Mind Grind, Trepanation Blade & Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker, Consuming Aberration), it is slower then instant-deck-mill-combos such as Grindstone + Painter's Servant, but much more fun!

In the beginning milling lands isn't very rewarding, for it takes time depending on how many lands the opponents deck has. But with time your opponent will have played or milled all lands, which means instant death if you force him to mill till he draws a land. This usually happens late game only.

Ghost Quarter is an optional card, if you play against mono-coloured decks it's often not worth much. Nonetheless, for most games its value is undeniable.

Land-mill alone is not dependable enough, a little extra mill for security and getting your mill trump creatures that extra 'oomph' -> Consuming Aberration; Wight of Precinct Six

Asylum Visitor and Fascination should be played with care, or you might give your opponent a bigger advantage then yourself. I've seen decks loosing for playing Kothophed, Soul Hoarder and grinding themselves to death. As for Fascination, play it if you really need the cards or if you can force your opponent to discard cards this way. Also acceptable late game, if the opponent is nearly milled to death.

As the title says: keep your opponent under control.

An early Duress is always nice as well as getting rid of token hordes with Mutilate. I picked Mutilate over Languish as I find the art works better with the Ashiok deck.

The specters and Ashiok exile a few potentialy threatening cards and give you the chance to play them yourself.

For control decks that try to counter your spells or Aura curse you.

These cards are exceptionally good late game. There's no problem with playing Mind Grind, Fascination or Increasing Confusion early on, but the later you play these seplls, the better they get. As long as your opponent isn't doing too well, you can hold out a little and wait for these cards to hurt your opponent a lot more by using high converted mana costs.

Update: I increased the creature number, for more value from:

Mindcrank went into the sideboard.

xoxo Happy about any comments or suggestions. ;)


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

22 - 9 Rares

15 - 3 Uncommons

8 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.72
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