
Instant (7)

Sorcery (2)

Dragons are pretty cool right? What about dragons piloting vehicles?? What about dragons piloting vehicles while asleep???

I've had this idea churning in the back of my brain for about three years after I saw someone question the idea on Reddit a while ago, and just now got around to finding a way to make this deck work. I love Slumbering Dragon but it doesn't work in a lot of decks, but still offers a 3/3 flying body for 1 that grows. So how to take advantage of that? The one competitive deck I found that used it worked because it was part of their control shell using Chalice of the Void with Cavern of Souls and its dragon subtype to trigger other spells then using Fling or other big red hasty dragons as the actual wincons. So Fling got me thinking about other ways it could be used like Fight triggers, generating +1/+1 counters for other uses, or... Crewing Vehicles.

  • Dance of the Skywise + Slumbering Dragon - not only does this pump base p/t by 1 and gets rid of its no attack/defend clause, it can still use any counters it has generated!

  • Dance of the Skywise + Sprite Dragon - pumps base P/T by 3, generates a counter on top of that, and again keeps any counters

  • Draconic Roar - so long as you have a dragon or reveal a dragon, unlike many other spells that target a creature and player, Roar will deal damage to the opposing player even if they try and get rid of their creature in response. This makes it a pretty efficient spot removal and burn spell.

  • Bioshift - Use bioshift to transfer the generated counters off of Sprite Dragon and Slumbering dragon to anything that will get through or as a response to them being targeted with spot removal. A specific fun interaction is to get 2 counters on Sprite, then use it to crew a HoK, and if it gets through but before HoK connects for combat damage use Bioshift to transfer the counters (generating a 3rd one in the process) onto the HoK to smack for 7.

  • Goldspan Dragon + Silumgar's Scorn - since it generates mana through treasures whenever it's targeted and doubles that mana it can protect itself pretty easily with this counterspell that only requires a dragon on battlefield or in hand to basically be Counterspell!

  • Heart of Kiran - Slumbering Dragon or knocking one Sarkhan loyalty can easily power this and keep it a threat even after creature boardwipes!

  • Mizzium Tank - Easily turns into a creature with the 24 different non-creature spells in the deck (additional copies of itself even turns it into a creature!)

  • Sarkhan + Sarkhan's Whelp - adding spot removal or burn to any loyalty tick of Sarkhan is pretty great in and of itself, but the whelps can not only swing in for 2 with evasion they can crew the Mizzium Tanks if absolutely needed. They also act as a fun repository for counters being moved from Slumbering or Sprite Dragons!


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Just saw Galazeth Prismari announced today and knew they had to be in this deck! It generates a treasure, gives all my vehicles and treasures additional power to cast instants/sorceries, and has the requisite 3 power to crew the vehicles! Perfection! So I'm editing the decklist so I can use the playtesting feature here to try it out.

-1 Draconic Roar

-1 Silumgar's Scorn

+2 Galazeth Prismari

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93% Casual


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #38 position overall 3 years ago
  • Achieved #6 position in Modern 3 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern UR (Izzet) 3 years ago
Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years
Exclude colors G

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

21 - 0 Rares

15 - 12 Uncommons

3 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.30
Tokens Dragon 5/5 R, Treasure
Folders My Decks
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