Assassinate to Slam

Modern Kimiake


Arnny1212 says... #1

It's a nice deck. I really like some of the cards put together but the only down side is the consistency of triggering Agent of the Fates Heroic. you have the right amount of cards to trigger it but how often are those cards drawn when you have Agent of the Fates in the battlefield?

Diabolic Tutor is a great card! i really would like to have that for my heroic deck

I too built a Heroic deck and some of the hardest things about it is to continuously trigger Heroic. I worked a way to find how i could continuously trigger it. there are 1-2 green cards i am familiar with - things you could consider (for reapplication purposes on your Agent of the Fates ) Whip Silk and Rancor

Also, Your mana cost curve is good! if you like, check my deck out as well for further inspiration

November 28, 2013 11:48 a.m.

Kimiake says... #2

I would love to have Rancor in this deck, but I'm trying to keep it standard.....

November 29, 2013 2:36 a.m.

Arnny1212 says... #3

oh, just noticed the format you are going for. lol

November 29, 2013 8:17 a.m.

If creature spam decks are giving you trouble, i assume they will be weenies. Golgari Charm can effectively wipe the board of a lot of threats such as Soldier of the Pantheon , Daring Skyjek , Young Pyromancer etc. The regen option is also a good counter to Supreme Verdict and Anger of the Gods .

You could easily drop Naturalize for them as charm does the same thing and more for same CMC. If you like it and want to run 4 - maybe move Wight of Precinct Six to sideboard for another 2, as wight is a dead draw vs control.

I'll also suggesting bumping your land count up to 20 at least. You have some ramp, but it still isn't enough to really be consistent. Maybe lose 1 Diabolic Tutor and 1 Forced Adaptation for a couple of lands.

December 14, 2013 11:25 a.m.

Kimiake says... #5

Thanks for the Golgari Charm suggestion, somehow I had completely forgotten about it!

December 14, 2013 5:39 p.m.

I feel like Deathrite Shaman could fit in this deck

December 19, 2013 11:17 a.m.

Kimiake says... #7

I like Deathrite Shaman , but I don't think he would do any better than any of the other cards that are so far in this deck, and I think he'd do better if this deck was more geared towards milling so the opponent has more cards reliably in his deck....

December 20, 2013 10:53 a.m.

Breezeplease says... #8

First thing I noticed about this deck: You don't have enough land. Yes you might have enough mana generators, but its mostly black mana you are really aiming for. Try to cut down on some of the heroic enablers and just use the agent as a supportive condition. It's almost impossible to keep him alive in a similar matchup otherwise. Other great cards to consider would be Reaper of the Wilds and Abrupt Decay. This depends on your willingness to spend money. I've tried a similar style as this and it just gets wrecked by removal. If you want to use mine for comparison, be my guest. I think this deck archetype will get better once the g/b scry lands come out.

December 23, 2013 11:24 a.m.

Kimiake says... #9

The land hasn't been an issue in practice, as soon as I added more it got convoluted and unreliable; whereas with this amount it lets me have and draw what I need at all times. The reason I have so many buffs is so that I can reliably draw opponents into my pace and keep them there, after all this deck is meant to be incredibly patient! I like Reaper of the Wilds , but she just doesn't have as much synergy with this deck as Nighthowler and Wight of Precinct Six after I get some stuff in your graveyard; however after looking at your deck I did replace my Forced Adaptation with Alpha Authority . Honestly removal hasn't been much of an issue yet due to Ranger's Guile and Diabolic Tutor so I always have one in my hand; furthermore, with the insane amount of removal I have even without my Agent, if you do kill off some of my good stuff I can just wait until I draw more while still keeping up my removal then just settle back down to my own pace.Your version is good, but mine still won every time I playtested it because Agent overcomes hexproof, and I could just afford to be more patient if your removal got through, whereas if mine got through you couldn't quite recover.

December 23, 2013 9:06 p.m.

Even though Desecration Demon is usually better, you might find that Reaper of the Wilds is the better 4-drop here. That would also make Burst of Strength, which is kind of a weak card, less relevant, and you could use the space for Gift of Orzhova or perhaps Boon Satyr .

Also, since you already have Alpha Authority for Hexproof, you could add in Boon of Erebos in place of Ranger's Guile, which protects your guys from board wipes and combat.

Here's my Agent of the Fates Junk deck- Don't get in the way of Fate

January 7, 2014 2:57 a.m.

Kimiake says... #11

Thanks for your input Chris, why don't you have a seat over here.... I like Reaper of the Wilds , but I hesitate to swap her in over Desecration Demon because he's such a bug target that he either becomes another win condition, or takes the heat off of the other essential parts of my deck; furthermore if they can's snipe him, so they use his ability, they provide fuel for Wight of Precinct Six , and Nighthowler . Boon Satyr is a little too expensive for this deck, since I want to keep my buffs having a low mana cost so I can always cast them; same with Gift of Orzhova , but it would be more feasible than the satyr, and have a little more synergy, although I'm not sure how I would fit it in.... However I really love the Boon of Erebos idea, I'll try to find a way to work that in later!

January 7, 2014 8:28 p.m.

I piloted a build similar to this. Instead of Ranger's Guile I had Vines of Vastwood though. Immense buff too!

January 1, 2015 3:13 a.m.

Definitely consider Go for the Throat.

January 2, 2015 2:38 p.m.

tclaw12 says... #14

Not sure what your budget is, but Verdant Catacombs, Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, and Abrupt Decay would be sweet here.

January 28, 2015 1:44 a.m.

tclaw12 says... #15

Also Murderous Cut and/or Hooting Mandrills could be very nice as well

January 28, 2015 1:46 a.m.

Kimiake says... #16

Abrupt decay is nice, it'll go in my sideboard for now though until I can figure out a place for it, or if it's needed. The discards are really nice, but unfortunately I can think of nothing that they could replace that wouldn't decrease the synergy..... Murderous cut my be a good option id I were to make this deck standard, but otherwise it's simply too slow compared to the other options.

January 28, 2015 2:59 a.m.

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